And so it begins.... (A Catwoman and Batman fanfiction)

in Dream Steemlast year

“Good morning, Master Bruce!” said Alfred Pennyworth as he pulled aside the drapes and prepared to serve breakfast/dinner to the billionaire vigilante. For over two years, it had become a routine for the butler to find his boss/friend with injuries of varying severity when he greeted him in the morning. Mornings were the time of the day they could spend the most time together, which was always about twenty minutes or so before Bruce Wayne would rush off to the Batcave to update his files and to analyze and evidence he may have collected during the previous night’s excursions. Alfred wondered sometimes how long his boss, who had always treated him like a father, could go on like this. His mission was noble, no doubt. But how long would the young man be able to put his body and mind through such punishment. Alfred understood why Bruce did what he did, but he still worried.

“He’s reached America, Alfred.” Bruce Wayne observed as he ate some berries.
“Jet Li, Master Bruce?” the butler asked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, knowing very well that Bruce was least interested in the lives of movie stars. “He’s been here a while. His Lethal Weapon was quite the box office hit”, Alfred continued as he applied peanut butter on whole wheat toast.

"No Alfred!” Bruce replied, already dismounting from the bed and taking his breakfast down to the Cave, “I’m talking about the infamous Cat burglar. He stole a Van Gogh from Lex Luthor’s home in Metropolis. No mean feat, as that place is practically a fortress. Left his calling card. A small silver Cat figurine.

“Hmm…. This Cat burglar seems rather formidable.”

“He is, Alfred.” Bruce said, heading for the study, his breakfast platter in his hands. “He’s been terrorizing Europe for the last twenty-seven months. He stole an ancient copy of the Bible from the Vatican, along with some religious scrolls from the Pope’s private chambers. He’s stolen from the Louvre a total of 6 times, took the Blue Heaven Diamond from Munich, he stole jewels from Queen Elizabeth’s vault…” Bruce stopped and smirked, “he even stole Princess Diana’s favorite diamond tiara DURING her funeral”.

“Ah yes! I remember there was quite the uproar over it. You seem to find that amusing Master Wayne” Alfred remarked.

“There’s nothing amusing about crime Alfred. It’s a social disease.” Bruce said, returning the arms of the Grandfather’s Clock to the time of his parents’ death, “However, it’s worth noting that this thief seems to enjoy tormenting European royalty and aristocracy. Not to mention Christian leaders. He also has a tendency to take artifacts that were looted from their homeland by European colonizers.”

As much as he hated to admit it, Bruce couldn’t help but admire the thief. The scores he had pulled off were near impossible. The former Interpol chief had referred to the Cat as “The Ghost With Nine Lives” and “The greatest thief who ever lived”. The more Batman learned about the bugler, the clearer it became that these titles were well earned. Whoever this was, the Batman looked forward to the formidable challenge he would pose. No other criminal had fascinated him to this degree.

“Perhaps you can be friends, Sir. And bond over a mutual aversion to royalty.”

Alfred’s attempt at humour was met with a wry smile. “Cancel any social engagements I may have today. If this guy got to Metropolis, it’s only a matter of time before he arrives in Gotham. And I need to be ready.” Before entering the Batcave, Bruce turned around and asked, “how’s Dick’s school project going?”

“Splendidly, Master Bruce” Alfred told him, “He seems to rather enjoying it. In fact, these last few weeks he has been very happy. The way a child his age should be.”

“That’s good”, Bruce’s lips curled into a rare warm smile “Tell him Jiu Jitsu practice has been moved from seven-thirty to eight PM”. Dick had been living with them for little over seven months and both Bruce and Alfred saw him as a part of their family. Bruce didn’t say it out loud but he clearly wanted to be a father figure to the boy who had lost everything. It was why he was initiating the boy into crime fighting, to give him the closure that he himself never had. It seemed as though ever since he met Dick, his heart had grown. Alfred had noticed this too.

“I’ll be sure to, Sir. All the best with your…. Cat bugler.”

