Crypto Academy Season 5 [ Advanced course ] Week 4 : How to list your own Token on a Public Exchange






1- Define your idea of listing a Crypto token in a public Crypto Exchange and what its significance is?


Idea of listing token in public exchange

My point of you is that when our token in public exchange first means are that any one trade our token hence buying and selling of token might be seen, since every token came with new vibes and functionalities creating hype of fundamental and traders do take advantage of that, most of the blockchain interconnected platofrm enhances the possession of that token the more reliability of token the more the more hype in the market.

You might heard of CEX and DEX which are the two main type of public exchange commonly known terms are known centralised and decentralized.

Since the centralized authority won't let you create your token easily there are many restrictions and barriers where common trader cant approach to them you need good engagement with each and every core of blockchain technology and a healthy backbone. The common centralized exchanges are Binance, kukcoin,Binance,Huobi,Kraken and Bitfinex etc. They maintain there process by certain conditions and steps if your meeting the eligiblity criteria so they welcomed you otherwise you might use decentralized system approach.

Let's view binance platform and try to submit the application of listing a crypto token, you need following basic steps and site to gain this knowledge.

  • Here you can see, the first step deals with filling th basic requirements of token, where project name, token name, symbol of token , email address (of user). After that do click on next option to move towards second step.


  • Here you can see, the seocnd step deals eith binance application form where they you can attach any information about your token, now click on I accept the criteria and also accept the second requirement.
    Make sure you provide correct information becuase blenders can cause you harm for your token although you can contact the team for your issue. Click next to move towards last step.



  • Here i submitted the application so they, told me to wait until they review my application and they will contact you soon via email or other source.



Whilst if we talk about decentralized public exchange there us a gateway of creating your token because they provide you open source where no third party engagement matters but they charge gas fees which is vary upon exchange and network you uses. Held the transaction runners are smart contract Since they are they create a source between user and exchange where you want perform your transaction.

If i want to list my token in DEX public exchange so they made the process easy and simple way might a good knowledge of blockchain matters, since DEX engaged with uniswap, pancakswap ,Kyber ,dYdX and Idex etc.

Here you need to select the exchange you want to use , maintain your liquidity, select the token, pay gas fees, import token and send token to exchange where you mean it. Some DEX platform restricted some tokens whilst do check the token that they have a support and certify that token is supported.

Significance of public exchange:

Since all you acquire that dex can sake you easy opportunity to list your token whilst CEX is complicated and having certain healthy conditions. Now let's elaborate its significant.

✓My thinking relates that by engaging decentralized manner and users listed their tokens in public exchange so there running can be developed, although buying selling of crpyto token can be seen. If trader with good functionality and heathy financial backbone listed their token then by charging gas fees platform can benefit form it.

✓ They can facilitate each and evey one , so they cope up with new tokens and shake the market ultimately the exchange goodwill can be generated.

✓ The more user the more power to benchmark your exchange, since their are every mindset presenting their tokens can rise your credibility in industry of exchange.

Here will wil demonstrate the steps of listing the tokens, whilst we had learned to create new crpyto tokens.

As you know guys i made char yar token which send to my meta mask which you can see below if you want to make your own crpyto token you can visit the website below to create your own token.

The above lecture is a simple and easy approach to create your token no need of coding and complex skills are engage.

You can see my Crypto token which i made in my previous task.






2- Demonstrate how to prepare everything needed to list your newly created Crypto Token in a public exchange such as selecting an exchange and adding a few BNB coins to your MetaMask wallet to accomplish the gas fee. (If you already have some amount of BNB in your wallet, you don’t need to deposit again.)


Since for my ease and comfort i am using PancakeSwap becuase i am using this platform for long-term and no error and other restrictions are observed and engaging my meta mask wallet for listing the tokens. Since these both platforms are convenient to use you can see below that my meta mask wallet is ready, held professor told that if you already having crpyto you ain't need to re-do the transaction so i will ensure the steps might you all are familiar from it.

As you guys know that i already transferred 30$ bnb, so will surely di help you to transferring the bnb, howbiet professor reminded that no need of such transactions are needed but for your understanding lets elaborate them again.

  • Go to your Binance account from this link.


  • Click the go to wallet and move in spot trading where you can see the withdraw option click on that.


  • There you can see the search bar where you can write any crpyto but as per requirements write bnb and select it.


  • Click on withdraw bnb.


  • There you can see the address otpion do write your correct meta mask bnb address ,choose the BEP20TOKEN address, after that select the amount you need to transfer. Then transaction would take verification and would be done ✅.


As professor mentioned you ain't need to re do the transaction but i revised you the process and each step

My existing exchange.

As you guys know my existing trust walletand meta mask accounts so i am using that accounts because if gas fees issue. So i ain't need to do another transaction.

