Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2 Week 8 Homework Task By @fadil1 : Hashgraph Technology

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


Good day everyone,

I am very delighted to be part of this wonderful lecture and on the topic on Hashgraph Technology. I will like to thank our noble professor @pelon53 for that wonderful lecture.I really enjoyed and learnt a lot so am kindly here to present to you my work.


Explain in detail the gossip protocol, used in Hashgraph

Befofere getting into serious business I will like to let you know in brief what ‘Hashgraph’ is all about.


From what I have learnt from the lecture notes, Hashgraph was founded by two great men and I know one who was called Lehmann bed that was in the year 2016 and was made as a distributed ledger. The main purpose of this hashgraph is for the distribution of information from one network to another. Nodes are what helps in the distribution of this information. Also from what I learnt from this wonderful lecture I came across Consensus protocol and we where told that it is all about voting the works of the protocol with the help of another protocol and this protocol to is called gossip protocol. So surely when these gossips supports each other information can be sent securely and in a quick manner.


Earlier on when I was explaining to you what hashgraph means I made mention of gossip protocol, I will like to let you know something about it, gossip and protocol in simple english explains it self because we all know gossiping to be going to deliver information about someone to another person without the person knowing, and the person told can also transfer it to another person and so on. So you can see that with this is all about sharing of information.

Let’s now talk about gossip protocol itself, it is the act of transferring information and this process is also done by the the help of node, so the information distributed will move from one node to another just like the way human beings in general gossip. Hashgraph are made available in this protocol as explained earlier in hashgraph. Diffusion protocol and aggregation protocol are the only two ways in which gossip protocol works.

Now diffusion protocol, in this protocol when the information is transferred, there will be a distribution of nodes without any modification.

Again is the aggregation protocol, in this type of protocol informations usually changes from one node to another.


As we all know now that the main aim of a gossip protocol is to help in a quick way to end an information transferring from one network to another. In those networks it involves nodes and this nodes are usually connected compactly to each other. So the same way the are connected well to each each is the same way the information are transferred when one node to another till each one of the nodes gets that information. This is done to secure the protocol properly and don’t forget it involves hashgraph in its processes.


Explain tolerance in byzantine faults in hashgraph.

Tolerance in byzantine faults in hashgraph in each system you see has it negative side depending on the network where problems are brought to board to give well solutions to. This is for the network to detect problems and give solutions to them. Some problems are can likely see is the information unverified and so on.This problems with the help of the network delivered a new solution to a problem and the name of this solution is Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance. This was made to end problems which the system identified. Human beings always want to use the network information as their personal own and mostly give false information just because this Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance did everything possible for the verification of a complete transaction when a network node gets to the consensus. For a verified transaction to be made possible the byzantine fault tolerance makes everything set for the malicious node to get to the consensus in it involves one third of it.


Make a comparism between hashgraph vs blockchain, for voting process in your country. Which technology would you choose? Why?


1.Transaction in hashgraphs are done faster in a minimum time because it has a transaction speed of 5000 per second but as for blockchain, transactions move in an average speed of 10000 so it simply means that transactions are made faster in hashgraphs than in blockchain.

2.Hashgraph consensus algorithm includes gossip protocol and virtual voting to help in the transfer of information but the consensus algorithm in blockchain includes proof of work and proof of stake for the transfer of its information.

3.Whenever hashgraphs are connected to each other it is termed as asynchronous but whenever blockchain are connected to each other it is termed as synchronous.

4.Hashgraph network can only be written in two forms which are lisp and java but blockchain in its programming is written in so many forms named java, python, c++ etc.


For me hashgraph is the technology I will choose for an election in my country. And am kindly using hashgraph because of the number of people in Ghana.
Below are some reasons why I think is the best for me :

1.The number of people in Ghana currently is over 31,000,000 and from my research the electoral commission of Ghana registered a number of over 12,000 people eligible to vote. And per the constitution of Ghana result are suppose to be released within 48 hrs of voting and with the number you can see it’s huge. If you will prefer to use blockchain I won’t lie they will say you the electoral commissioner is not competent because you will surely be beaten by time so I will edge you to use hashgraph because it works in a more higher speed.