“No” Selina Kyle AKA The Cat replied curtly to the question the man on the other end of the telephonic conversation asked for the umpteenth time. She used a voice modulator to disguise herself. The world thought she was a man and although it did bother her that they would jump to that conclusion, she was pragmatic enough to know that it provided an extra layer of covering for her identity.

“House of Saud is offering FIFTY MILLION in exchange for that Van Gogh” the man’s tone grew more exasperated as he continued
“It’s the principle of the thing.” Selina said, calmly taking sips of her iced tea, “That painting is a rarity and should not be touched by weak, misogynistic little men who feel good about themselves by subduing women.”

“BUT….” The dealer on the other end wanted to protest further, and somehow persuade his mysterious contact but he was cut off.

“Goodbye now!”Selina said before hanging up. She immediately dismantled and destroyed her cell phone, as she always did after talking to a fence.

“Meeoww” Isis observed as she played with a pretty sapphire necklace.

“Exactly, my love. Principles are important.” Selina dangled the necklace so Isis could paw at it while she considered where to hunt next.

“You think Gotham should be our next stop?” she asked her furry friend who purred happily as she played. “They have some of world’s greatest museums. Not to mention an ever increasing number of rich scumbags to steal from.”

Selina had been thinking of returning to Gotham and setting up a base there for over a year now. She had left the city thirteen years earlier as a fifteen year old girl. Her life took a new turn the day she tried to steal from the visiting Hasigawa clan. She was caught and tried to fight her way out. But Ted Grant’s training, effective as it was, was of little use against a dozen katana wielding Yakuza members. Young Selina was captured and taken to the boss. Fortunately, he was impressed with her and recruited her to steal for his clan. She saw the opportunity for a better life and took it. Maggie had been adopted into a nice family, who for some reason, wouldn't let Selina see her. There was now no sense in wasting away in Gotham.

The next decade of her life had been a blur of stealing, training, learning and more stealing. Selina realized that Yakuza life wasn’t for her. But she did love to steal and wanted to be the very best at it. She stayed long enough to take advantage of all the martial arts training and education the Hasigawa empire could get her access to, then she pulled one of her classic vanishing acts. With some help from her "friend" and the boss’s daughter, Eiko.

And now here she was. The world was her oyster. She hopped from one European city to the next and left both law enforcement and often military units in the dust. However, in spite of all the fun she had, that feeling of emptiness remained. She hadn’t seen Maggie in so long. She did visit Gotham a few times and just watched her from a distance to make sure she was safe and happy. The last time she spoke to her sister was about eight years ago, at the convent. Maggie saw her in an expensive designer dress and diamond earrings. She also noticed the much older man who had driven her there. Maggie had no way of knowing that the man was a Yakuza member and had been sent to keep an eye on Selina. But she was smart enough to figure out that her big sister was getting rich doing something shady.

Maggie voiced her disapproval for the path Selina had chosen with the righteous indignation of one who had never had to make the kind of choices that Selina did. She also refused to accept the gifts her sister had brought her.

Two years ago, she watched from a distance as Maggie got married. Selina was happy for her and only hoped that she would keep the wedding present she had sent anonymously.
Besides the obvious familial connection, going to Gotham would also make sense from a business standpoint. Selina’s jewelry brand “SK” had stores in Paris and Milan. Her pieces had also been showcased at the recent Metropolis Fashion Week. Setting up an outlet in Gotham just seemed like the next logical step. And she would be lying if she said she didn’t miss the city itself.

She was considering the possibilities when the next news item helped make up her mind. France was sending three totemic statues that originally belonged to Benin to the French Consulate in Gotham. They would be displayed at the Consulate for three days before being sent back to France. It was all part of France participating in the “Art In Embassies/Consulates” program of the US State Department.

“All right, Isis.” Selina said, salivating at the challenge before her, “Gotham it is!”

“Not only are the totems priceless, the statues are artifacts stolen from the natives by French colonizers. This is exactly the kind of object that the Cat would want to steal.” Batman told Alfred while inspecting the security arrangement of the French Consulate on the Bat computer. “If he’s going to strike in Gotham, it’ll most likely be here.”

