How a Cat came of age (A Catwoman origin story) Chapter 19 : Unexpected gains

in Dream Steem3 months ago


Source : Gencraft image generator

Leo Carreras had left home at the tender age of twelve. His parents had passed when he was three years old. Raised by relatives and always feeling neglected, he had hardly ever known affection or even what it meant to have a carefree childhood. His paternal uncle and aunt saw him as little more than a burden, but one they had to carry. Or else they might look bad in their closely knit Italian-American community. And they made sure Leo knew this.

The boy was skinny and not very good at sports, which did not win him any friends at school. It also meant that his uncle didn't find him worthy of his time either. He did enjoy science, especially physics, and computers. This of course, alienated him even more from the boys at his school, who considered him a "nerd" and peak bullying material. While his uncle, instead of praising his intellect, told him to "man up". Whatever that meant.

With no friends and no real family, Leo was all alone.

So one day when Leo's cousin stole their neighbour's expensive watch and hid it in Leo's pillowcase, in order to pin the blame on him, Leo knew he had to get out of there. His aunt and uncle would see this as the perfect opportunity to get rid of him, and wouldn't hesitate to hand him over to the cops. The boy slipped out the back door and ran across the park towards the inner city.

Eventually, he would run into Frank Baz who took him under his wing. Frank brought the young lad to Italy. He saw in Leo the potential to become an excellent thief. Or at least an excellent hacker, given him propensity for computers. He got Leo an excellent education, and Frank's butler Wilder took care of him every way he could. Not exactly a loving family, but definitely way better than what Leo had run away from.

Now, at only sixteen years of age, Leo had graduated high school. He had also had extensive training in slight of hand tricks and as an escape artist from Frank, besides his ever growing prowess as a hacker.

Leo felt ready to participate in a heist.

He knew nothing of the Spider, as his mentor had never told him about them. As far as he knew, Frank Baz was his mentor and his boss. And young Leo Carreras wished to follow in his footsteps.

"So..... what exactly are you good at, child?" Asked the hauntingly beautiful woman sitting next to Frank.

Sophia's comment drew laughter from the other thieves at their table. It died down however, when Frank Baz cast a stern look at his crew. They were all experienced thieves. Some of the Spider's most accomplished.

"Show them, Leo" Frank told his protégé.

It took Leo less than three minutes to hack into the database of the Bank of Italy and pull up the account details of some of the country's wealthiest.

"Hmm.... not bad! Not bad at all!" said Sophia, sipping her martini.

"Thank you.... ma'am!" Leo said, feeling quite pleased with himself.

"I told you he was ready, my beauty!" Frank said, kissing Sophia's temple.

"That you did", she replied smiling sweetly.

It wasn't lost on Leo how Sophia Lemarr seemed to stand out from the rest of the crew, who were all hardened men. It was rather jarring to be honest, seeing this lovely lady among these hard cases. But Leo was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

Besides, it appeared she was the one who had planned the Messina heist.

"Are we clear on the details?" Sophia asked everyone, before the meeting was wrapped up.

They all replied in an affirmative.

While they all ate the delicious feast Wilder had prepared, Leo kept glancing at Frank and Sophia. He had never seen his mentor look so enamoured with a woman before. As a matter of fact, in the four years he had known him, he hadn't seen Frank date a lot of women. He was mostly by himself.

It was March thirteenth. The next day being Selina's twenty-sixth birthday. She was packing her bag and preparing to fly to London. One might say it was unwise for Selina to leave Sicily at a time like this. But she would not break a promise to Holly. Especially now, when Selina needed to look put for her more than ever.

Besides, she was sure Frank would take care of things for the next two days. After all, he needed this heist to work out just as much as she did.

"I have a surprise for you, Selina!" Holly had told her cheerily when they spoke on the phone earlier.

Selina didn't like surprises at the best of times. And she had a strong feeling she wouldn't like the one Holly had for her.

Her apprehensions turned out to be correct.

"Engaged?!" Selina exclaimed as soon as Holly broke the news to her, "Holly.... I... you've only known this Arthur for seven months! And you say you want to marry him? I don't un..."

"Selina, I know this is sudden" Holly said, trying to calm her big sister, "but please just listen to me."

She sat Selina down on the couch and continued.

"This might seem like we're rushing things Selina, but please believe me when I say we're ready. Arthur loves me, Selina. He only wants to be with me. He proposed to me in Paris, it was insanely romantic."

Holly held out her hand showing Selina the seven carat diamond engagement ring her fiance had given her.

"I looked into his eyes, Selina.", she continued, "when he told me he would love me forever, he meant it."

