SEC S16W2 || STEEM Blockchain Privacy

Assalamualaikum steemians

STEEM blockchain privacy is very important and how STEEM is giving a secure and private platform to its users I am explaining here through my participation and many more things related to it


How does the STEEM blockchain incorporate privacy features for users and what security measures are in place to protect sensitive data?

STEEM is a blockchain which is incorporating different privacy features for making journey easy for users and also implementing different security measures for the protection of sensitive data of users.

We all know that there is a STEEM blockchain which is just like social media platform in which users are free to create share their content and also to interact with each other content so when I talk about privacy then it is one of the most security of this blockchain so it gives control to all users to have full control on their data especially which is sensitive data.

STEEM is a blockchain in which users are allowed that they are permitted to create pseudonymous accounts so it means that everyone can participate in the activities of this platform if he or she don't want to disclose his real identity so by the use of pseudonym anyone can engage with the steem community while maintaining the privacy of account.

STEEM blockchain also gives another option to its users and we all know that there is a feature at this blockchain which is called private posting so as the name of this feature is indicating that it is permitting users to create their content and make it visible to some particular users and groups which they want and you can also keep it private and secure from other community and words we can say that STEEM Blockchain allows you to share your quality content with particular users only.


Cryptographic techniques and technology is used by this blockchain as security feature so when I talk about transactions and data at this blockchain then there are different encryption techniques that are responsible for their security so it means that at this blockchain you don't need to take any tension regarding your data because it is protected and cannot be approach by any manipulator very easily or any third party in other words you can say.

Delegated proof of stake is a consensus mechanism used by STEEM blockchain so this is a secure consensus that aims to give security and stability to steem because in this there are limited number of nodes which at this blockchain are called witnesses and you all know that these are important for verification and validation of transactions and they are the one who are responsible for the prevention of any manipulation for anything compromising for network.

STEEM uses a robust governance system suit in this way community is playing of the most significant role in decision making and for making sure that security at this platform is integral so users are allowed and they are very open to give vote to witness and to participate in the development and improvemental programs for the blockchain so there is a decentralized governance that is beneficial for the maintenance of integrity and security at STEEM.

There are also some of the measures present at this blockchain for the prevention of any kind of spam and abuse at the platform and if I given example then at this platform you can flag any post only other thing which you find suspicious and malicious activity so in this way safe and secure environment for users would promote and it hinders the way for those who are playing with the platform integrity.

How have privacy mechanisms, such as private transactions or account privacy features, been implemented on the STEEM blockchain?

When I talk about implementation of privacy mechanism like private transactions and account privacy features then I agree with the account privacy features that I have also explain above but I think there are no complete private transactions at this blockchain.STEEM have no mechanism of making transactions totally private at this platform just like other cryptocurrencies but through pseudonymous accounts and through private posting.

If I give an example that how transactions are not completely private then there is one very simple and common example that whenever I announce my contest winners then I also transfer rewards to them through my personal wallet and how much reward I am transferring to which user always seems very clear from wallet history in my steemit wallet and everyone can also check it from by going into my votes and comments.

We can also say that STEEM provides transactions privacy to its users also because for making transaction we have private active key and private posting key so if I give an example then you can suppose that someone wants to use our account for curating others post then no one can use our account unless or untill he have a private posting key and in the same way when I talk about making transactions then these are always private because no one can make any transaction from your personal account like sending and receiving any coins and tokens to another account or from another account unless or untill you are giving that user or that and excess to your account keys.


There is also one of the most important thing and it is private memo key you all know and this key is important is used to send and receive messages to users and from users in encrypted manner so in this way transactions remain private but by keeping above information in your mind you cannot say that transactions at this blockchain are completely private because true your account history everyone can know about transactions that you are making.

Still you can create privacy for the transactions that you are making if you want special security from a particular user whom you don't like for any reason then there is also an option to hide and to mute that user and then he won't be able to see your account properly and your transaction and your posting and curating actions would remain hidden to that user so in this way you can make your transactions private but again I am saying not in a very complete way.