“They’ll arrive in Gotham two days from now. Do you think, this “Cat” has had the time to prepare for such a heist?” Alfred asked while vacuuming the cave’s floor.

“This thief is nothing if not resourceful, Alfred. He’s the kind that can think on his feet and is able to plan several steps ahead, even at short notice. This isn’t even the most difficult heist he has ever done.” Batman replied, never taking his eyes off the screen.

“Why does this guy call himself Cat anyway? What a weird name!” Asked young Dick Grayson, as he studied am old police case file Batman had given him. It was all part of his training.
“He doesn’t call himself anything, Dick.” his mentor told him, “it’s the name law enforcement agencies gave him on the basis of the small silver cat he leaves behind in place of the object he stole. I think it was Scotland Yard that first referred to him as “The Cat”. Besides, this thief also incapacitated the Queen of England’s personal bodyguards and when one of them regained consciousness all he could recollect was being attacked by a human sized cat, who left scratches on him with metallic claws. He distinctly remembered the cat ears on a black mask that the assailant wore.”

“So…this Cat is kind of like you.” Observed Dick, tentatively. “I mean you both dress like animals.”
At this, Alfred gave a knowing sideways glace to Bruce. The glance was returned with a straight face.
“No, Dick. What I do is FIGHT crime. I work day and night to strike fear in the hearts of criminals,to keep this city safe. What The Cat does is break into highly secure places and take priceless objects. So no, Dick. He is in fact, NOT kind of like me.” The retort came out harsher than Bruce had intended.

“I… I know Batman.” the ten year old said a bit nervously, “I was just making a joke.”
Alfred didn’t want Dick to think that he couldn't joke around with them, and decided to step in.

“Master Dick, Master Bruce understands you were joking. He is simply a bit stressed due to this whole business with this thief. Isn’t that right Master Bruce?”
Bruce knew this was his cue.

“Yes, of course. Don’t worry Dick. I’m not completely humorless.” He smiled reassuringly at the young boy. Bruce himself wanted Dick to feel comfortable around him. He just had no idea how to do that for a child. Having never truly experienced his own childhood.

“So tell me about your class’s field trip to the planetarium.” Bruce turned his chair around and decided to take a break from his research to engage in conversation with the boy. He was aware that he didn’t do that nearly enough.

Being back in Gotham felt strange. Selina had missed the city’s hustle and bustle, but she couldn’t say the same about the feelings it invoked in her. Feelings. That word by itself made her uncomfortable. She had come to associate it with vulnerability. And in her world, being vulnerable could be a death sentence. Feelings notwithstanding, the view, from her recently acquired penthouse flat, of the city being bathed in an orange hue from the setting sun was certainly pleasing.

The master thief had landed in the city that very morning and had spent the better part of her in preparation of her next heist. She had already planned how she would do it. She also had all the equipment ready. She had paid a visit to the French consulate in the afternoon, just to confirm all her information about the building’s layout, the exists and the staff. She had already hacked into their computer system and knew where the cameras, lasers and motion sensors would be placed.

“I promise I’ll rescue those statues from those colonial bastards, Isis. Promise.” She said, putting on her suit. It had everything she would need. She reckoned it would be a clean job, she’d be in and out before they could figure out what hit them. As the night sky turned a deep blue, the Cat landed at her destination.

Dodging the motion sensors was child’s play for her. Nothing she hadn’t done before. She had rigged the security cameras, so now they played the same three minutes of footage over and over. The lasers too were of no use against her. Her suit was lined with tiny but powerful suction cups along the triceps and shins. She could climb the walls like a gecko and get to her prize. Replacing the totemic statues with her own Cat statues was a bit tricky, but she still managed. There was no change in weight, so the sensors would detect nothing. She had made sure to use material that was just as dense as the one used for the real mccoy. She silently thanked the Armless Master for instilling in her a love for masonry, as she stuffed her prize into her backpack. Making a quick exist, she got to the roof where the guards were still exactly as she had left them – out cold.