"I'm sure the proposal was wonderful, Holly.", Selina said, not at all moved by what her sister had just told her, "but this is marriage were talking about. How do you know you're ready? Holly, you're in the romance stage of your relationship, where you look at each other through rose tinted glasses. I'm no expert, but I'm sure a couple needs to.... I don't know.... see all aspects of each other before they do something as monumental as marriage."

"Selina Arthur and I have seen all aspects of each other.... we've shared more in the last few months than most couples do in years!"

"Holly, I don't know what lies he's been feeding you but...."

Holly interrupted Selina, this time with her voice raised.

"Selina stop it! Just stop!" She exclaimed, "I can't believe you think so little of me! Do you really think I would be so easily manipulated?"

"You ARE being manipulated! Holly, you've known this guy for seven fucking months!! And already he has you tied around his little finger. Holly, if you don't see how fake he is, how every one of his moves is carefully calculated, how he always knows exactly what to say..... then I'm seriously worried about you!"

"You know what, Selina?", Holly was now truly losing her temper, "Arthur is right! You want me to be all alone, JUST LIKE YOU!"

Holly regretted those words as soon as they left her lips. The last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt her big sister.

"Selina.... I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to say that...."

"Holly..... don't worry about that..." Selina replied while putting her arms around her sister, "I'm more than happy being alone. But no, I don't want that for you. I don't know what Arthur has been telling you, but I love you and I want you to be happy."

Holly had calmed down by now.

"Selina, I'm sure Arthur was just feeling emotional when he said that. He respects you, he really does. And he really wants your approval."

Selina's fear was now very real. Arthur had Holly thoroughly manipulated.

Before she could say anything, Holly's phone rang. The sweet smile that spread across her lips told Selina it was Arthur Garcia. It was a smile that stung Selina's heart as it showed her just how deeply in love her sister was. If this man was as disingenuous as Selina thought him to be, Holly's heart would be utterly broken.

"Selina I have to go!" Holly said after ending the call, "Arthur is waiting downstairs, we have plans. But please, promise me that you'll at least think about what I've said. Won't you just give Arthur a chance, Selina?"

Holly's eyes seemed to plead with Selina, causing her to acquiesce, if only a little.

"Ok, Holly. I'll think about what you've told me. Are you gonna be home for dinner? I wanna cook for us."

"Yes, of course!" Holly said, hugging her sister, "I'll be back before eight.".

As she watched her leave, Selina's worries for the girl she had sworn to protect seemed to engulf her.

She wasn't afraid of what she was about to do on the work front. Flirting with danger and possible death was a part of her work. She had chosen that life, and was very happy with it. But the mere thought of her sister, either of her sisters being harmed in any way would fill her with fear and anger.

She really wanted to be wrong about Arthur.

"So....." came the happy and anticipatory voice of Gwen Altamont on Selina's cell phone, "our little girl's getting married!"

"Oh she told you? Not that I'm surprised."

Selina truly wasn't surprised. Gwen had Holly had remained in touch and in the last few years their friendship had deepened. Based on a mutual quest to figure out the woman who had brought them together in the first place.

"Holly tells me you're not particularly fond of this Arthur Garcia."

Selina exhaled dramatically before replying.

"Gwen it's like he read a bunch of trashy Mills and Boon novels and decided to adopt all those dumb seduction techniques. Trouble is, his tactics are working. Holly has been believing all his bullshit, and she's head over heels!"

"Selina if I'm gonna be honest, I felt like something just wasn't right when she described how perfect he was. She had him speak to me on the phone. And let me tell you, that guy's voice was just dripping with fake niceness."

"I'm worried Gwen. Holly has matured a lot, but she's still so young. And naive. You know what kind of life she had to run away from. I'm afraid that if this Arthur hurts her....."

"I know you're scared for her Selina. She's my friend, I'm worried about her too. But truth be told, there's really nothing you can do about this."

"Gwen I can't just let her marry this dickhead...."

"You don't LET her do anything, Selina. This is Holly's decision. She wants to marry him? That's exactly what she'll do." Gwen said matter of factly. "And let me assure you that if you keep pushing her to not marry Arthur, you'll end up pushing him away from yourself!"

Selina listened quietly. Gwen did make a lot of sense.

"She might even cut contact with you just to save this relationship", Gwen went on, "and then, she won't have anyone to turn to if this Arthur actually turns out to be a scumbag. All you can do for now is be supportive, and make sure she knows you are always there for her. No matter what."

"I suppose you're right, Gwen. I can't let her think she's alone."

"Well I have news about another couple getting engaged that might make you happy!"

"What...? Maggie?" Selina asked, brightening up.

