Bitcoin's Trajectory - Crypto Academy S4W5 - Homework Post for @imagen

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

(1).How many times has Bitcoin been "halved"? When is the next expected? What is the current amount that Bitcoin miners receive? Mention at least 2 cryptocurrencies that are or have been "halving".

Ans: Halving is the process in which new BTC is cut in half,that happens when every 210,000 blocks mined or after every four years till every 21 million are completely mined.

(a) How many times has Bitcoin been “halved"?

The Bitcoin has been halved After every 210,000 blocks approximately after every four years the block reward is given to Bitcoin miners .The Bitcoin was last halved in November 2012 the block was cut into 25 BTC per block and in July 2016 the block was cut into half which is 12.5 BTC per block and latest in May 2020 It means that it was halved 3 times in past years.

(b) When is the next expected?

Since, Bitcoin was last halved in November 2012 and then in July 2016 and newest in May 2020 so according to me it should be halved in spring 2024.

(c) What is the current amount that Bitcoin miners achieve?

According to the February 2021 when every new block mined the miners gain approx 6.25 bitcoin which is equal to about $294,168.75 based on February 2021.

(d) Mention any two cryptocurrencies that are or have been “halving”?

The two cryptocurrencies that have been halving are ELCASH (Electric cash) and the other one is BTCV (Bitcoin vault) As ELCASH coins halves once a year like they started halving in 2020 and ended in 2021 Meanwhile, BTCV halves after once every 6 rounds, likewise starting in 2019 and ending in 2024.


(2). What is a consensus mechanism?How are Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Staking different?

Ans: The consensus mechanism is a type of mechanism or computer algorithm which is used in computer and blockchain systems to achieve every new transaction data entered in blockchain systems.In Bitcoin blockchain the consensus the consensus mechanism is knows as Proof-of-work (POW).The another common consensus algorithm that is evolved as low cost also low energy consuming algorithm to POW is proof-of-stake (POS).

Let's understand Proof-of-work (POW) consensus mechanism.

The Proof-of-work (POW) is like common consensus algorithm which can be used by the popular cryptocurrencies for ex- Bitcoin & litecoin. This is said to be a system that is generating old coins like Bitcoin. It is mainly used for mining of the first generation of coins.It allows a participant to prove that the work done and submitted by them should qualifies them to get the right to add a new transactions in the blockchain.

Let's have a look on Proof-of-staking (POS) consensus mechanism.

It is the consensus algorithm which is a type of set of rules governing a blockchain network and creation of native coin .(POS)consensus mechanism have same objectives like (POW) consensus mechanism in one line it is a instrument to achieve consensus.As we know that miners are involved in (POW) but in (POS) no miners are involved .

Difference between Proof-of-Work and Proof -Of -Stake .

With proof of stake the maners can validate and mine tranjactions of blocks which is based on amount of coins .Proof of work (POW) mining needs a large amount of energy consumption of fuel ; Proof Of Stake (POS) gives mining power which is based on the percentage of the coinds held by the miner. Also proof of satke is less risky if we talk about the potential of miners to attack or harm the network as it structures compensation which makes an attack less advantageous for the miners.

(3).Enter the Bitcoin explorer and show the hash corresponding to the last transaction. Show Screenshot.

Ans: For this question, I am going to use to show hash corresponding of the last transaction of Bitcoin.


According to the above screen shot we can have a look on transaction hash of Bitcoin which is 00000000000000000003dc08fa282212ad08bdfa714977684fada8f80b038ee5 with the breakdown time of 2021/10/6 8:20 am UTC.

4.) What is meant by Altcoin Season? Are we currently in Altcoin Season? When was the last Altcoin Season? Mention and show 2 charts of Altcoins followed by their growth in the most recent Season. Give reasons for your answer.

(a) What is Altcoin season ?

It is a type of legendary season in which cryptocurrencies outperform Bitcoin and have a look on their prices. During Altcoin season Bitcoin tends to lose its dominance on Altcoins. In different words ,the market of bitcoin decreases as we compare it from the market capitalisation of other crypto assets in markets.

(b) Are we in Altcoin season ?

Basically Altcoin season is period of 90 days in which 75% of all the top 50 Altcoins outperform Bitcoin, it is not an Altcoin season just yet. If we look on some last few weeks Performance of altcoins, then we can say that market of Altcoin is just getting started and is about to impress but not in good condition at present time. So we are not in Altcoin season now.

(c) When was the last Altcoin season ?

The last Altcoin season has ended on 20 June, 2021 .In the time of 90 days, approximately 80% of the top 50 alternative coins scored better performance than Bitcoin. The Altcoin season was begin on 26 March,2021 and during that time of 90 days 78% of all top 50 alternative coins performed better than Bitcoin.

1).Solana (SOL)

IMG-20211008-WA0002.jpgTrading View

According to the graph the solana is the 6th best scoring and performing Altcoin of this season having a growth rate of 354.4% .First appear on 11 april 2020 for $0.78 and now today on 10 may 2021 the prices are increased to $166.84 and a all time of $191.4. As we have a look in graph so the graph is still in increase it means that Solana will going to shown or experience significant growth .

2).AXS (Axie infinity)


The AXS is the one who shows the largest number of growth rate of 913% which was first appeared on 2020 May 11 for $0.15 and now today on 2021 may 5 the price has increased to $150.87 .As we can see in the image that the at last the graph is increasing so AXS will show the significant growth.

5.)Make a purchase from your verified account of the exchange of your choice of at least 15 USD in a currency that is not in the top 25 of Coinmarket (SBD, tron ​​or steem are not allowed). Why did you choose this coin? What is goal or purpose behind this project? Who are its founders / developers? Indicate currency's ATH and its current price. Reason for your answers. Show Screenshots.

Well, There are lots of cryptocurrencies in the market and I have selected Siacoin (SC) for trading. I have decided to buy Siacoin. For buying SC.

Search SC coin on Binance and then Click on SC/usdt pair and then Enter the price and enter the total amount of which you want to buy SC coin.


After placing order, When it would be successfully place, You can see the trade order details.

Why did I chose this coin?
Sia Coin has great future. This project is very stable and has potential to give great return in future. It is also decentralized system.

What is the purpose of SC coin?
Sia coin is used to fill the smart contracts which is exchanged between hosts and it's users. SC project provide best security features to it's users.

Who is the founder of SC?
David Vorik is the founder of Siacoin.

What is it's ATH and Current Price?
The All time high of SC is $0.111 and It's Current Price is $0.01998.



Bitcoin is playing an important role in the advancement of cryptocurrency which are present around the world . Mostly halving event shows signals for skyrocketing cryptocurrency prices .

The altcoin season is the one of which the miners take advantage of . The halving seasons doesn't give as much advantage as the altcoin season make .

At a time of altcoins season the alternative cryptocurrencies are performing much better than bitcoin so they are very profitable at that time . This is the reason the traders must also read the market situtaion instead of looking only charts and analyzing them. so the traders should have also have an eye on different seasons before trading to earn some more profits.



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