The Dark Knight, that’s what the newspapers called him these days, watched the Consulate like a hawk from a nearby building. He had discussed his fears about The Cat possibly making Gotham his next target with Commissioner Gordon. Security at the consulate was subsequently beefed up. He had already accessed the security cameras and noticed the loop they played before any of the security personnel did.

This was it. The Cat had gotten in, in spite of all increased protection. But he would not be leaving. That the Batman was determined to ensure. He spotted the sleek black shadow jumping off the consulate’s roof and swing over to catch the notorious criminal.
He landed on the rooftop where he anticipated the thief would land. But the Cat was nowhere to be seen. He was about to doubt his own perception when his keen eyesight caught the barely noticeable movement at the parapet he shot off his line in the direction and lo and behold, it coiled around the thief’s ankle. Batman pulled it. Unfortunately for him, the Cat had positioned himself in a way that his other leg would come swinging at the vigilantes head.

Both the Bat and the Cat landed on their backs. Both were back on their feet in the blink of an eye. This is when the Batman got a good look at the Ghost With Nine Lives. He saw her slim waist, her hourglass figure, he full bust and realized that the Cat was actually a woman. The split second delay this revelation caused in his reaction was exploited by the Cat as she used her titanium claws to cut the line. She then cracked her whip and and swung away.

The Bat followed. From rooftop to rooftop, ledge to ledge, the Cat took him on a wild ride. Her parkour skills were unlike anything Batman had ever seen before. Using her whip she moved with a terrifying fluidity and seemed to be dancing on air like a skilled ballerina. Try as hard as he did, he just couldn’t match her speed and agility. He pursued her until she finally disappeared from his view. The Cat had dodged the Bat and made off with the priceless totems.

“Isis, it’s true what they say. Gotham actually has a crazy Bat vigilante.”

Said an uncharacteristically out of breath Selina Kyle to her best friend. She plopped down on the couch and took the statues out of her backpack.

She thought of the way the Batman had looked at her. Another creature of the night, just like her. She couldn’t see his eyes, but she was good enough at reading body language to know that he was surprised to see that she was, in fact, a she. Then her mind went to his broad shoulders, the Bat sigil on his chest and that killer jaw line so deliciously accentuated by the cowl.

“You should have seen him, Isis. He moves far too quickly for such a big guy. And with such grace. I was lucky to be able to cling to the underside of that ledge when he decided he had lost me.”

She carefully examined her prize. “I got what I wanted. But this Bat, if I’m going to play in Gotham, he might be a problem.”

Selina couldn’t deny the way her body had reacted to his mere presence. She had never failed to appreciate a beautiful body. Be it female or male. But no man had even made her heart skip the way He had done in one short encounter. Combine that with the fact that this was the first time a man had given her a chase she barely escaped from and it created a mix of lust and fascination in her. She decided she liked that feeling.

“You know what? I’m going to look forward to my next dance with him. Gotham will be fun after all.”

“She got away!” announced the Batman to his butler and his ward as he jumped out of the Batmobile. His voice suggested he was angry with himself.

“She?” Asked Alfred, genuinely confused.

“The Cat, Alfred.” Bruce replied removing various parts of his suit, “She’s a woman. She was right in front of me. Within an arm’s reach, and I still lost her. She’s…. She’s good.”

“Whoa! Really?” exclaimed Dick, taking in a moment to process this information, he added “Cool!”

“Why aren’t you in bed, Dick?” Bruce asked, finding the boys reaction to be endearing, in spite of everything. “It’s two in the morning!”

“Well, tomorrow’s Saturday”, the boy replied.

“That’s irrelevant Dick. You need your sleep so you can wake up early. Go to bed, I promise we’ll talk at breakfast."

Dick left without protest.

“Any injuries, Sir?” Alfred asked when Dick was out of earshot.

“No Alfred. Im ok” Bruce said, sitting down “But I do need to talk about something.”

“Of course, Master Bruce. Tell me.”

“Alfred, the Cat….I….was only close to her for a few seconds. But…even in that short time, I felt something. I found myself attracted to her.”

