Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S11W04 - Cryptographic News And EventssteemCreated with Sketch.

Asslamaalikum Everyone,

Greetings, Steemians! Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and working hard to succeed on this fantastic platform. I also hope that everyone is satisfied with me and everything else. Okay, I am also doing well on this platform, and I pray to the above that today will be beneficial for me and everyone else. I am now in Week 4 of Season 11 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge on Steemit. I'm here to take part. This challenge focuses on "Cryptographic News and Events". And I begin it by taking part in this competition without wasting any time. So let's start.

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Can news affect cryptocurrency prices?

News does have a significant influence on bitcoin's price. Events in the news might increase the infamous volatility that characterises bitcoin markets. Here are a few ways news might impact how much cryptocurrencies are worth:

News might impact the overall mindset of bitcoin investors and traders. Positive news can boost buying activity and confidence, which may lead to price increases. Examples include changes in rules, adoption by well-known firms, or technological advancements. On the other side, adverse news can spread fear and uncertainty, which can raise selling pressure and result in price reductions. Examples of this kind of news include security breaches, regulatory crackdowns, or unpleasant public pronouncements.

Announcements of regulatory changes or government activities concerning cryptocurrencies may have a substantial influence on prices. For instance, price movements might be sudden and severe in response to news of a country's adoption or rejection of cryptocurrencies. Investors and traders closely monitor governmental announcements and actions for cues on the path of cryptocurrency regulation.

The state of the broader economy and financial news may also affect the value of cryptocurrencies. For instance, investors may swarm to cryptocurrencies as a hedge when there are concerns about inflation or economic instability, which boosts demand and raises prices.

He bitcoin market is still in its infancy and is prone to hype and speculative behaviour, so it's important to keep this in mind. Because of this, news and mood can have a greater influence on fluctuations in the price of cryptocurrencies than they do on more established financial markets. Investors and traders usually keep a careful eye on news sources and social media to stay current on happenings that might affect the value of cryptocurrencies.


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Between technical and Fundamental analysis, which affects the price of an asset most ?

Both technical analysis and fundamental analysis have a significant impact on how much an asset is worth, including the prices of cryptocurrencies and traditional financial instruments. However, depending on the specific market and asset, their impacts could vary. how each of these analytic methods affects an asset's price. Technical and fundamental analyses have an impact on asset prices differently depending on the period and the type of asset:

Fundamental analysis:

Fundamental analysis has a stronger tendency to influence long-term price patterns and can predict the long-term trajectory of an asset's value. In traditional markets, a corporation's financial condition, earnings, and economic environment are crucial factors.

Technical analysis

Technical analysis is particularly helpful in markets like cryptocurrency where mood and trading patterns can change fast since it is often more pertinent for short- to medium-term price movements.

It's important to keep in mind that many traders and investors base asset valuations on both technical and fundamental analysis. External factors such as news events, market sentiment, and macroeconomic conditions can also have a significant influence on asset price movements, underscoring the need for a thorough approach to study.



Events such as Selling of coins massively, The burning of coins, creating new tools for a blockchain, among others. Does it affect the price of cryptocurrencies? If yes then explain and give us examples

It's true that events like coin burns, sales, and the development of new blockchain features and tools may affect a cryptocurrency's price. These incidents can have a variety of effects on the ecology, investor sentiment, and supply and demand dynamics. Following are explanations and examples of each of these events that I would like to share with you today based on my research.

1. Exchange of Coins:


A cryptocurrency's price may fall if a sizable volume of it is exchanged on the market because of an increase in supply and selling pressure. Large sell-offs have the potential to scare investors and lead to a rapid drop in price.


Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, said in May 2021 that owing to environmental concerns, the business will no longer accept Bitcoin as payment for its electric vehicles. This revelation, together with Musk's tweets, caused a sell-off in Bitcoin, which led to a significant drop in the value of the cryptocurrency.

2. Burning of Coins:


By "coin burning," a portion of a cryptocurrency's supply is systematically destroyed or rendered unusable. A decreased total supply of the currency might result from this, increasing scarcity and driving up the price. A popular technique for lowering inflation and rewarding token holders is currency burning.