"Yep! Mr Right proposed!"

"Holy shit! Maggie and Simon are getting married? Are you sure they're engaged?"

"Oh I'm positive. She has a ring. It's nothing too expensive, but very pretty. She has this permanent spring in her step. Besides, I have my sources Selina. Your sister is engaged to be married."

This was truly great news for Selina. She couldn't put in words just how happy she was foe her little sister marrying a good man who treated her well.

The news also caused her to wonder why the sister she had been taking care of was walking into a toxic and potentially dangerous relationship. While the one who had cut ties with her was in a healthy, wholesome one.

Selina quickly pushed these thoughts away, as this was not the time to dwell on such things.

"Gwen, do you know if they've picked a wedding date?"

"Not sure. But from the looks of things, and the way Maggie has been talking to her friends, they probably plan to get married in June. After the end of the second semester. And it'll probably be a small wedding. I doubt they can afford anything big and expensive."

"Oh.... we'll see about that!" Selina replied.

Later that evening, as Selina and Holly sat down to eat, some of the tension from earlier still lingered in the air. Although, the two woman did manage to make some pleasant small talk.

Finally, Selina said what needed to be said.

"Holly, does Arthur make you happy?"

"Yes Selina, happier than I've ever been." Holly replied immediately, noticing the positive shift in Selina's mood.

"Ok... then I'm happy for you. I hope this marriage is successful and I hope Arthur turns out to be everything you've ever wanted."

"Selina! Thank you!" Holly stood up from her chair and hugged Selina.

"All I want is for you to be happy Holly." Selina said as she hugged her back, "And I'm always here for you. Never ever forget that."

"I know Selina. I've never doubted that."

"So tell me, have you picked a date yet?"

"Probably sometime in fall. Arthur says he wants us to get married in Europe. But we haven't decided anything."

"Well whatever you decide, just let me know in advance. Because the Brides family will pay for half of the wedding expenses."

The next day, Holly and Selina celebrated the latter's birthday. Nothing too fancy. Holly baked a cake, they went out to see a movie, followed by over an hour of talking."

By the time dusk gave way to the night sky, Selina had to board her flight back to Sicily.

Arthur had decided to accompany her and Holly to the airport. After she was done hugging her sister, Arthur tried to hug Selina too. All he got in return was an extended hand, a cold smile and a look in Selina's eyes that he couldn't quite decipher, but one that made him uncomfortable.

Holly had warned him that her sister was "a hard nut to crack". She was right.

The Villa owned by Don Messina had been studied thoroughly. Every possible entrance and exit carefully examined. Sophia Lemarr herself had entered the home disguised as a maid.

The heist had been planned meticulously. Preparations for it had taken the better part of a month. Everyone knew their part. Everyone had the tools, and weapons, they would need to pull this off.

This heist would get them access to billions of Dollars worth of jewels. Billions for the Spider's coffers.

Or at least, that was the plan.

The bullet that struck Frank Baz came supposedly out of nowhere. A few others were fired and hit a few other members of the crew.

The survivors had to make a hasty getaway.

Frank tried to stay conscious, but the bullet had penetrated his belly. He was losing blood quickly.

Leo watched as Sophia begged him to stay with her. His heart broke for her when she let out an anguished cry as Frank Baz died in her arms.

Once they had somehow scampered to a somewhat safe location, Sophia wanted to bury Frank. She said Messina's men were certainly after them and she would not have them desecrate his body.

Out of decency and some sense of honour, the others agreed. They buried their deceased leader in an unmarked grave, in an unknown cemetery at the edge of town.

Leo was both grief stricken and angry. Frank had been the closest thing he had had to a father figure. That man did not deserve to be buried in an unnamed grave.

So when Sophia wanted to finish the job, Leo was the only one who stayed by her side.

The rest of the crew decided to split. They knew Don Messina was now on the hunt for them and wanted to leave the country as soon as possible. Perhaps regroup at a Spider hideout elsewhere. Sophia looked at them with disgust and told them to run off with their tails between their legs.

Just two days later, Leo Carreras watched in awe as Sophia Lemarr went to work. Under her guidance and leadership, the two of them managed to not only break into the Messina estate, but also incompacitate his men. By the end of the night, a terrified Diego Messina begged Sophia to spare his life.

She had a gun pointed at his cranium. She could have blown his brains out.

But she didn't.

Sophia simply ordered Leo to empty the safe and get it's contents to the car.

Later on, as the two of them drove away, Leo mustered the courage to ask Sophia why she had spares Messina. She had simply replied, "it's about sending a message, kid".

