Different types of Consensus Mechanisms - Steemit Crypto Academy Season 5 - Homework Post for Task 6.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

What's the difference between PoS and DPoS? Advantages and disadvantages? Do you name some Blockchain Projects that use the DPoS consensus mechanism and indicate the scalability?

With new technologies and the creation of decentralized networks, there are numerous deals that are carried out on the network that bear records and traces of their operations, these records carry pitfalls and to be used by vicious people. may be vulnerable, i.e. for this reason, agreement mechanisms are created, which are used to establish a protocol that allows to coordinate and break a problem in any distributed network, i.e. it's a It serves to achieve agreement that produces a single data value among different individualities in a particular environment Network.

A variety of agreement mechanisms have been created that are used to secure the network, the most honored being Proof of Stake (PoS) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS).

Evidence of Stake (PoS) known as “ Proof of Stake” is awarded grounded on the quantum of commemoratives or cryptocurrencies a person holds, meaning grounded on the number of coins a stoner holds in it Can validate the sale.

The lesser the authority he has as a validator, and the lesser his interest in maintaining his security.


It's the alternate most extensively used and known of the agreement mechanisms, designed to replace the first test known as Proof of Work (PoW), because unlike PoW, it doesn't bear tackle, but rather validators are used.

But like all substantiation we find its advantages and disadvantages, among its advantages and disadvantages we've the following .


  1. Unlike the first medium, it doesn't consume important energy.

  2. It reduces the threat of centralization, improves decentralization, this is because everyone can share in the network.

  3. In this, everyone has equal chances of generating the same prices anyhow of the quantum invested, of course the further coins you have accumulated, the advanced the profit.

  4. It doesn't bear huge or advanced computer outfit, it only requires cryptocurrencies to be stored in the network, so they can be awarded by it.

  5. It provides lesser security, a veritably important aspect in the world of cryptocurrencies.


  1. The only thing that's demanded for POS to work is to store the cryptocurrency.

  2. As everything is controlled by the network, since finances are linked to an IP, it becomes exposed and it's delicate to maintain obscurity.

  3. Since everyone can invest, still much they want, this gives further openings for prices to those who invest more.

Delegated Proof-of- stake (DPoS)-


Delegated Proof-of- Stake was established to exclude fraudulent exertion associated with centralization and centralization in the blockchain.

DPoS was developed in the time 2014 by Daniel Larimer, an American software inventor author of Steemit, Bitshare, and EOSIO Software.

DPoS was developed as an volition to both PoS and PoW as it's further feasible and scalable. And for the fact that DPOS doesn't bear machines with high energy consumption, the further the better.

Bitshare was the first DPoS grounded blockchain developed.

how it works-
This is generally arranged through an election process. Some influential druggies are being suggested on by the people for the part of substantiation in the blockchain.

Substantiations produce or add blocks to the blockchain. For illustration, the affairs of the Steemit blockchain are handled by 21 substantiations, and they're in charge of sale verification.

The duties of representatives include;
√ To determine the blockchain sale figure.
√ To determine the payment of a substantiation.
√ To find out the interval of blocks on the blockchain
√ To determine the size of the block on the blockchain.

It's insolvable for substantiations to engage in vicious conditioning for fear of losing their status to others, as there's an ongoing election process on the blockchain.

DPoS as a popular approach to Blockchain gives equal occasion to all to be tagged as substantiations by the druggies.


✓ Autonomy and republic due to its decentralized nature.
✓ low energy consumption
✓ Light sale freights.
✓ Honesty on the part of substantiations for fear of losing their position.
✓ The popular nature gives druggies the occasion to choose who'll be their substantiation.


✓ less number of substantiations
✓ There's a high probability of the minimal vote.
✓ The presence of delegates, substantiations and delegates makes DPoS like a centralized system, where the musketeers of the jumbos are given control of the network.

What's the difference between PoS and DPoS?

Pos ( Evidence of Stake)-

✓ A sale can be withdrawn or validated depending on the quantum of coins involved.
✓ It's grounded on hoarding coins, the further power you have, the further power it has.
✓ It has low network scalability.
✓ Provides fast sale processing.

Dpos (The Delegated Proof of Stake)-

✓ It operates as a digital popular system, with votes being cast to determine who'll be in charge of producing the block.
✓ There's no minimal limit of commemoratives or coins needed to share.
✓ It's further energy effective and uses lower tackle.
✓ Optimize network scalability.

Do you name some Blockchain projects that use the DPoS consensus mechanism and indicate the scalability?


The ability of a blockchain to increase its ability to process more transactions per second is known as the scalability of the blockchain.
Some of the blockchains that use DPoS consensus mechanisms and their capabilities are listed below;


Authors receive Steem and some other tokens for sharing information on the Steemit platform. Its scaling potential is rated above that of the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks.


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The Bitshares scalability is 100,000.


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The Tron has a scalability of 1,000 transactions per sec.


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The EOS has a scalability of 10,000 transaction per second.


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The Nano has a scalability of 1,000 transactions per second.


This teaching has led to DPoS being the best consensus mechanism for use in blockchain.

I appreciate the professor. @ sapwood for teaching.


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