“Oh! Well, Sir....” Alfred had to make an effort to not let his relief be known. The fact that Bruce was finally feeling this way was indeed a pleasant surprise. He did go on dates, but no woman seemed to be able to hold his attention. The last time he had shown any interest in a woman, it was Vickie Vale. But that too went nowhere as Bruce soon realized that she valued his name and bank account the most.

“Her form is perfect Alfred. And the way she moved. I’ve never seen anyone with such feline grace. I guess the name really does suit her.”

“Master Bruce, I assure you what you are feeling is perfectly normal. This Cat lady is surely skilled and her line of work requires her to stay in excellent shape. I have no doubt that she must indeed be very attractive.” The old butler assured him, “And I’m sure you will be able to bring her in next time.”

Bruce thanked his old friend for the patient ear and sent him off. His cowl had taken a picture of the Cat, which he uploaded to the Bat Computer. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the woman. The curves, the long legs, the sensual and sexy way she moved. He was already fascinated and very impressed with the Cat. Finding out that she was a woman, an undoubtedly beautiful woman, added sexual desire to the mix. He both welcomed and feared what the world’s greatest thief had awakened in him.

"This just in! The infamous Cat burglar of Europe. The one commonly known as "The Cat" is in fact, woman!" Blared Donna Goldberg of the Six O Clock news. "She was photographed up close for the first time by vigilante known as "The Batman". The picture he took clearly shows her distinctly female form."

This was followed by the said picture being displayed on screen.

"The vigilante shared this photograph, the ONLY one ever taken of this Cat Woman, with the GCPD. Though unfortunately, neither the Batman nor the GCPD were able to stop her from taking the priceless totems from the French consulate. Police Commissioner Jim Gordon was unavailab..."

Selina Kyle's ears picked up the name the news anchor had used. Catwoman. Had a nice ring to it.

She turned off her television as her phone rang. It was a call she'd been expecting. A call from her associate in Paris.

"Hey Selina, how's it going?" came the warm and friendly voice of Leo Carreras. A young man Selina had befriended some years ago, who helped run her civilian businesses.

"Not bad Leo. How about you? Having fun dealing with Dior executives?" Selina teased, knowing fully well that the situation was under control.

"This deal would be huge, Selina!" a clearly excited Leo said, referring to SK Fine Jewellery's joint venture with Christian Dior. Selina had closed the deal before heading to the US.

"I know Leo. Now where are we on the topaz and diamond cufflinks line? Production going smoothly?"

"It is, boss", Leo replied looking through a file on his computer. "in fact, Marine and the other girls seem to be really enjoying their work."

"Well they'd better" what else am I paying them for?" Selina said, putting on her usual "cold and distant" act. But Leo could see right through it. He knew Selina cared about those four young women whom she had rescued from a human trafficking operation. Marina, Aanya, Chloè and Sophia were then trained by Selina Kyle herself in the fine art of making jewellery. She taught them how to identify various stones and evaluate their quality, how to mould precious metals into delicate looking works of art.

She employed them and got them on their feet. Their job was to create jewellery designed by her. Moreover, Selina was also paying for the girls to attend university. Once they got their degrees, they'd be on their way. She didn't expect them to continue working for her or to pay her back. She wanted the girls to rise to a stature where they wouldn't have to depend on anyone for protection. This wasn't unlike what she had done for Leo Carreras himself.

Selina Kyle was one of the most selfless and kindest people he had ever met. Yet, he would not say it to his boss's face. She'd punch him on the nose! Albeit playfully.

Selina also didn't interact with the girls much. In fact, when she did speak to them she remained curt and to the point. She cared deeply. That much was obvious to Leo. But she didn't want anyone to know she did. So she hid all her kindness underneath layers of sarcasm, and apparent coldness. He knew that even asking about the cufflinks line was her way of getting word on how those girls were doing. Leo figured that she must have suffered some emotional trauma, some sorrow that badly scarred her heart and she didn't want to expose it again. However, much of Selina Kyle remained a mystery to him even after knowing her for four years.

