Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S1W1 - Favorite Blockchain Network by @laser145

in SteemitCryptoAcademy2 years ago (edited)

Made in power point for my/ Aragua by: @laser145


Greetings to all who are participating in Steemit Crypto Academy this great community is a pleasure to be back home, I am happy with this great initiative of @steemitblog to make these 7 contests in different communities.

Above all, it gives us the opportunity to meet wonderful people around the world in a didactic way where we will not only learn about related topics but also about their culture, entertainment, health, ecology, among others.

In this first S1W1 contest I want to start where I started my trading development in steemit, the #SteemitCryptoAcademy which is still my biggest source of learning about Cryptocurrency so let's start with the #1 contest of the week.


Tell us about your favorite Blockchain network, its history and why it is your favorite.

My favorite blockchain network is Telos Blockchain, the history of Telos starts at the end of 2018 when it had its first launch of the initial network is not a common blockchain so it uses EOSIO software to run.


Telos blockchain is decentralized and has a third generation blockchain thus maintaining scalability, speed, and relentless security, using a platform that creates applications. The transaction cost is very low almost reaching 0$.

The goal of this blockchain is to drive methods that are applied the need of users in this way maintain an economy in the future that is proportional to the time in which different projects and technological advances are established.

Telos uses a system of governance free of environmental damage so it does not need expensive equipment high energy consumption to complete each block as the users themselves are trained to fulfill certain important roles such as accepting transactions, maintaining security, thus creating a user confidence to interact on the platform.


Why is it my favorite?

This Telos blockchain focuses on discovering the vulnerability of other networks, such as Bitcoin Ethereum to name the main blockchain, in this way to create solutions that nip in the bud those vulnerabilities that can end the ecosystem of a blockchain.

It is decentralized so we leave the banks aside since we will not need it we feel safe to use it because we ourselves have control of our assets at the time of entering the platform we do not depend on a third party.

This blockchain also has rules that must be met so that there can be a true transparency in case of breach of any rule will be punished, there are staff that is responsible for this in all parts of the world to thus provide confidence, security, and comfort.


Does the network have any earlier deficiencies and how has the network equipment problem been dealt with?


Talos announced the SureProfit is a feature that allows the user to control his transactions by successfully validating them with a mechanism called Profit or cancer (PoC).

This protocol verifies the amount of tokens that the user has in his wallet and gives the result of the total balance after the transaction if the value of the transaction is greater than the wallet balance it is automatically cancelled thus eliminating the previous problem.

In this way you can make more secure transactions within the ecosystem without errors avoiding losing money in the Defi

From the beginning Telos blockchain tries to battle against the whales as you know the whales buy many tokens to manipulate in some strategic way the trend directions and create misleading patterns so the Telos developers knew that the whales even make some very good projects go bankrupt lowering the investor's interest and even playing with the psychology of different branches.

To solve this problem Telos blockchain sent its tokens in its first release to the EOS Genesis account and then migrated 1:1, i.e. for each EOS that users had in their accounts 1Tlos was exchanged, so they could fight with the system used by the whales since it was limited to 40,000Tlos per user.

Right now Telos cannot be manipulated as other blockchains do, some time ago tlos discovered a bug in the Ethereum network which they looked into and informed the Ethereum developers who overlooked this detail, one that could cost them dearly if Telos was not found.

The problem was solved as soon as possible. Telos has also solved the scalability problems of other networks such as Ethereum by creating applications to develop networks that solve the adjacent problem, as this is what the Telos blockchain is all about, solving problems generated by other networks.


What changes do you think would improve the network?


Telos is not like any common blockchain is focused on improving the problems of other networks so first it has to focus on improving the native network first, this way it will be easier to identify any vulnerability of another blockchain network.

This does not leave out that it can improve or innovate in the future these two initial aspects have as an improvement in the network currently.

The change that I find most convenient is being executed since 2021 and it is the adoption of Defi and the launch of EVM Telos (Ethereum Virtual Machine).

Innovation is present in every ecosystem is part of the survival of the project therefore I also in my own criteria.

It is the Incorporation of the centralized markets give them a space so that you can make the transaction in a comfortable and fast way to Defi through some Dapps In this way you could interact in a decentralized way in the purchase and sale of merchandise or shares of the same.


Write about a project that is built on your favorite blockchain


One of the projects that was built on the Telos blockchain network is EOSX which is a web page style wallet developed by EOS Asia, we can explore its functions where it tells us several additional facts about the Telos token, in a brief walk through this wonderful project.

We enter the website at the following page

We can see the current transactions : 169,963,070

last irreversible block 169,962,739 -331

Current producer telosuknodes

next producer telosunlimit

Total TLOS supply 355,208,371 TLOS

Current TLOS price
0 . 63USD -1.76% (24h)

TLOS market capitalization



We can see the block producers by remembering that there are 21 active block producers and 21 inactive block producers. If one passes 15% inactivity, it is immediately replaced by the number 22 that is on standby.



Here we can see the features of the wallet



We can see the different Defi projects that have not yet been audited, so you should do a good research before entering any of them are in categories from "Major Risk" to audited.



You can see in this part a guide on how to create an EOS account, set up the dispersion, change keys, bet tokens etc. This helps user interaction in the ecosystem and makes it more interactive and dynamic.




