Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 11 Week 04 - Cryptographic News And Events

in SteemitCryptoAcademy11 months ago (edited)
Assalam u Alaikum

I hope that you all will be great by the blessings and mercy of Almighty Allah and enjoying beautiful days of your life.Welcome Today I will participate in the contest of Steemit Crypto Academy about Cryptographic News And Events.


Can news affect cryptocurrency prices?

Yes news can affect cryptocurrency prices this is because news can influence investor sentiments which can lead to changes in demand and supply. For example positive news about a cryptocurrency such as adoption of a new technology or partnership with major company can lead to increase in demand and higher price on the other hand negative news such as hack or regulatory crackdown can lead to a decrease in demand and lower price.

Here are some specific examples of how news has affected cryptocurrency prices:

  • In 2017 the price of Bitcoin search after the publication of a positive report by the bank of England and the report stated that Bitcoin could have the potential to become a major payment system
  • Same as in 2018 the price of Bitcoin crashed after China band cryptocurrency exchange the band lead to loss of confidence in cryptocurrency market and sell of of Bitcoin.
  • In 2021 the price of Bitcoin sed after Ellen musk the CEO of Tesla announced that the company would accept Bitcoin as payment. However the price of Bitcoin lateral fell after musk said that Tesla would not accept Bitcoin anymore due to environmental concerns.


So it is very important to not that the impact of news on cryptocurrency prices can very depending on the number of factors such as the specific News or events the overall sentiments in the cryptocurrency market and technical analysis of the market. It is also important to remember that kept your friendship prices are volatile and can be effected by variety of factors not just news.

Wether Crypto will rise again in 2023 it is impossible to save for sure how are some experts believe that the cryptocurrency market is due for a correction after the recent cell of. If this happen it could create an opportunity for investors to buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency at lower price.

The decision of weather we should invest or not in cryptocurrency is personal it is important to do our own research and understand the risk involved before making any investment or decisions.

Between technical and Fundamental analysis, which affects the price of an asset most ?

The answer to this question is not straightforward as both technical and fundamental analysis can affect the price of an asset. However there is no consensus on which one has a greater impact.

Technical analysis

Technical analysis Is based on the idea that past price movements can be used to predict future price movements. This is done by looking for patterns and trends in historical price data. Technical analysts believe that these patterns and trends will repeat themselves in the future and that by identifying them, they can make profitable trading decisions.

Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is based on the idea that the price of an asset is determined by its underlying fundamentals such as the companys financial performance its competitive position and the economic outlook. Fundamental analysts believe that by analyzing these factors they can determine the intrinsic value of an asset and whether it is undervalued or overvalued.

There is evidence to support both technical and fundamental analysis. For example studies have shown that technical analysis can be effective in predicting short-term price movements while fundamental analysis can be effective in predicting long-term price movements. However it is important to note that both methods are not perfect and can lead to losses.

Ultimately the best way to determine which approach is right for you is to experiment with both and see which one you find more reliable. You may also want to consider using a combination of both approaches.

Here are some additional factors that can affect the price of an asset:

  • Sentiment. The mood of the market can have a significant impact on prices. For example, if there is a lot of positive sentiment about a particular asset, its price is likely to rise.
  • Supply and demand. The supply and demand for an asset can also affect its price. If there is more demand for an asset than there is supply, its price will rise.
  • Events. Major events, such as natural disasters, political upheavals, or economic crises, can also have a significant impact on asset prices.

It is important to remember that the price of an asset is constantly fluctuating and there is no single factor that can definitively predict its future movements. By understanding the different factors that can affect prices you can make more informed investment decisions.

Events such as Selling of coins massively, The burning of coins, creating new tools for a blockchain, among others. Does it affect the price of cryptocurrencies? If yes then explain and give us examples

Yes events such as selling of coins massive burning of coins and creating new tools for a blockchain canaffect the price of cryptocurrencies.

It is important to note that the impact of these events on the price of cryptocurrencies can ary depending on the specific event and the overall market conditions. However in general these events can have a significant impact on the price of cryptocurrencies.

Here are some other events that can affect the price of cryptocurrencies:

  • Government regulations Government regulations can have a significant impact on the price of cryptocurrencies. For example if a government bans the use of cryptocurrencies it can cause the price to crash.