After a moment's hesitation, he finally asked "Selina will you be ok in Gotham? It seems like it's pretty wild over there." He was obviously expressing concern about there now being an actual photograph of The Cat. And her gender being known.

"Gotham isn't exactly unfamiliar territory for me, Leo." Selina's voice held that determination and casual confidence that could be chilling at times, "It couldn't swallow me back then, it certainly can't hurt me now. Don't worry."

As soon as Selina ended her call with Leo, she recieved one from Maven Hoffmann. Maven called her "burner" phone, so Selina knew this was regarding her other line of work. Always the burner phone for those special conversations. After each time, the said phone would be destroyed. A new one would be acquired shortly after, and the new number would be made known to Maven through newspapers advertisements.

"I cannot believe you stood up Salman on that date!" Maven was clearly annoyed with Selina over rejecting the Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud's offer to buy the prized Van Gogh.
"Well Maven, I'm afraid your boy just wasn't my type" replied Selina. She tried to keep any hint of a chuckle out of her voice. She had been expecting to hear from her friend and "agent". Fifty Million dollars was a lot of money, after all.

"He promised you FIFTY.....years of marital happiness! Couldn't you maybe forget your high standards for once?"

"Nope!", came the reply Maven had actually expected. After nearly a decade of knowing Selina, she knew that the woman was a law unto herself. She had her own code, her own rules that she wouldn't bend for anyone. Or for any amount of....happiness. Maven admired this about her friend. But at times like this, it just drove her crazy.

She sighed and continued, "Selina, do you have any idea how much trouble I went through to set you up with him?"

"I know Maven and I appreciate the effort. Besides, I thought I compensated those efforts adequately."

"Of course you did, Selina", Maven thought of the two hundred and fifty thousand USD transferred to her bank account. I was surely enough, but money wasn't what she was upset about. "It's not about compensation. I..... I just don't understand you sometimes."

A moment of silence passed between the two women, before they both started laughing.

"So, when do you plan to come over?" Maven asked, clearly missing her crazy friend.

"Maybe in about three weeks. I finally acquired that property on Bristol. Soon enough, it'll boast of a bar, a lounge, an art gallery and of course an SK store."

"Hmmm very impressive Miss Kyle. Ever the entrepreneur!"

"Yeah, it's coming along pretty well. Some minor renovations need to be done. Holly is taking care of it."

"Oh how is she?" Maven knew of all that the young woman had been through. Not least of all was the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her ex husband.

"She doing really well", Selina paused, images of a bloody and bruised Holly flashing before her eyes, "You know..... considering.... But she's incredibly tough. She's bouncing back with a vengeance."

"You did the right thing sending her to Ted Grant, Selina" Maven remarked, "I would imagine all that combat training makes her feel stronger. Physically and mentally."

"Oh I can vouch for that" Selina agreed, as she too was an abuse victim when Grant's tutelage helped her find the fighter in her.
"Anyway, I gotta get going. I'll keep in touch."

"Selina before you go, I need to ask. Are you sure Gotham is a good idea? I mean with everything going on." News about the Cat's encounter with the Bat had clearly travelled to all parts of the globe. Greece being no exception.

"I'll tell you the same thing I told Leo. There's nothing that Gotham can throw at me that I can't handle."

"Of course Selina. Just tell me if I need to shop for something in particular."

"Look for vintage Italian furniture, Maven. A dining table with red legs, that seats eight. You'll might find something in the Sunday edition of Kosmos"

"Gotcha! I'll keep an eye out. Later!"

Selina destroyed the cell phone after letting Maven know where to look for her next contact number.

She now needed to get dressed and head over to a grand event. A charity date auction, the proceeds of which would go to saving endangered species. Exactly how much of the money would truly go to helping animals remained a mystery. One that her masked self might need to look into. But tonight, Selina Kyle had all intentions of announcing her arrival in impeccable style.

"Ooohh there's Bruce Wayne!" gushed one of many young journalists covering the Annual Wilderness Preservation Foundation Charity Date Auction.
Any attempts at getting "bites" from the billionaire were met with failure, as he stormed past the shutterbugs, straight faced and slightly annoyed. More than slightly annoyed.

