(ENG/ESP) Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S12W2 : STEEM Vs Bitcoin halving || STEEM Vs halving de Bitcoin


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Greetings to the entire Steemit Crypto Academy community, we hope everyone is well. We have now completed the first week of this season 12 Steemit Engagement Challenge and are entering the second week. Welcome everyone, we are grateful to the users who have shown their loyalty and commitment, taken the time to participate in the challenges of this community, to all of you thank you. We also encourage all those users who have not participated in the community challenges to join and become part of the Steemit Crypto Academy.

Contest theme: STEEM Vs Bitcoin halving

Bitcoin halving occurs every 4 years, this process is automated in cryptocurrencies and aims to halve the reward for each block produced. This process usually affects the price of Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies.

Because the reward is halved, Bitcoins become scarcer or are produced less, which can cause the price to rise if there is sufficient demand. It is possible that STEEM will be affected and rise in price.

Many scholars suggest that the Bitcoin price should rise considerably as the Bitcoin halving approaches. We want to know your opinion about this important episode for cryptocurrencies that will take place in 2024 and its effect on our STEEM token.


What is the expectation of this challenge?

  • What could be the effect of Bitcoin halving on cryptocurrencies? Explain

  • How was the price of STEEM affected by the latest Bitcoin halving? Explain and show screenshots.

  • Make a technical analysis of the price you forecast for STEEM at the time of the Bitcoin halving. Screenshots are required.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of the Bitcoin halving, for the cryptocurrency world.


Contest Guidelines

  • Post your articles in the Steemit Crypto Academy community. Participation time is between Monday, September 11, 2023 at 00:00 UTC and Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 23:59 UTC.

  • The article should be at minimum 500 words. You can write more. Your article must be free of any form of plagiarism.

  • Your article title should be Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S12W2 -: STEEM Vs Bitcoin halving . Add the tag #cryptoacademy-s12w2 and other relevant tags.

  • Participants must be appropriately following #club5050 or #club75 or #club100.

  • Participants must be verified and active users on the platform.

  • The community moderators would be leaving quality assessments on your articles and probable upvotes.

  • In addition, your article must get at least 10 upvotes and 5 valid comments to count as valid in the contest, so ensure you interact with other users' entries. Do not be involved in vote-buying.


  • SC01 would be checking on the entire 7 participating communities and upvoting outstanding content. Upvote is not guaranteed for all articles. Kindly take note.
  • At the end of the week, we would nominate top 3 users that had performed well in the contest and they would be eligible for votes from SC01/SC02.

Important Notice: The nomination of the top 3 users in our community is not based on good grades alone, it includes their general engagements (quality and quantity of their interactions with other users' articles) to measure the overall performance. Also note that generally, you can only make one post per day in the Steemit Engagement Challenge.



The Bitcoin halving is getting closer and closer, many specialists in the field are waiting for this event and the projections are different. But what will happen to cryptocurrencies when this event occurs? It is possible that STEEM will go up in price, no one can predict it 100%, but we are expecting something good to happen to STEEM.

We wish you success in this week.


Versión en Español



Diseñado en Canva.

Saludos a toda la comunidad de Steemit Crypto Academy, esperamos que todos se encuentren bien. Ya hemos finalizado la primera semana de esta temporada 12 de Steemit Engagement Challenge y estamos entrando a la segunda semana. Sean todos bienvenidos, estamos agradecidos con los usuarios que han mostrado su fidelidad y compromiso, tomado el tiempo para participar en los desafíos de esta comunidad, a todos ustedes gracias. Así mismo, animamos a todos aquellos usuarios que no han participado en los desafíos de esta comunidad, para que se unan y puedan ser parte de Steemit Crypto Academy.


Tema del concurso: STEEM Vs halving de Bitcoin

El halving de Bitcoin ocurre cada 4 años, este proceso es automatizado en las criptomonedas y tiene como finalidad reducir a la mitad la recompensa por cada bloque producido. Este proceso, suele afectar el precio del Bitcoin y de la mayoría de las criptomonedas.

Debido que la recompensa disminuye a la mitad, los Bitcoin son más escasos o su producción es menor, lo que puede ocasionar una subida del precio, si existe demanda suficiente. Es posible que el STEEM se vea afectado y suba de precio.

Muchos estudiosos de este tema sugieren que el precio Bitcoin debe tener una subida considerable, a medida que se acerca el halving Bitcoin. Queremos conocer tu opinión acerca de este episodio tan importante para las criptomonedas y que se llevará a cabo en el año 2024 y su efecto en nuestro token STEEM.


¿Cuál es la expectativa de este desafío?

-¿Cuál puede ser el efecto del halving de Bitcoin en las criptomonedas? Explique

-¿Cómo fue afectado el precio del STEEM en el último halving de Bitcoin? Explique y muestre captures de pantalla.

-Realice un análisis técnico del precio que usted prevé del STEEM para el momento del halving de Bitcoin. Se requiere captures de pantalla.

-Ventajas y desventajas del halving de Bitcoin, para el mundo de las criptomonedas.


Pautas del concurso

  • Publique sus artículos en la comunidad Steemit Crypto Academy. El tiempo de participación es entre el lunes 11 de septiembre de 2023 a las 00:00 UTC y el domingo 17 de septiembre de 2023 a las 23:59 UTC.

  • El artículo debe tener un mínimo de 500 palabras. Puedes escribir más. Su artículo debe estar libre de cualquier forma de plagio.

  • El título de su artículo debe ser **Concurso Steemit Crypto Academy / S12W2 – STEEM Vs halving de Bitcoin ** Agregue la etiqueta #cryptoacademy-s12w2 y otras etiquetas relevantes.