How are security protocols, such as data encryption and protection against potential attacks, strengthened on the STEEM blockchain?

Security protocols of STEEM can be strengthened at this blockchain. When I talk about security of sensitive data, protection of sensitive data from manipulators then encryption and a robust defence systems are some of the measures that this blockchain is implementing.

Data encryption is one of the most significant thing at STEEM Blockchain so if you are sending a transaction and if you are posting a content at this blockchain then there are different cryptographic algorithms would be used for making it encrypted so if there would be unauthorized users or their would be any malicious activity price to approach your data then encryption would be act like hindrance for it because it would make it very difficult to approach it by manipulator that's why it act as additional layer of protection for the maintenance of blockchain integrity.

STEEM consensus mechanism at which it is working is delegated the proof of stake so it is very important to note that I have already told about we make it number of nodes which are called witnesses and they are always very trusted that's why they are responsible for blockchain integrity and they just act like safeguard of blockchain because they play their role invalidation and verification of transactions and these are the notes and witnesses that are elected by the community so if there are trusted nodes and in limited amount then definitely this blockchain becomes very resistant and restricted for the manipulators which make this blockchain more secure.


When I talk about use of decentralized governance then it cannot be ignored and this is an additional security measure again at this blockchain so in making decisions for betterment of overall community and for the development and growth of platform community active participation is very important so with this purpose users should vote and they can vote for any of the witness and shows their contribution that they really want betterment in the security protocols of the blockchain so security concerns are addressed in this way by this blockchain when it makes STEEM more resilient against any potential manipulation act.

For more enhancement of security STEEM is a blockchain which also undergoes different audits and security assessments so these are kind of evaluations which are very helpful to understand that is there any vulnerability and weakness undergoing in the blockchain so it permits for more timely update and improvement in this way so this is a great way to keep the blockchain proactive and responsive for measuring security risks and for taking further steps for improving strengthening and security protocols.

STEEM is a blockchain that also keep its users very motivated and this is also one of the most important thing which is considered as a security protocol because users at this platform are always guide to make their account keys strong and safe and also there is a guide for always to enable two factor authentication at this blockchain and always prevent yourself from any phishing accounts and stay way from any links that seems strange to you and if any stranger is sending it to you especially then there is no need to show your response on it so these are some of the good practices for maintaining good security habits it is also great contribution for security of the platform and four personal security of users.

Can you illustrate specific use cases where STEEM's privacy features have been particularly beneficial to users?

Yes I can illustrate particular use cases in which privacy features of this blockchain are giving a lot of benefits to its users.

I want to share some of the scenarios that are just imaginary examples and this is I have designed by my creative thinking for giving you a clear understanding that what I want to give my concept about the scenarios so first pseudonymity is one of the most important privacy feature in which user can create its account freely and also is free to interact at this platform without disclosing their real identity so user in this way can express himself without any fear of being judged by others and it becomes very helpful and beneficial for those users who are unable to share their content because they don't share their quality content and their talent by thinking that they have to share their identity at this platform so they feel very relax while creating their content because they don't have to share their real identity necessarily.

As an example you can say that there is a user Ali at STEEM Blockchain that is very meaning to share his knowledge and skills at this platform about different topics and more specifically and particularly about cryptocurrency but with this he don't have any interest to share his real identity at this blockchain that's why he would use a pseudonym and then he would be able to create quality content freely about his daily life activities and crypto related topics without any compromization in his privacy.In this way a level of anonymity would create.

There is another user suppose whose name is Ahmed and he wants to maintain a privacy in his real life which is all about his personal relationships and with his online presence so you can say that Ahmed is book lover that's why he can create his account as pseudonym booklover so by this he would be free to share his thoughts about different books which he like so by creating this name of his account there would be a privacy remains in his personal life and personal identity in comparison to his online life at this blockchain while maintaining his active participation also at steemit.So in this way STEEM is very helpful.