As we know Tlos is an incredibly large network currently an undervalued token, which has an ambitious projects especially with online games, NFT, dapps etc. in my thinking I have seen many tokens but nothing like telos so do not be surprised if we see teslo as the next bitcoin of the future, since this precenta last generation technology and projects that you and I can think of and the technical team has thought it is not too demonstrate our interest by capturing our ideas on the blog.

While the future of Telos is quite promising we can see in the not so distant future how Tlos could climb among all the networks and become one of the first in the top.

Since the project is decentralized and works with the best participation protocol of all, we see that investors have a voice and a vote within the ecosystem, something so fundamental in a blockchain project that all participants have the opportunity to be heard.

I invite you to join in the Challenge of selected communities by clicking Challenge
Posted by @steemiblog encouragement and much success my dear Parceros.


by: @laser145

All photos and content are copyright free until proven otherwise.

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Most blockchains I've come to know are decentralised, if not all (correct me if I'm wrong).

I've not heard or come in contact with someone who would tell me about Telos Blockchain and to know that it's even as recent as 2018.

It's kind of you to include the guide on how to create an Eos account for authors that might want to do so later.

 2 years ago 

I am glad that thanks to this post you know Telos blockchain.

It is an amazing network where you can interact in an easy way.

It also provides amazing projects that can bring you benefits

Nos haz mostrado una gran blockchain

Justo hace unos mes leí un poco sobre Telos, y me uní a una de sus Dapps, un proyecto que de hecho está en crecimiento también

es genial poder tener acceso a mucha información gracias a tu publicación

Gracias por compartir

 2 years ago 

un saludo hermano que bueno que pudiste unirte a este gran proyecto hermano.

te aseguro que hay gente muy inteligente detrás de todo esto.

y probablemente sea una de las mejores redes incluso que la de Binance en el futuro un gran saludo.

 2 years ago 

No conocía esta blockchain, se ve interesante! Quien sabe, en cualquier momento puede ascender su valor y sorprendernos. Saludos

 2 years ago 

Yo pienso que este es el baby bitcoin y su valor será mucho mayor en varios años es que su proyecto es muy bueno realmente.

Telos blockchain is decentralized and has a third generation blockchain thus maintaining scalability, speed, and relentless security, using a platform that creates applications. The transaction cost is very low almost reaching 0$..

Means here users do transactions at cheaper price. Thats reallly cool.

Hope lot of dapps,nft platforms soon build on Telos Blockchain.

Nice entry ,thanks for sharing us.

 2 years ago 

si de echo muchas redes estan adecuando sus plataformas o Dapp para poder acuñar NFT de una manera facil sin pagar mucha cantidad de gas.

gracias por leer mi post. saludos exitos.

Yes in ethereum blockchain ,gas fee is very high..

 2 years ago 

Learned something new through this interesting articles written to partake in such great initiative created by Steemit team. Never heard about Telos before and it looks like a huge Blockchain technology which projects will be boosting soon in the next future. Thanks for sharing invaluable information.
#venezuela #affable

 2 years ago 

Que bueno que por este post conociste a Telos una gran Red que trae maravillas para todos los que confían en el.

No suelo recomendar ni plataformas ni cryptoactivos pero detrás de Telos existe personal muy bien preparado.

 2 years ago 

No debe ser Casualidad que sea la blockchain de tu preferencia. El tema seleccionado ha sido excelente para compartir en este concurso semanal de la cripto academia de Steemit. Mil saludos cordiales para ti. #venezuela #affable

 2 years ago 

Telos, my friend, is a Layer 1 smart contract blockchain that runs on customized EOSIO software and is a fantastic project. It can generate blocks for the computer programming languages EOSIO C++, Solidity, and Vyper. This is an excellent explanation.

Best of luck in the competition..... 👍

 2 years ago 

Excelente acotación hermano muchas gracias por tu aporte.

Entiendes muy bien las Dapp de Telos te felicito amigo.

holitas querido amigo @laser145, una tarea magistral sobre todo con el proyecto de Telos, seria muy bueno comprar hoy Telos para acumular, el trabajo del equipo de desarrolladores es impecable y muy solido tiene mucha gente buena ese proyecto. estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices.

 2 years ago 

Gracias si de echo tengo Telos guardados en mi billetera.

ya que este es un gran proyecto en cualquier momento puede boombear y multiplicaremos nuestro capital. esperemos.

Telos es un verdadero proyecto solido yo tenia Telos el año pasado los vendí en diciembre necesita unas mediciones de emergencia y yo se que y estoy seguro que ese token va hacer muy grande a futuro cuidado en el año 2023 pueda triplicar o hacer un x10 .

un saludo hermano y muy buenas vibras.

 2 years ago 

hermano saludos espero que puedas comprar Telos de nuevo y tenerlos guardados

bendiciones y hermano no desanimes sigue adelantes haces un gran trabajo.

 2 years ago (edited)

Telos es una blockchain con excelencia, como sabemos es usada como herramienta para solucionar errores que otras blockchains poseen y así sus desarrolladores puedan seguir actualizándola y generando mejor confiabilidad entre inversores y usuarios, a pesar de ser relativamente nueva, ya tiene mucho de que hablar, sobre todo de sus proyectos!, saludos, buen post!.

 2 years ago 

Si imaginate que le encontraron un error a Ethereum y ni los programadores de ETH sabian que estaba.

Se imagina si los hacker fueran encontrado ese error primero el desastre que fuera causado para el ecosistema.

Telos siempre mascando la diferencia.

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