Bruce did not want to be here. And he would have stayed at the cave analysing and theorizing the case of the Cat. Catwoman. But his butler insisted that he attend.

"Master Bruce, you cannot say no to every single social engagement!" Alfred Pennyworth had used his signature dramatic flair "If you came across as a recluse it's only going to fuel the rumour mill. And do you want that kind of attention on you?"

Sometimes Bruce really hated Alfred's tendency to make sense. This time, he had Dick as back up.

"But Bruce, it's for a good cause. I read they're gonna use the money to help animals."

So it had come to pass that the butler's logic and the young boy's innocent view of the "charity" triumphed over any amount of surliness Bruce Wayne could muster.

He braced himself for a night of torture and entered the ball room. He was listed as one of the "eligible bachelors" who would be bid on by wealthy socialites. He had a truly horrific flashback of socialite and former trophy wife Tini Howard winning a date with him last year. He was able to escape from that date, but not soon enough. His mind was still scarred by the sound of Tini's voice and the way she spoke, which truly put his patience through an acid test. Any hopes of Miss Howard having skipped the even were dashed when he saw her wave frantically to him from across the room. He nodded politely and quickly looked away only to come face to face with Joseph Gilmore, the multimillionaire who was going to run for Mayor that year. Clearly looking for an endorsement by the billionaire philanthropist.

No sooner had Bruce gotten away from the slimy politician, that his name was announced for the next bidding.


The path to the stage was littered with wealthy airheads throwing themselves at Bruce.

"Ooohhh Bruce you look so handsome!" Cooed Veronica Vreeland

"I missed you so much!" Gushed Cindy Foster

"I've been pinching my pennies for you!" Said another whom he didn't recognize.

Each of them grinding his gears just a little more.

He stood there on the stage like a commodity to be purchased and the bidding started.

"Five thousand dollars!"

"Seven thousand!"

"Eight thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"

Bruce had all but zoned out and was mentally revising his theories on the kind of training the Catwoman probably had. Her lightening quick reflexes suggested....

"One hundred thousand dollars" a deep, yet feminine voice sliced through the mindless din and pulled Bruce out of his thoughts. All heads turned to it's source. A statuesque woman of extraordinary beauty. Beauty that far exceeded those of the society bimbettes surrounding her.

"One hundred thousand going once....going twice....SOLD! To entrepreneur and philanthropist, Miss Selina Kyle!" The auctioneer announced, to the sounds of groans from the other hopefuls.

An awe struck Bruce Wayne walked off the stage and straight to the woman who had won him. Suddenly grateful to Alfred for making him attend.

It was her eyes he noticed first. As green and alluring as the most precious emeralds. More than their colour, it was their piercing gaze that held him captive.

"Well it's lovely to meet you Miss Kyle" Bruce said, extending his hand.

"Same here Mr Wayne." Selina returned the polite greeting, shaking his hand.

"I understand you're new in town. I've never seen you here before." Bruce had to make a conscious effort not to let himself overindulge in feeling the impossible smoothness of her skin, "Welcome to Gotham"

"Not exactly new, but thanks"

"I.... I must say, I'm very flattered" Bruce told her as she handed over her cheque to the even organizer.

"Don't be" Selina replied cooly, "This was purely for the animals. You're off the hook."

She began to walk away.

In a move that betrayed his desperation, Bruce grabbed her arm and said "but you're not".

He immediately regretted his boldness when she turned around and he saw the fire in those green eyes.

"Excuse me?" What she meant was "Let go of my arm before I break yours"

Bruce Wayne immediately unhanded her. His cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"I.... I apologise Miss... I just..."

"You just what, Bruce Wayne?" Selina's icy tone was like a dagger "Assumed that every woman you come across is yours for the taking? And that you can have whatever you want because of your last name?"

"No, I just...." Bruce was taken aback by Selina's anger flaring up.

Before he could explain any further, Selina ended their meeting.