My trust wallet


My meta mask wallet






3- Demonstrate all the steps of listing your own Crypto Token in a Public Crypto Exchange. (Screenshots required)


You know i created the token name as char yar and we will list this token on a public exchange, here i am using PancakeSwap now lets import the token and review each step in detail.

  • Do visit Pancakswap app from this link


  • You need to connect the PancakeSwap with your meta mask which you can see do click in meta mask or any other exchange that you feel ease to use.


  • You need to click the connect option and your wallet will be connected soon.


  • The wallet has been connected you can see below.


  • Then you can see the precaution where they state that any one can create bep20 token with any name so read it and accept the VG (Vanguard) and click import option to next process. Click to import token by pasting your address.


  • We have completed the listing process which you can see below in public exchange DEX. In next question we will discuss the listing process. The transaction from bscan.






4- Demonstrate all the steps to bring half of your newly created Crypto Token into a Public Exchange (In addition to simply stating the steps, you should provide a clear explanation about each step)


  • Now open your meta mask wallet and login to meta mask wallet, you can see the (CY) chay yar token which we imported in our previous lecture. Click to open for sending the token.


  • There you can see the send option open it for further process.



  • There is a option for enter the amount of token you want to send i 50000 cy token where you can see the (GWEI) 76962 is the limit of gas and do check the address book where you send the token. Click send to proceed the transaction.


  • The transaction is completed and you can see that i have send 50000 where the transaction of meta mask and PancakeSwap both can be a evidence that transaction has been done in below screenshot.


  • The meta mask transaction history you can check.


  • The bscan transaction history done.





5- Withdraw some of your own crypto Tokens into any other wallet such as Trust Wallet and MetaMask wallet. (Confirm the transaction through the relevant Block Explorer)


We will here the Trust wallet exchange which we had discussed in previous question lets continue the process. Here i will deposit my cy token.

Depositing token to trust wallet:

  • Go to your trust wallet app from this website or any other site using extension can also be preferable but here i am using mobile app.


  • Click on trust wallet app to login or import the account which we discussed above question.


  • Do click on the top right corner with two reverse arrows click on it.


  • Paste your tokken address which you want to transact and Click on add custom token.


  • By clicking on add custom token this page will display on your screen.


  • As we had already connected our network with binance smart chain although move towards the address option and paste the address ,symbol , name and decimal.

Name: "char yar"
Symbol: cy
Decimal: 18
Ultimately the after pasting the address all your detail will be display, which you can see below.


  • My token has been listed in trust wallet which you can see below.


  • Now click on the received option and do copy the address of received address for pasting this on meta mask.


  • Now we will move towards other exchange which is meta mask and select your token my token is cy and paste the following address over there.


  • Paste your trust wallet address that we listed you can see below held there were all detail will be display. Enter the amount of token i send 500 cy tokens you can see below.


  • The transaction is in pending it takes few min and affirmation will be their by notification.


  • Now the transaction has been done ✅ you can see the transaction record in history.


  • Moving towards trust wallet where you can see your new tokens as my cy tokens are received.


Note : All transactions are taken from my iywn source known as meta mask, trust wallet and PancakeSwap



This lecture basically relates the previous homework hence users need deep learning of previous lecture and good understanding because previous lecture means alot and it's carry forward working though some users made a mistake of not depositing enough bnb for transaction so they might feel difficulty because professor told us to keep your check for this purpose so i followed the advices and ain't feel any sort of difficulty entertained entire task with ease.

We had good review about Dex and Cex platform and their conditional requirement. Whilst we also imported the token and listed the token in our public exchange. So all the process is easy and simple if your understand the post with good concepts.

Thanks professor for your engagement in this week for connecting our tasks and concept.


Hello @dabeerahmed,
Thank you for participating in the 4th Week Crypto Course in its 5th season and for your efforts to complete the suggested tasks, you deserve a Total|8.5/10 rating, according to the following scale:

Compliance with topic1.5/1.5
Consistency of method1.75/2
Quality of analysis1.5/2
Clarity of structure & language1.25/1.5

My review :

A good work in which you touched on all the questions with interpretation and analysis, with some variation in the effectiveness of the answers. And here some notes :

  • A good and clear explanation of your idea of ​​listing a Crypto token on a public crypto exchange.

  • In the second question, you provided an equally good explanation of how to create a crypto token to be listed on a public exchange. It is also important to include the source of each screenshot with a brief mention of its content.

  • In the third question, all the steps for listing your crypto token on a public crypto exchange have been successfully followed. It is best to center the image to maintain the aesthetics of the article.

  • In the fourth question, all the steps to bring half of the newly created Crypto token to a public exchange with the possibility to go in-depth to explain each step.

  • In question 5, some of your tokens have been successfully withdrawn to Trust Wallet. But You have to confirm the transaction.

Thanks again for your effort, and we look forward to reading your next work.

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