  • Technological developments Technological developments can also affect the price of cryptocurrencies. For example if a new technology is developed that makes it easier to hack cryptocurrencies, it can cause the price to drop.

  • Selling of coins massively can make the cost go down. This is on the grounds that when there is a lotof supply of coins available the interest is less which drives the cost down. For instance in May 2021 Elon Musk tweeted that Tesla would never again acknowledge Bitcoin as installment which made the cost of Bitcoin crash by 17%.

  • Consuming of coins can make the cost go up. This is on the grounds that when coins are scorched they are removed from dissemination which diminishes the stockpile. This can prompt an expansion popular which drives the cost up. For instance in January 2022 the Ethereum Establishment nnounced that it would consume 3 million ETH which made the cost of ETH ascend by 10%.

  • Making new instruments for a blockchain can likewise influence the cost of digital currencies. This is on the grounds that new instruments can make it simpler to utilize and create blockchain applications, which can build the interest for digital currencies. For instance in 2021 the send off of the Ethereum 2.0 overhaul which made Ethereum more versatile and effective made the cost of ETH ascend by 400%.

  • Media coverage

Media coverage can also affect the price of cryptocurrencies. For example if a major news outlet reports that a cryptocurrency is a scam it can cause the price to drop.

It is important to monitor these events and their potential impact on the price of cryptocurrencies before making any investment decisions.

Investigate about a news that affected the cryptocurrency market

Here are some recent news that affected the cryptocurrency market:

  • The breakdown of TerraUSD and Luna. TerraUSD (UST) is a stablecoin that should be fixed to the US dollar. Notwithstanding, in May 2022, UST lost its stake and collided with $0.06. This caused a frenzy selloff in the cryptocurrencymarket, and the cost of Bitcoin and other digital forms of money fell strongly.
  • The chapter 11 of Celsius Network. Celsius Organization is a digital money loaning stage that permits clients to procure revenue on their digital currency stores. In any case, in June 2022, Celsius reported that it was stopping withdrawals and moves because of "outrageous economic situations." This caused a selloff in the cryptographic money market, as financial backers stressed that Celsius wouldn't have the option to reimburse its obligations.
  • The acquiescence of the President of Binance. Changpeng Zhao, the Chief of Binance, the world's biggest cryptographic money trade, reported in July 2022 that he would step down from his job. This news caused some vulnerability in the digital money market, as financial backers pondered who might supplant Zhao and what the ramifications would be for Binance


  • The investigation into Binance by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is investigating Binance for possible violations of securities laws. This investigation has caused some uncertainty in the cryptocurrency market, as investors wondered what the outcome would be.
  • The decline in the price of Bitcoin. The price of Bitcoin has been declining since its all-time high of $68,789 in November 2021. This decline has been caused by a number of factors, including the collapse of TerraUSD and Luna, the bankruptcy of Celsius Network, and the investigation into Binance by the SEC.

These are just a few of the recent news that have affected the cryptocurrency market. It is important tostay up-to-date on these news and their potential impact on the market before making any investment decisions.

Can crypto market be manipulated? Give your understanding on this

Yes the Crypto market can be manipulated and the market manipulation is the act of artificial in flirting or deflating the price of asset in order to profit from it. This can be done through variety of methods.

  • Pump and dump schemes. In pump and dumb skin a group of people by elite amount of an asset and then artificially inflate its price by separating positive news about once the price has rising they sell their holdings and make a profit.

  • Wash trading. In wash trading a trader by and cells and a set with themselves or with a friend or colleagu order to create the illusion of trading activity. This can artificial intelligent the price of the assets.

  • Spoofing. In spoofing trader places a large buy or sell order with the intention of cancelling it before it is executed. This can create the illusion of high demand or supply for an asset which can artificially inflate or deflate its price.
  • Market rumors. Market rumors can also be used to manipulate the price of an asset. By spreading false or misleading information about an asset traders can artificially inflate or deflate its price.


The crypto market is particularly susceptible to market manipulation because it is a relatively new and unregulated market. There are a number of factors that make it difficult to detect and prevent market manipulation in the crypto market including:

  • The anonymity of the participants. In the crypto market traderscan operate anonymously which makes it difficult to track their activities.
  • The lack of regulation. The crypto market is not as heavily regulated as traditional markets which makes it easier for marketmanipulators to operate.
  • The volatility of the market. The crypto market is very volatilewhich means that prices can fluctuate rapidly. This makes it easier for market manipulators to create the illusion of trading ctivity or to spread false rumors.