2.Also as we all know every country won’t want any violence in election, they will prefer peace over war and here is the case hashgraphs uses byzantine tolerance in transaction making and when it is used transactions can turn back again. So the same thing applies to the vote immediately your vote is casted it can’t be removed nor change till declaration of the winner is been made. So with this there will be peace during and after the voting.

3.Hacking and creating of fake votes will be difficult in a hashgraph network to bring to the country a free and fair election. As far as it works with byzantine tolerance it will avoid that and it will be done each one node get to it’s consensus level.


Explore Hedra hashgraph. Show screenshots.

I will do that by giving clear screenshots of the steps listed.

This website has been provided by the professor so kindly click on it after you click an interface of the hedra hashgraph appears


Now let’s move to the Devs, HBAR, Governance, Network and User cases.

So let’s begin with the NETWORK FEATURE

  • If you click on the network button another menu will appear and you will find token service on it and that is where you will be able to see the configure accounts and the mint.

  • Next to that is the consensus service where verified login messages can be created.

  • Another one is the dashboard where network ability can be reviewed.

  • The last but not the list is explore where you can see everything you have done on the website.



  • Click on Devs which is the next menu. Some features will pop up in a menu then let’s go through them.

  • You will se the docs feature which makes one to get some knowledge about what API is all about.

  • Next to it is HEDREA DISK which helps one to choose the language type you prefer.

  • There is also fees feature which helps one to know how much transaction fee will cost him or her.

  • Again learning center is where you can learn how to work with hashgraphs and on DLT.

  • Last on the menu is the open source which helps hedrea in getting ideas to give out when adding them.



  • Kindly click on the use cases button and after clicking a menu appears.

  • You can clearly see permission blockchain where a ledger can be created.

  • Next to it is data compliance where you can do your verifications.

  • Next is payments which helps one to know everything about hedrea currency.

  • Next is enterprise where you can have knowledge about how to use hedrea to take business to the next level.

  • Another one on it is the fraud mitigation which helps in securing the website.



  • Click on the HBAR and another menu will appear where you can see many features on it.

  • With this HBAR feature you can develop new wallets and not only that but it makes one to know more about their currency.



  • When you click on the governance menu a menu will appear showing you a lot of organizations.



  • With the about nene when you click on it you will know everything about Hedera, when, what and how it works.




In brief, I will like to say I really enjoyed the lecture a lot and I can say this lecture was one of the great lectures for this week. I also learnt a lot especially on ‘Hashgraph Technology’

Thank you very much professor @pelon53 for that wonderful lecture and May the good Lord be with us and bless us all.


Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

dan información falsa solo porque esta Tolerancia a fallas bizantinas asincrónicas hizo todo lo posible para la verificación de una transacción completa cuando un nodo de la red llega al consenso.

👆 Siempre que existan al menos 2/3 de nodos válidos se llega a un consenso.

La transacción en hashgraphs se realiza más rápido en un tiempo mínimo porque tiene una velocidad de transacción de 5000 por segundo,

👆 No entiendo esta información. Creo que hay un error.

No tienes el nombre de usuario en las captures de pantalla. Falta justificar el texto.

Espero seguir leyendo tus publicaciones.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Protocolo Gossip.1.8Explicado.
Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.1.2Faltó información.
Hashgraph Vs Blockchain (proceso de votación).1.2Explicó y comparó las 2 tecnologías.
Explore Hedera Hashgraph.1.7Exploró la plataforma Hedera hashgraph.
Originalidad0.7No fue original.
Presentación/cumplimiento de reglas.0.3Faltó colocar el usuario a las captures de pantalla y justificar el texto.

Calificación: 6.9

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