  • Los participantes deben seguir adecuadamente #club5050 o #club75 o #club100.

  • Los participantes deben ser usuarios verificados y activos en la plataforma.

  • Los moderadores de la comunidad dejarán evaluaciones de calidad en sus artículos y probables votos a favor.

  • Además, su artículo debe obtener al menos 10 votos a favor y 5 comentarios válidos para contar como válido en el concurso, así que asegúrese de interactuar con las entradas de otros usuarios. No se involucre en la compra de votos.


  • SC01 estaría verificando las 7 comunidades participantes completas y votando contenido sobresaliente. No se garantiza el voto positivo para todos los artículos. Tenga la amabilidad de tomar nota.
  • Al final de la semana, nominaríamos a los 3 principales usuarios que se desempeñaron bien en el concurso y serían elegibles para los votos de SC01/SC02.

Aviso importante: la nominación de los 3 mejores usuarios de nuestra comunidad no se basa solo en las buenas calificaciones, sino que incluye sus compromisos generales (calidad y cantidad de sus interacciones con los artículos de otros usuarios) para medir la total actuación. También tenga en cuenta que, en general, solo puede hacer una publicación por día en Steemit Engagement Challenge.



Cada vez falta menos para que el halving de Bitcoin ocurra, muchos especialistas en el tema están esperando este evento y las proyecciones son diferentes. Pero ¿Qué ocurrirá con las criptomonedas cuando este evento ocurra? Es posible que el STEEM suba de precio, nadie lo puede predecir al 100%, pero estamos esperando que algo bueno le ocurra al STEEM.

Le deseamos éxito en esta semana.


The impact of the upcoming Bitcoin halving can vary. Some opinions suggest that it may lead to a price surge as new supply diminishes while demand continues to rise. However, it could also be a time when Bitcoin miners need to adjust their operational strategies to maintain profitability. It’s important to remember that the crypto market is highly dynamic and influenced by numerous factors. Investing in crypto assets carries high risk and should be approached with caution after conducting thorough research and considering your risk tolerance. Thank you for contest👏🏻👏🏻

Visit my entry : https://steemit.com/cryptoacademy-s12w2/@steem.newss/steemit-crypto-academy-contest-s12w2

 last year 

Thanks for bring up another interesting topic for crypto lovers to share their thoughts.

Hello Steemit team, warm greetings to you.

It's the second week of season 12. Since last two weeks I can't participate in engagement challenges. I used This Website to participate in some contest of season 12, week one. But an unfortunate thing happened to me that I can't upload my week second post here too this time.

I don't know why it's happening and how long it will goes. I don't know other people facing this problem or not. I have missed too many golden engagement challenges. I really want to participate here back.

I am the most active user of August month. 3 times selected as a top 10 most active users of the week at August month. I want to resolve my account issue as soon as possible.

I shall be very Thankful to you.
Your sincerely: @shahid2030



 last year 

You can post using this link thats what i used as well just add you posting key


 last year 

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo.

Thanks for the tip! I appreciate the guidance. Will definitely give it a try.

 last year 

Saludos amigo, tienes la opción de publicar en:


Esta plataforma es segura, debes poner las etiquetas, título, beneficiarios. Y poco a poco te irás adaptando a esta plataforma, mientras se termina de solucionar el problema en Steemit.

Thanks for responding to my comment and guiding me. I am using it now and I can post my article easily now. Thanks once again.

I believe that Bitcoin halving will have a very positive impact on Bitcoin itself and on the crypto world as a whole but especially on Steem. I believe Steem will only get stronger when it happens.

Chukwu10 please follow your guy it means so much

"Hello, can you help me with ads? I have created an article for a contest in the Steem Crypto Academy. However, when I tried to post it, an error occurred (Transaction broadcast error: Unexpected EOF). I have tried changing devices but it still doesn't work."

 last year 

Post using https://upvu.org you can add only your posting keys for this purpose all the best.

thank you for information🙏

Thank You for this great opportunity. I’ve been missing out on a lot I can see. So many exciting things on here… and to think I was giving all these kind of contents for free outside this platform. Never again! I’m back and fully active this time.

Please, if you May… I wanted to ask an important question 🙋🏽… someone like me, a returning steemian after almost two years of account inactivity due to the lack of proper orientation and guidance. Can I still participate in this contest?

I started learning about cryptocurrencies immediately I Left this platform, precisely January 2021 after opening an account, even though I’d initially shown interest in cryptocurrencies right from November/December time of 2020 and started learning about it till date. I’m back here again with a Nichè I’m fully suited up for… I’ll be really excited and grateful if I can be given this opportunity, even though not for the rewards that comes with it but more importantly, for the rare privilege of stating my opinion on a matter that actually mattered… meaning, people will actually read my post and listen to me for once! Because I’ve been given off free contents on other platforms and even though they’ve been premium information, no one has really indicated listening or taking it into account because I barely got active engagements… sometimes I think, perhaps I was giving it to the wrong audience… maybe 🤔…? but anyways, please kindly let me know.

Thank you for your consideration, I await your positive response. 🙌🏽🥹

 last year 

Saludos amigo, es necesario que actives tu usuario, es decir comiences a publicar en otras comunidades diariamente, sobre todo en algunas comunidades de Nigeria, donde tú perteneces.

Después de estar activo y publicando constantemente durante dos semanas puedes regresar a esta comunidad y con gusto puedes participar de cada reto.

Además debes estar en un club, es decir, en el club5050, club75 o club100. Pero lo más importante para ti es comenzar a publicar y luego te unes a un club.

Esto haber respondido a tu interrogante.

Oh Yessss! Gracias amigo gracias 🙏🏽

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