Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S2W3 - Blockchain in our lives. by @kawsar

in SteemitCryptoAcademy2 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum
My Dear Steem Friends,
This is @kawsar from Bangladesh.

Steemit Engagement Challenge: Season-2, Week-3.

Today I will participate in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season-2 Week-3, and today I will Post in the Challenge "Blockchain in our Lives" organized by @crypto-academy. Blockchain technology is a technology that can play a very important role in our human life. We can do a lot of hard work easily through blockchain technology and we can do the work that would have taken us a lot of time in a very short time. We can also keep our information there safely. So I would say the importance of blockchain in human life is immense. Today we discuss the importance of blockchain in our lives.

Blockchain is changing everyday life for everyone, what is your opinion on the matter?

Blockchain technology became popular mainly when Bitcoin cryptocurrency was introduced through this blockchain technology. But before blockchain technology was used, blockchain technology did not become so popular. But with the rise of Bitcoin, blockchain technology has become much more popular, and people's interest in blockchain technology continues to grow. People continue to enjoy the benefits of blockchain technology.

As we see in the case of cryptocurrency. Currently, the use of blockchain technology in the world is mostly cryptocurrency. But it is a technology that does not only apply to cryptocurrency. It can change the whole person, the race and the life. It can greatly improve the quality of life of the people and help them to do many difficult tasks in a very simple way. We've seen that blockchain technology can make transactions much faster, much more secure, much less costly. No mediator is required for this. But it is the contribution of blockchain technology.

And through this blockchain technology we can do a lot of things in our human life. We can use this blockchain technology in our banking sector, we can use blockchain technology in our health sector and our information will be safe there. Once information is entered into blockchain technology, no one will ever be able to delete that information again. In addition, any voting system in any country can be done through this blockchain technology. It will have a lot of security. So I think if blockchain technology is used in any work, it will be much better for human life. The standard of living of the people will increase.



In fact, I think blockchain technology is very important for our human life. Because this blockchain technology can play a very important role in our personal lives. If we wake up in the morning at eight in the morning and I need hot water to take a bath in the morning. In that case, when I wake up at eight in the morning, the blockchain technology can easily heat the water in advance. If we set everything in advance with blockchain technology, I will wake up at 8 in the morning. But then blockchain technology will keep my water warm and my food warm in advance.

When I wake up, the music I like will play automatically. In this way blockchain technology can play a very important role in our personal lives. I also went out of the house without locking the door and when I went out of the house I remembered that I did not come home with the lock. In that case, my house may be burglarized or robbed. But if I keep my door connected to the door through blockchain technology, then I can lock the door of my house from anywhere. That way we can improve our lives a lot through blockchain technology. So I think blockchain can change our daily routine a lot, make our lives a lot easier.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages, in adopting the use of blockchain in everyday life?

Blockchain technology has many advantages, blockchain technology can greatly improve our quality of life and at this stage we will discuss the advantages of blockchain technology and some of its disadvantages.

Advantages Of Blockchain

One of the advantages of blockchain technology is that it is fully Decentralized. There is no controller, meaning that blockchain technology allows users to use it at their own discretion. There is no body to control him, no authority to control him. He can do whatever he wants here if he wants. There is no third party authority here, so any third party permission is required to complete any work here. Again, I can do my own work very easily. And this is very important and one of the advantages of blockchain technology

One of the great advantages of blockchain technology is its transparency. We know that blockchain technology is designed in such a way that any transaction or any information that is entered into the blockchain can be viewed by anyone sitting anywhere. And so I think its transparency is much higher. It is not possible to hide any information here. Because it allows any user to view this information at any time. So users can trust this technology a lot more.

Security and Personal Privacy
I think the security of blockchain technology is very high and there is complete privacy here. Because I don't have to give any personal information to create an account here. Only after creating an account here I am given a private key and a public key. I have to make any transaction through public key and I have to enter my account through private key. So here is my complete personal privacy.

Low Cost
We already know that blockchain technology has no third party authority and no intermediaries. Transactions are made directly with one user and another user. And so the cost of blockchain technology is much lower here in other respects. The faster the transaction, the lower the cost of the transaction. If we look at the bank, we see that we have to pay a charge there every year. We also have to pay a charge for each transaction. But in blockchain technology, the transaction fee is very low.