She then took young Leo to Wilder. Frank's faithful butler who had promised to take care of the boy until he came of age. Leo would also inherit a considerable sum of money from his mentor.

Though Leo had just survived a horrific trauma, his future was secure.

Frank Baz was one of greatest escape artists in the world. But even for a man with his talents, digging his way out of a grave was no child's play. He and Sophia had agreed that the grave could not be shallow, to avoid arousing suspicion from the others.

How Frank's death would be staged was one of the many things that they had planned together a month earlier. On that fateful evening when Sophia had walked into his penthouse apartment, and found him and Roland in each other's arms. Their lips locked, their passions burning.

Frank wasn't sure if in the heat of the moment, he and Roland had forgotten to lock the door, or if Sophia had just broken in. But there she was.

"You know, I've already wondered about you two." She stated, her facial expression unreadable.

Wilder came in just moments later, a bag of groceries in his arms and looking horrified.

"It's all right, Wilder." Frank told his butler, as he and Roland put their shirts back on, "Miss Lemarr will be staying for dinner."

"Very good, sir" said Wilder regaining his calm and regal demeanour, before making his way to the kitchen.

"Have a seat, Sophia." Frank asked his uninvited guest.

Without wasting any time beating around the bush, Frank got to the point.

"Sophia, I know you don't plan to be loyal to Morella and the Spider. And Roland and I have been thinking about escaping. So, I propose we work together and help each other achieve our goals."

Frank would then reveal to Selina Morella's biggest fear - the League of Assassins and their leader Ra's al Ghul.

"Ever heard of them?" He asked.

"Let's say I have.... what's your plan?"

"Morella had a run in with Ra's about twelve years ago. She escaped with her life. She's been extra careful ever since she started Spider. And had avoided any clash with the LOA. So far."

"And you wish to change that."

Frank proceeded to tell Sophia about the LOA's ties with the infamous mafia lord Diego Messina. And how he would often allow his heavily guarded villa to be used by the LOA to temporarily store their treasures, important documents etc.

This was a piece of information that Frank had come across and hadn't shared with Morella.

His plan was to make the Spider cross paths with the LOA by stealing the latter's jewels from Messina. And once the score was done, exact locations of the Spider's hideouts, and it's stashes of loot would be left behind for the LOA to find.

Morella's worst nightmare would come true, and the Spider would be destroyed by it's much more powerful adversary.

However, in order for Frank and Roland to run away from this life and make a fresh start elsewhere, Frank's death would have to be staged.

Having dug himself out of the hole in the ground, the first thing Frank did was get to the abandoned house to which Sophia had given him directions. Using the key she gave him, he entered and proceeded to clean himself up. He then changed out of his clothes, burned the ones he was wearing, before putting on the wig and facial prosthetics Sophia had left for him.
Now a completely different man, he checked into a local motel and stayed there for the next twenty-four hours.

The next night Roland, who was also in disguise, Wilder and Sophia were waiting for him at the airport. Roland had insisted on being a part of this mission, but Sophia decided it would be best if he took care of the paperwork, fake passports etc.

Frank had gotten in touch with the LOA and made a deal with them. The Spider's hideouts in exchange for their help in staging his death.

An LOA sniper had been stationed near the Messina residence and had done Frank's bidding.

Selina had done her bit to lead the LOA to the Spider's hideouts, by leaving behind instructions on how to get to each one right next to a tied up Diego Messina. Soon enough, the LOA would tear apart the Spider, and Morella would be ruined.

It had all been executed perfectly.

"Don't you think the boy deserves to know?" Frank remembered Sophia asking him why Leo wasn't being told that his mentor wasn't actually going to die. He could tell that she felt compassion for the kid.

"It's best if he doesn't. He needs to be completely cut off from me when this us all done. Leo is immensely talented. He'll be able to make a name for himself as a thief if that's what he wants. I'll leave him enough money to allow him to do what he wants. Plus, Wilder will be there for him."

Frank had been overcome with admiration at Selina's grief stricken cries, as he "bled" to death. Perfectly timed anger, despair and outrage. She was an amazing actress and he had no doubt she would go far in this line of work.

Now, at the airport, ready for a new beginning with the love of his life, he felt genuine gratitude for her help. He handed Sophia and small briefcase. It contained emeralds and diamonds worth tens of millions. Her compensation.

He then hugged his old friend and butler one last time.

"Wilder, Sophia has been very helpful to Roland and I. Make sure you are there for her if she ever needs help."

"Of course, sir", Wilder replied, keeping any emotion out of his voice.

Sophia playfully rolled her eyes at what Frank had said before shaking his and Roland's hands.

"Good luck, you two!" She said as she left.

Selina Kyle was now on her way to pull the score of a lifetime.