Despite these challenges, there are a number of things that can be done to prevent market manipulation s in the crypto market. These include:

  • Increased regulation. As the crypto market matures it is likely that governments will introduce more regulations to protect investors d from market manipulation.
  • Increased transparency. The crypto market needs to be more transparent in order to make it easier to detect and prevent market manipulation. This could involve requiring exchanges to disclose more information about their trading activity and to implement stricter identity verification procedures.
  • Education. Investors need to be educated about the risks of market manipulation and how to protect themselves. This could involve providing investors with more information about how to spot market manipulation and what to do if they suspect that it is happening.

Market manipulation is a serious problem that can have a significant impact on the crypto market. By taking steps to prevent market manipulation we can help to protect investors and make the crypto market a more fair and transparent place to trade.


The price of an asset can be affected by a variety of factors including technical and fundamental analysi sentiment supply and demandevent and government regulations. The crypto market is particularly susceptible to market manipulation because it is a relatively new and unregulated market. However, there are a number of things that can be done to prevent market manipulation, such as increased regulation ncreased transparency and education.

So that was about the topic. I hope that you will like the post and encourage me to create more good content and also support me.


I would like to invite @prime , @precious123 , @chant to participate in the contest




Your post covers a comprehensive range of topics related to the impact of news on cryptocurrency prices, the effects of events like selling or burning coins, and the potential for market manipulation in the crypto market. It's informative and well-structured, providing insights into how various factors can influence the cryptocurrency market. Well done!

Hola Hafi 😊

En definitiva el mercado puede ser manipulable, y los grandes inversores tinen varias formas de hacerlo. Lo podemos ver en todos los ejemplos que diste en cuanto a las noticias o las formas de manipualcion.

Sin duda hiciste un trabajo estupendo, me encanto lo bien explicado y profundizado que redactaste el post. Te deseo suerte y exitos en este concurso.

Assalam u Alaikum @hafizsab! Your detailed explanation about how news, events, and factors can impact cryptocurrency prices is informative. It's true that factors like news, sentiment, supply and demand, and even market manipulation play a role. Good luck with your participation in the Steemit Crypto Academy contest!

Thank you for sharing this detailed and informative comment about the impact of news, events, and various factors on cryptocurrency prices. Your explanation of how news can affect investor sentiment and consequently influence supply and demand was insightful. It's true that events such as selling of coins, burning of coins, and introducing new tools can indeed impact cryptocurrency prices. Additionally, your explanation of market manipulation and its various forms shed light on the challenges the crypto market faces. Overall, your comment provides valuable insights into the dynamics of the cryptocurrency market.

Brother you shared your entry with us successfully with a lot of information and I really learn a lot from everything that you write here and I must want to say that there are many things which I don't know before reading your post and now I know so it means that I learn too much from your article that you posted about the respective topic of news

The news that you investigate I agree with all of them but the most important one which I really know is about Luna crash that cause very hectic for everyone and also very surprising so roll your attempted all question very well I wish you good luck

Assalam u Alaikum, @hafizsab! Your detailed post excellently explains how news impacts cryptocurrency prices, the role of technical and fundamental analysis, events affecting prices, market manipulation risks, and more. You've covered a wide range of factors and provided relevant examples. Well done! Keep up the great work in creating informative content.

Thanks for reading friend.


Excelente post amigo.

Has mencionados eventos que son hitos en el cambio de la tendencia del BTC y en consecuencia del precio de los Altcoins.

Has definido claramente los objetivos de los análisis técnico y fundamental adicionando otros factor relevantes a tomar en cuenta en éste último.

Me gustó que incluyeras otros eventos adicionales que influyeron en el precio del mercado, le da un valor agregado a tu contenido y a tu esfuerzo.

Gracias por tan excelente post, te deseo mucha suerte y éxito.

Greetings brother 😀
Your presentation and detailed information about the cryptographic news and their impact on the crypto currencies is totally remarkable and impressive. You have presented very well and explained each question of that topic interestingly. To be honest I really appreciate your views and enjoyed reading your publication.
Allah bless you with success 💕

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BTC 60268.51
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43