Disadvantages Of Blockchain

Can be used for illegal purposes
We know that we do not need to provide any personal information to create any type of account in blockchain technology. For example, it could be our name, mobile number, email address, our ID card, etc. All these things but we do not have to give or are not obliged to give. In that case, if someone uses this blockchain technology in an immoral way, then he will not understand who that person is. And in that case there is a possibility that illegal work cannot be done here.

Possibility of Hacking
We see that many people have been victims of hacking, especially 51% of attacks. I think there is a possibility of hacking in blockchain technology. Blockchain technology manages its operations online, and this is likely to be hacked. It can hurt us.

If the private key is lost
As I said before, we do not need to give any of our mobile number or email address to create an account here. We are only given a private key to access our account. This allows us to access the account. But if ever the private key is lost, then all our assets in that account will be lost. We will never get this asset back. Because it's decentralized, we can't recover that account even if we want to. In this case, we must be careful that we never lose the private key.

Discuss the future of blockchain, and how this technology is impacting the world.

We are currently at a stage where blockchain technology is just beginning to work in any sector, which means we are at a very early stage. In fact, from my own knowledge and my opinion is that blockchain technology is a technology through which any company can easily do its hard work and keep its information very secure very easily. And we know that this information will be very secure.

Because blockchain technology is never changeable, once someone enters information here, they will never be able to delete it again. In fact, what I can say about the future of blockchain technology is that blockchain technology has already revolutionized and many companies have started working with blockchain technology. Blockchain technology has also been discussed in our country and they have also started working on blockchain technology. Maybe they are still doing research on this subject, in a few days we will see work on blockchain technology in our country.

I heard a discussion among the ministers of our country that they are discussing blockchain technology to be used in the health sector. But I think it will be a revolution in the health sector of our country. And I see a bright future for it. If blockchain technology is used in the health sector, then that sector can be managed in a very safe way. Because everyone can see the transaction information at any time.

We see that some people have different information of many big companies and if they need to know that information, they have to go and see it. But if blockchain technology was used by that company, then any need, anyone, anytime could see this information and its work would be much easier. If the blockchain of the banking sector can be used then it will be able to operate very easily. And so I wish it a bright future, and I sincerely believe that if blockchain technology is used in any sector. Then it will be much better, as well as those who work hard will find it much easier today and because of the use of blockchain

What is your opinion about the implementation of blockchains in the health sector? Has the implementation been positive or negative? Explain a use case.

In fact, I think that if blockchain technology is used in the health sector, it will be very beneficial for us. And I think that health is a very important issue for our human life. Especially in our country, doctors use us as they please. If we go to a doctor for advice. So where I need 3 to 5 medicines, they deliberately add some more medicine so that the doctor will get a lot of commission from that medicine company.

But if blockchain technology is used in the health sector and if all the information is recorded in blockchain technology. But then the doctor will not be able to do that, we will be saved from that doctor. Because the doctor will not give any wrong information then. Because he will think before giving wrong information, since all this information is recorded in the blockchain. If any research is done in the future, the doctor will be stuck. And the doctor will never treat the patient for fear that he may be trapped in the future.

And what I think is that if blockchain technology is used in the health sector, then all the data of patients is kept by blockchain technology. Then no doctor will have any patient hostage. As we see, when we go to the doctor for any of our work because of our problem, he tells us that he will come back in a month. We'll take a look at your status (again for a visit fee). But if we use this blockchain technology in the health sector, we can get rid of it.

Because if that doctor records my problem in the blockchain and I can show it to any doctor later. Because another doctor will be able to see my previous condition by going to my information in blockchain technology and my current condition if he records it there again. But I think we can easily see all the information that I have for the disease of my whole life and if a new doctor comes, he will be able to diagnose our disease very easily. Because it contains all the information that my doctor had previously recorded.

And so I think blockchain technology is most needed in this healthcare sector. Because if we are healthy, we will be healthy, and if we are healthy, our mind will be good. So blockchain technology should be used in the health sector. Then it will be very beneficial for all of us, especially if there is information about it, no doctor can do injustice to us even if he wants to.

Many thanks to everyone for reading this post carefully.


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 2 years ago 

One of the great advantages of blockchain technology is its transparency.