One of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, Binance, regularly burns Binance Coin (BNB) tokens. A certain amount of BNB tokens are removed from circulation with each burn. In the past, price increases for BNB have been linked to these burning.

3. Creating New Tools for a Blockchain:


By developing new features, tools, or advancements for a blockchain, its usefulness and adoption may be expanded. Positive developments might boost demand for the currency and perhaps increase its value.


One of the most anticipated updates is Ethereum 2.0, which intends to switch the Ethereum network from a proof-of-work (PoW) to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. These modifications are meant to increase energy efficiency, security, and scalability. Ethereum 2.0's potential advances have raised the value of Ether (ETH), the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum.

It's vital to remember that the results of these events might differ based on the market, investor emotion, and the particulars of each cryptocurrency project. Furthermore, due to the high level of market volatility in cryptocurrencies, price changes in response to news and events may be sudden and unexpected.

Such occasions and news updates are often closely monitored by investors and traders in the bitcoin market since they may present trading opportunities and aid in investing decisions.

Investigate about a news that affected the cryptocurrency market

In 2021 June and May Event The Chinese government has made a number of proclamations and taken other actions to discourage the use of cryptocurrencies. Impact This information has a big effect on the cryptocurrency market, particularly Bitcoin and other proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrencies. As follows Failure of the Bitcoin Mining China, which was the location of a significant portion of the world's Bitcoin mining operations, announced a crackdown on cryptocurrency mining because to concerns about energy consumption and financial risks. The hash rate of Bitcoin was drastically reduced as a result of the various mining farms that were shut down or relocated as a result. Limitations on Trading Chinese regulators warned against speculative trading and repeated their ban on financial institutions offering services connected to cryptocurrency. Reputable cryptocurrency exchanges with connections to China tightened Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations and ceased to accept Chinese users.Market Dynamics The Chinese declaration alarmed and rocked the bitcoin market. Prices dropped as a result of traders' and investors' worries about how China's measures might affect the global market. Bitcoin's price fell significantly during this time, specifically. global market reaction China's regulatory actions had an impact on the global cryptocurrency market since they raised questions about the decentralisation and potential legal risks of cryptocurrencies. The market became more erratic as a result of the news, and the value of various cryptocurrencies dropped sharply.

It's important to keep in mind that while China's regulatory actions briefly had a negative impact on the market, cryptocurrencies have historically shown resilience and the ability to recover from such events. It's important for traders and investors to stay up to speed on global regulatory trends and their potential implications since the cryptocurrency market may continue to be touched by regulatory changes in numerous countries.

Can crypto market be manipulated? Give your understanding on this

Yes, the bitcoin market can be manipulated much like other types of financial markets. Cryptocurrency marketplaces are usually less established and regulated than traditional markets, which makes them more susceptible to various forms of manipulation.

1. Price Manipulation:

Pump and Dump Schemes:

This is an example of price manipulation, when several traders collaborate to make large purchases, spread positive information, and create buzz in order to artificially raise the price of a cryptocurrency. Once the price has risen high enough, they sell off their assets, which causes the price to fall and produces losses for unsuspecting investors.


Large orders are placed by traders with the goal of cancelling them before execution. Other traders may be misled about supply or demand as a result, engaging in dangerous trades.

2. Wash trading

Wash trading involves buying and selling the same cryptocurrency at the same time in order to create the appearance of high trading volume. Because of this, traders and investors could think an asset is more well-liked and liquid than it actually is.

3. Insider Trading:


Insiders with access to confidential information about a currency or project may engage in trading before the information is made available to the general public. This might result in market manipulation and unauthorised profits.

4. Market Manipulation on Exchanges:


It is possible to alter even the exchanges themselves. Some exchanges are said to have participated in stop hunting, or trading against their own clients, which is triggering stop-loss orders in order to profit from liquidations.