From the very basic level STEEM blockchain starts to give privacy features to its users just after the creation of account because there is a PDF provided by STEEM blockchain to every user when every user register himself here and in the PDF everyone have availability of two types of keys that are private and public and private keys can't be shared by anyone else but public keys can be approach by anyone as these are public.

In newcommers community there is one of the most important achievement after achievement 1 verification you have to complete if you want to work in a secure way at this blockchain and it is the achievement 2 because while making your post about it and while learning about it you may know that how much it is important to keep your password safe because these are long term and not only this a user also take benefit to understand that how a particular password is useful for particular action.

When I give an example from my personal life then it was very panic situation for me some months ago when mistakenly while changing my passwords I lost the original one because at that time I was not much expert in changing passwords so I changed and update my password successfully but I click there for two times and I forgot to copy that password which was created and generated actually in my second attempt and after that my senior steemit friends guides me about recovery of my account and I was not expecting that it would be recovered but it was good that I had previous master password with me so in this way behind all this story the main purpose was to tell that this blockchain is also providing opportunity for those users that are not expert and unfortunately when the lost their account then account recovery option still remains but not in every case you can recover your account and I was lucky that my account was recovered successfully and now I am very expert because I am very careful about all these matters.

Not only in this case if a user experience any glitch at official steemit site then still @steemworld is available to everyone which is a great contribution of @steemchiller and by using this site this blockchain is giving every user great benefit to know about their transactions , their posting, their payouts, their comments and engagement and many more and not only this their account statistics and their delegations and much more about their personal account and not only this everyone can also know about any other account statistics and activities so this is one of my most favourite through which I am much satisfied because it has made my journey of this platform very easier and not only for me, this is beneficial for everyone.

What do you think are the next steps to develop to strengthen privacy and security on the STEEM blockchain and how can these improvements influence the adoption of the platform?

There could be next steps that could be developed before strengthening more privacy and security at this blockchain and how the improvements which I am going to discuss can be influential in adoption of the platform I am all discussing here.

Enhanced Encryption

If you are implementing some encryption protocols then they can be helpful in enhancement of the security of user data which is sensitive at STEEM blockchain.So there's a need to use encryption algorithms so that at STEEM data remains protected from any unauthorized approach and remains secure.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

It is again one of the most important and additional layer of security for the enhancement of privacy of accounts of users that are working at this blockchain because there is a need of Second form of verification from all users in this case like you can say that there is biometric authentication in addition to login credentials of users so it makes this blockchain more reliable and any manipulator feel it more difficult to approach any user account in this way.

Privacy-focused Wallets

If there would be the development of privacy focused wallets at this blockchain then it would permit users to have full control over their transaction history and privacy of their earnings and another words you can say their financial privacy so there would be the incorporating features these wallets have which can include coin mixing which obfuscate details of transactions so it would be very hard and difficult to trace funds of anyone and in this way it makes a more private pathway especially for users that are working at this blockchain.

Confidential Transactions

If there would be the implementation of confidential transactions at this blockchain then definitely it would be another plus point because it would enhance privacy by concealing amount of transactions from eye of every person which is generally normal public so for any third party it becomes very challenging then to analyse that what are the financial activities of users.

Decentralized Identity Solutions

Self sovereign identity is one of the most interesting protocol that can also be implemented at this blockchain and by the implementation of this protocol users would have more control at their private information so without any reliance on Central authority users would be permitted to manage and share their attributes according to their own wish so it would make the blockchain more strength and more private.

User Education and Awareness

When I talk about education and awareness of users then playing a role in anyway in the promotion of user personal education and awareness about privacy practices could be very helpful in adoption of this platform so for this there is a need to provide different tutorials and guidelines that how we have to maintain security for this blockchain and specific for our personal accounts because when individually take responsibility of it then definitely drop by drop in laymann's language we can say that we would be able to make this blockchain more secure.


