Steemit Crypto Academy [Beginners’ Level] | Season 3 Week 4 | Blockchain Forks, for the Cryptoprofesor @awesononso by @allan.fakeer.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

What is Fork?

As we all know that when something is made it is not completely created. Over time it changes. Sometimes these changes are made by the product makers themselves and most of the time these changes are made by people. Those who work on it on a small scale get it done if they don't like it. They ask to change it. Similarly, forks in software and blockchain are now graded if this product meets the expectations of their people do not meet
And any blockchain can come and the changes in that blockchain are made by a lot of low level users if they don't like the blockchain here and sometimes it changes at the request of a very high level person or experienced person. This is done when the experienced person does not like the current program. When a fork comes in any blockchain, then there is a lot of uneasiness among the people who invest in that blockchain because it is quite expensive. Fluctuations are noticeable and if this fork is removed, all investors and others working in the entire blockchain will benefit.

What is Soft Fork?

The dissolution of a block chain into two chains is called hard fork. One of these two chains continues the original protocol and the other gene adopts new rules. Upgrades the new protocol. It misinterprets the existing node, ie the old node. In the same way, the second node also misinterprets the previous node. This fork changes the protocol to such an extent that the new protocol does not fit the system of the old protocol, thus it does not work well. A new currency emerges.

What is Hard fork?

As we know that Bitcoin is the first currency, it took a long time to grow and during this period it faced many fluctuations. The most successful of these is Hard Fork BTC cash. The original breakdown of the bitcoin blockchain in 2017 led to the creation of the bitcoin cash chain called BCH. The main purpose of the BCH was to increase the size of the Bitcoin block so that it could accommodate as many transaction processes as possible. As we have read before, the new node that is created due to which BCH is upgraded and they run on blockchain and they do not recognize bitcoin transactions like before.

What is Bitcoin Soft fork?

A soft fork is a fork in which the blockchain network is actually converted and this fork is distributed in a chain without any change. This means that a change in a soft fork can be made without a chain distribution. Soft fork works in different ways in which it does not upgrade the node but leaves it as it is. It has fork upgrades and new ones that work well and it creates a new block. This block is created with a new day that is welded through the old blocks. Such changes are made when small-scale workers ask to change them.

What is Bitcoin Soft Fork?

This is a fork in which the bitcoin is actually converted and this fork is called Segrigated Soft Fork. The purpose of creating this soft fork was to reduce the size of bitcoin transactions. In order to reduce the size of transactions, changes are made in the structure of the transaction to reduce its size and now more and more transactions are completed in one block and this fork was implemented in 2017.

Difference Between Soft Fork and Hard Fork

Soft Fork

  • In this fork the real change is made in the blockchain and this life is distributed without being divided in Chains.

  • This fork results in a new currency credit
    Block height is not repeated in Asif Work.

  • Soft fork has a compatible backward fork.

Hard Fork

  • In hard fork, the blockchain is divided into two chains, one of which continues the original protocol and the other follows the new rules.

  • On the behalf of Hard Fork the new currency is created.
    In this fork the height of particular block is repeated again and again.

  • Hard Fork is a fork that has incompatible backwards i nature.

What is Bitcoin Cash

It is the most successful hard fork of BTC. These is Hard Fork BTC cash. The original breakdown of the bitcoin blockchain in 2017 led to the creation of the bitcoin cash chain called BCH. The main purpose of this Bitcoin cash was to increase the size of the Bitcoin block so that it could accommodate as many transaction processes as possible.

What is Segregated Fork

As mentioned above is Bitcoin soft for topic that This is a fork in which the bitcoin is actually converted and this fork is called Segrigated Soft Fork. The main purpose of creating this fork was to reduce the size of bitcoin transactions. In order to reduce the size of transactions, changes are made in the structure of the transaction to reduce its size

Similarities of Steem and Hive Platforms

Here we can see the front end of steemit platform where posts are located in center and different communities and other information is located in side bar of the page.


Here we can see the similarity in which we see the front end of both platforms. Here we notice that both platform are same is context of frontend.

First we visit the website and sign in with steemit account. Amd dashboard will open next we should click on Exprore Block button.


Next we check the block information in steemit by putting the block number.


We vam see the information about blobk 7854. We see the time stamp and date.


Next we see the block information on Hive Platform.
Fist we visit Hive website and enter the block number in text box where 1 is written amd click the search button.


Next we can see few information about block. Next we should click on he left down corner to reveal the hide information about this block.

Next we can see the time stamp and witness of block is same.


Written by



Hello @allan.fakeer,
Thank you for taking interest in this class. Your grades are as follows:

Presentation/Use of Markdowns0.5/2
Compliance with Topic1/2
Quality of Analysis0.5/2
Clarity of Language0.5/2

Feedback and Suggestions
  • Your work is really unclear. You should always take the time to understand a topic before you write.

  • Your arrangement is not good. Always take time to edit your work.

  • You did not show the Steem and Hive Genesis Blocks.

Thanks again as we anticipate your participation in the next class.

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