5. Fake News and Social Media Manipulation:

When false information or rumours spread through social media, news outlets, or forums, they can have an impact on market sentiment and pricing. This might be done to persuade traders to act in a way that benefits the manipulators.

6. Liquidity Pool Manipulation:

On decentralised exchanges (DEXs), users that withdraw money or make excessive contributions to a pool may manipulate the liquidity, leading to price imbalances and perhaps liquidations.


Despite the fact that bitcoin markets can be manipulated, there are still certain restrictions in place. Many countries are developing or implementing legislation to stop market manipulation and protect investors. Monitoring programmes and trading restrictions are regularly implemented on exchanges as extra anti-manipulation precautions.

Investors and traders in the bitcoin market should exercise caution, do due diligence, and be conscious of the risks presented by potential manipulation. Being a participant in this market needs cautious thought, risk management, and cynicism of claims that are either too optimistic or pessimistic.


I'm thrilled to participate in this subject engagement challenge for news and events related to cryptography. I'm inviting my great friends @casv, @inspiracion, @suboohi, @malikusman1, and @uzma4882 to participate in this contest.


Cc, steemcurator01 | @stephenkendal




Muestra muchas formas en la que el mercado puede ser manipulado lo que nos confirma que si no investigamos a fondo antes de hacer algún movimiento podemos ser víctimas de esas manipulaciones. Es interesante hacer este tipo de tareas dónde podemos aprender mucho para tener éxito a la hora de iniciar en el mundo criptográfico.

Te deseo éxitos en tu participación.

I am happy that you came to my post and read my post completely and shared your opinion and your valuable thoughts.


Hola Chahmad 😊

Son numerosas las formas de manipulacion que existen del mercado, por eso siempre hay que estar muy conscientes de que hay factores ajenos a nosotros que lo pueden afectar, e invertir lo que estes dispuesto a perder, pues esto es algo muy volatil y nada estable.

Te deseo suerte y exitos en el concurso.

Thank you very much for visiting my post and sharing your valuable thoughts and I wish you the same so that you may always climb the ladder of success in life and may you ever find yourself in life. Don't be sad and may you always be successful in life and I will definitely read your post as soon as possible to increase my knowledge more.

Hello, @chahmad12! Your detailed explanation about the impact of news and events on cryptocurrency prices is quite informative and well-structured. It's great to see your insights on how various factors, like regulatory changes, burning of coins, and technical vs. fundamental analysis, can affect the crypto market. Your explanation of market manipulation tactics provides valuable awareness about potential risks. Keep up the insightful contributions!

Thank you for your valuable feedback 🤗

You've provided a comprehensive analysis of the impact of news and events on cryptocurrency prices, including market manipulation risks. Well done!

Thank you for your valuable feedback bro.

You've done a great job explaining the influence of news and events on cryptocurrency prices, including the risks of market manipulation. Your insights are valuable and well-structured. Well done!

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Bhai mujay Khushi hui k ap meri post par ay or meri post ko parha or apnay khiyalat Ka izhar kia & Best Wishes For You.

I'm glad you found my comment valuable. It's wonderful that you're happy I engaged with your post. Best wishes to you too!

you have explained in a good way about all the questions and successfully interprerated everything according to the requirement and agree with the news that you have shared with us and about which we can say that it is a proof of the statement that news have really an impact on cryptocurrency prices

I wish you success

Yes of course news has a lot of influence on cryptocurrency and I also agree that cryptocurrency can be manipulated so we must be careful so that we never lose our lives. Good luck and thank you very much for your valuable feedback.

Thanks for considering my comment valuable and replying to it and it means a lot for me I again wish you good luck

Welcome Bro 🤗

Los análisis técnicos y fundamentales, repercuten en el precio de manera diferente, según el período y el tipo de activo. Por lo tanto, el impacto puede variar si se trata de un período corto o a largo plazo.

No podía faltar Elon Musk con el anuncio de inversión de BTC en Tesla y lo que impulsó el precio en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

Te deseo mucha suerte y éxito.

¡Un gran abrazo!

Thank you very much for your valuable feedback sir & best wishes for you.

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