Now here I am giving answer of another question that how it is increasing adoption at this blockchain to implement all these developments to strengthen and to make this blockchain more private. When you give priority to privacy then users who considered that there should be personal space and there should be an opportunity to create content and to engage with others are at same side without revealing their personal identities would give priority to it as well as when there would be more focus on the strengthening and privacy of the blockchain then there would be more and more investors and general people would build their trust at the blockchain and they would become more confident to invest and to work in this platform steemit.

As well as when there would be more enhance the level of privacy and security then these features would be a source of attraction for content creators and influencers that rely for the protection of there intellectual property and that want to maintain a balance and control on their online presence so in this way adoption would increase with the passage of time and with the more and more developments and contributions in this blockchain and in this platform and I am also hopeful for it and in future I would try my best to contribute as much as I can for this platform betterment.......

I want to invite here @ripon0630,@sailawana,@msharif to participate



@khursheedanwarYour comprehensive explanation of STEEM privacy features and security measures is incredibly insightful. Its evident you have delved into the intricacies of the platform highlighting key aspects like pseudonymous accounts and private posting. The imaginative use cases offer a practical understanding of how privacy features benefit users. Suggesting enhancements like enhanced encryption and decentralized identity solutions shows foresight. Best wishes for the continued growth and success of STEEM

@hamzayousafzai ,

I'm really happy that you like my content that's why you are here with your well detailed and comprehensive comment and yes I agree that steemit is giving opportunity to its users to create pseudonymous accounts and in this way privacy and integrity of blockchain as well as users especially remains secure and users always attract towards the blockchain and platform that have this level of security and privacy along with other benefits.

I'm happy that you are able to learn through my post that how users at steem blockchain are taking benefit from its privacy features but still privacy features could be more enhanced but there's just a need to be focused on it.

Thank you Soo much for wishing me best...
I also wish a lot of success and many more blessings to you dear😌

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Goodluck for the contest

Thank you for wishing me like this and it would be more good if you would drop your entry too in this challenge 😉

Steemit blockchain adds privacy features to users and security measures to protect sensitive data. Steamer team provides a pdf file in this pdf file contains all our keys which we need to use especially in different places when we use our account means in every way. Privacy of our data is also maintained and we are allowed to use these keys at appropriate times like withdrawing our money or charging our power or many others there are different types of keys like private. Posting Keys, Memes Keys, Owner Keys, etc. If I go and talk about it, all the keys that stay with us safely, as long as these keys are there, no one can harm our data, not even a hacker. Can't steal because some kind of steps have been taken here and otherwise your post is admirable and good luck in the competition.

I am very grateful that you visited and leave a justified comment at my post... You are talking about privacy at steem blockchain and steemit platform so it starts just after the creation of your account and then you secure your passwords PDF according to your own way like I have stored mine in my Gmail account as well as in my laptop but honestly speaking I am thinking to have hard form of it also which I don't have still because I know that how much keys are important as you are saying that these are essential for making any transaction ,for posting purposes as well as for the recovery of your account also.

Your comment is really appreciating for me ❤️✅

You have written in so much detail is question and you have very good knowledge of his question I think you are great is telling you are hard work and this is one of the best post of this week wish you best of luck

Thank you so much for visiting my post in our general way. I am happy that you are inspired by the knowledge that I am providing you day by day and agree with you that it is all about hard work that I am doing with the passage of time because before joining steemit I have not at all any grip on the Crypto related topics but now I can guide many people about cryptocurrency in brief way.

That's great you have learnt alot now your able to guide

Yes 🙌
I am happy about that 😊
Keep shining 🌟

Shine like star

Thanks for responding back 😊

 7 months ago 

Just as expected you did extremely well in creating such quality article that could really enrich the quality and quantity of post we see on steemit, I would plead that you continue this gracious out of yours by feeding us with high quality educational crypto related post because I see you are very good at that thank you for sharing I would be honored to also see your comment on my entry through the link below

I have already visited your post and that was superb.
I am really happy that you are enjoying my comprehensive and quality content....

You are learning something positive through my educational crypto related posts.
Be original and enjoy your steemit journey.

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