My dear friend, do you know why Blockchain is being adopted the most? In my opinion, it is being adopted the most because of its transparent nature. What do you say about it?

Because blockchain technology is never changeable,

Yes blockchain data can never be changed and it is also very helful thing for us. If we go to an organization they can change our data but because of blockchain we can control it to a great extent. What a technology i like it.

If the private key is lost
As I said before, we do not need to give any of our mobile number or email address to create an account here.

Yes if we lost our private keys then it is difficult to recover in blockchain technology.

Thanks for sharing your cryptoacademy contest post with us. I appricaite your work. I Hope for your visit on my post. I am waiting.

Greetings 🇵🇰

 2 years ago 

You read my post and made a valuable comment I am very glad to get your comment so thank you and thank you so much for encouraging me by making a nice comment

 2 years ago 

Yes anonymity can be a great disadvantage of blockchain technology since user who commits cyber crimes with blockchain identities are protected. Nice entry buddy

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for visiting my post and for your excellent comment

I love the point you made about doctors not having commission. In the world where we live today, a lot of doctors only think about their own personal interest, thereby prescribing drugs that we do not really need. With the use of Blockchain technology this will no longer occur.

 2 years ago 

In fact, it happens in our country when the patient goes to the doctor. Then the doctor prescribes the medicine of his choice, to get the commission. This will be reduced if blockchain technology is implemented

 2 years ago 

Possibility of Hacking

Even though the blockchain has a possibility of being attacked it is almost impossible for hackers to take over 51%. Even if that should happen one day I must say that the blockchain will still be the most secured and that makes it unique.

Blockchain technology became popular mainly when Bitcoin cryptocurrency was introduced through this blockchain technology

Yes, but a lot of people who have little or no knowledge about the blockchain believe that Bitcoin was the ones that introduced the blockchain which is totally false.

We already know that blockchain technology has no third party authority and no intermediaries

This makes me love the blockchain more and more every day. I bet that I can make a transaction on the blockchain up to 10 times and it will still cost me less when I want to do same in the traditional system.

If any research is done in the future, the doctor will be stuck. And the doctor will never treat the patient for fear that he may be trapped in the future

This will go a long way to help a lot of sick people who mostly do not have a lot of money left when trying to treat themselves.

 2 years ago 

Valuable Comment I am very glad and very happy to receive your comment. Thank you very much for visiting my post and for making a valuable comment.

 2 years ago 

Your proposal for the health sector will be really helpful and it will definitely help some people to save their souls too.

 2 years ago 

In fact, I also think that if blockchain technology can be used in the health sector, then the health sector will be much better managed.

 2 years ago 

Anonymity in Blockchain is good but can also be used for illegal purpose or fraud. Another disadvantages of Blockchain is when private key is lost, that means one has no access to the account again and there is no way to retrived it, this has happened to me before and it was so painful.

Implementation of Blockchain in health sector is good as you have said, but to me doctor giving an appointment in a month to check your health status is not a bad idea. No doctor is born a doctor, they only learn with their experience in school and field. All the doctor want to know and record is the prognosis of the illness with the drug they prescribed, whether or not the treatment work.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for visiting my post and for your valuable comments. I'm glad to have your comment.

 2 years ago 

Hey @kwasar
Let me say that blockchain has a bright future in your country first. I know it has a future in the world but let me talk of your country. Good thing the ministers have now been talking about it. Sooner or later, they will adopt it for use in many sectors that the citizens will benefit from.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much and thank you for visiting my post and making valuable comments.

 2 years ago 

I love the advantages and disadvantages you have given for Blockchain technology especially the issue illegal activities or transactions being carried out using Blockchain.

I heard a discussion among the ministers of our country that they are discussing blockchain technology to be used in the health sector.

This will be a big boost to the health sector in your country. Health as they say is life and using Blockchain means the best..

 2 years ago 

In fact, if blockchain technology is used in the health sector, then the health sector will improve a lot. Everything will be recorded very well so it will be very beneficial for both the patient and the doctor

Well done on a great post! There was so much to read and if our friend gives you 8,5 you must know it is excellent!
Keep up the good work and keep on writing!

 2 years ago 

Many thanks to you for making an encouraging comment on my post. I am very happy to receive your comment and have received a lot of encouragement.

You know what... it is my pleasure!

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