She had seen all the whereabouts of the Spider's hideouts that Frank had described in detail for the LOA, and committed them to memory. And she was headed to the one in this very city. She wanted to get there before those assassins could, and clean up.

Selina entered the vault expecting to find billions worth of diamonds and artwork, instead what she found was Morella's secretary, Maven. Tied up and gagged.

"What the hell happened to you?" Sophia asked while she quickly untied Maven.

"Morella...." Maven said as she took gasps of air "those men came to kill her... she pushed me into them and escaped...they tied me up and locked me in here."

"Run", Selina told her, "get the hell out of here as soon as you fucking can".

"But.... Sophia, what about you? I think those men are still here.... you should."

"I'm here to take what's mine. You need to leave, Maven. Now!"

Maven did not argue any further. Using a secret escape hatch, she get out of the underground hideout.

Selina was feeling rather irritated. She hadn't gone through all this trouble just to walk away without getting her hands on the Spider's loot. She wasn't going to let Ra's al Ghul have all of it.

She had seen those LOA assassins fight. She could take them.

And take them she did!

Selina had managed to incompacitate several of the LOA's fighters before they could stuff priceless artwork into their bags and make off with it. Then she began filling her backpack with riches from the other safes. As much as she could carry.

She felt like the proverbial Cat who swallowed the proverbial Canary, until a blow came that completely blindsided, and knocked the breath out of her.

It was a tall East Asian man who had attacked her.

"Naughty little thief!" He said in an American accent, "it's not nice to take what isn't yours."

Selina wasn't dissuaded though. She got right back up, ready to fight for her score.

However, none of the combatants Selina had faced over the years could have prepared her for this absolute beast. She tried to attack, tried to evade. But nothing worked.

This man's skills made her look like an amateur.

Before she knew it, she was on the ground clutching her midsection. She was sure he had cracked at least one of her ribs.

The man then took her backpack, and before walking away he turned around and threw a small cloth pouch at Selina.

"Use these herbs. Boil them in water and apply them on your many injuries. They'll heal you quickly, little thief."

Was he mocking her?

Infuriated, Selina picked up the pouch and chucked it right back at the man.

"YOU THINK I WANT YOUR PITY, YOU SON OF A BITCH?" She screamed at him, even as her body was in agony.

"Hmmm.... then what it is that the little thief wants?" He asked, still just as calm and looking a bit amused.

After a moment's silence, Selina said "Training. Teach me to fight like you. I'll pay. As much as you want."

The man laughed, before reaching into his pocket. He took out a coin and threw it at Selina.

"I'll accept your coin little thief, if you can return mine."


Before she could ask any further questions, the man said "you best get out of here. More armed men are on their way and I doubt you'd be able to defend yourself now."

Selina decided to take his advice. She picked up the strange looking coin with a dragon on it, and got out through the same hatch through which Maven had escaped.

She couldn't take any of the streets. Strangely similar looking cars were everywhere. She was sure they were those LOA bastards, on the look out for any Spider members that may have survived and were escaping.

Selina would have to swim away.

However, given her rib injury, swimming was nothing short of torture. She kept struggling though.

And just when she thought she would pass out from the pain and exhaustion, a pair of strong hands grabbed her arms and pulled her on to a boat.

"Wilder? Leo?.... how did you...?" Selina asked between coughs.

"Maven called me as soon as you helped her escape. She told me you'd me in trouble Miss, and that I needed to get you before the LOA did. And young Leo here insisted on accompanying me."

"Wilder.... I..... thank you!" Selina's gratitude was genuine.

She then came to a horrific realization that her prosthetics were torn up and part of her face, her real face, was exposed.

"Miss Sophia, please do not panic. All your secrets will be safe with us" Wilder assured her. Leo nodded.

"I made a promise to Mr Baz" Wilder said, "that I would be there should you ever need me. I intend to keep that promise."

These two, and Maven as well, had saved her life. They didn't have to. They could have left her to her fate and escaped. But they came to get her.

She felt it would be insulting to not trust them at this point.

"Selina. My name is Selina Kyle."

She told her rescuers as they escaped to safety together.


Whew. That was a lot of text. And I mean that appreciatively ;-)) If I take the complexity with which you have built up the story from the beginning: would it be conceivable that there could be film adaptations based on fan fiction? I haven't heard of any yet...

Haha! You're far too kind.

Thank you.

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 3 months ago (edited)

In case you guys didn’t know, Wilder was Selina's butler for some time in the 1993 Catwoman run.

Maven was her assistant in Batman The Animated Series.

And Leo appeared in the 2018 Catwoman run.😊

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