"Goodnight Mr Wayne " she said before walking away.

All eyes remained on the woman who had just rejected Gotham's most eligible bachelor, multi billionaire Bruce Wayne.

"BRUCIEEE!!" the sound that he feared more than any other assailed Bruce's ears. Tini Howard had found her way to him. Her neon pink dress did to his eyes what her voice did to his ears.

"Oh I can't believe I didn't get to win a date with you this year." Tini went on wrapping her arms around a hapless Bruce Wayne like some kind of octopus, "You know, I placed the ten thousands dollars bid, but the auctioneer was a stupid peeg. He was too slow....."

Bruce knew if he didn't escape he would go insane.

"Oh look Tini, the fountain is on fire!"

A confused Tini Howard turned towards the fountain and when she turned back, Bruce was gone.

"You what???" Asked a flabbergasted Holly Robinson. She was already at Selina's penthouse when she got back and wanted to go over plans for the property renovations she was overseeing for her. After getting away from her abusive ex husband Arthur, she had returned to Gotham and worked for Selina Kyle. The woman who gave her the strength to escape.
She took care of her properties in and around the city, and would also manage the establishment Selina was planning in Bristol.

She clearly didn't approve of her friend turning down a date with multi billionaire Bruce Wayne.

"I just can't stand entitled, rich assholes Holly" Selina told her, while removing her make up.

"But... but... he's Bruce Wayne....." Holly tried not to whine and failed "he's totally hot!"

"He is." Selina said matter of factly.

"So why not? Look, he probably just grabbed you without thinking because you looked so great"

"That's no excuse Holly. Never let any man convince you that it is."

"I know. I know all that" Holly went on, "but think about it. He could be a valuable contact. You might be able to use him."

Selina told Holly she would consider it. But the billionaire wasn't exactly her priority at the moment. Her new business venture was. She needed to throw her success in the faces of Gotham's elite.

Besides, her fantasies were already occupied by a certain masked vigilante who set her pulse racing. Some trust fund kid surely wasn't going to replace him.

"Cannot believe I blew it Alfred!" Said an unusual crestfallen Bruce Wayne. Having confided in his old friend and father figure about all that happened at the date auction. About the celestial beauty he met and how he managed to offend her.

"She wouldn't even accept my apology."

The older man pondered for a minute before speaking.

"Master Bruce, I understand you had no ill intentions in reaching out and holding on to her arm, but do try to look at this scenario from the lady's perspective."

"I'm listening"

"You mentioned that she's a business woman and a successful one at that. As an attractive woman trying to make a name for herself on her terms, she probably deals with a fair amount of misogyny. I'm sure many men have overlooked her intellectual capabilities and have made her looks their point of focus. This probably makes her feel objectified and disrespected. Rightfully so."

"That.....makes sense" Bruce was beginning to see what his butler was getting at.

"Now can you truly blame her for assuming that you are one of those men? The ones who treat her with frivolity simply because she's a woman?"

"I see what you mean Alfred" Bruce said, "Should I apologise to her?"

"Master Bruce, a sincere apology delivered with grace can melt the coldest of hearts. I'm sure Miss Kyle will understand."

"Thanks Alfred"

Bruce had come to know of Selina's pet project in Gotham. This lounge cum art gallery she was going to open in Bristol. However, he didn't want to just show up there. She'll think he was even more of a creep than she probably did already. He didn't know when he would see her at another event. Miss Kyle, it seemed, was rather reclusive. Social gatherings weren't exactly her thing. And she hated being photographed.

As fate would have it, he didn't have to plan a meeting with the lady. A stray cat was nearly killed by a speeding car, when Bruce pulled it away to safety. He decided it was best to take the poor creature to the nearby animal shelter.

And who should he see talking to the shelter manager but Selina Kyle herself.

"Bruce!" The grandfatherly old man beamed on seeing him. "It's been a while!"
The two men shook hands warmly.

"Yeah, sorry I haven't been able to drop by, Bill. My schedule has been sort of hectic"

Selina who was there to make a contribution to the shelter, had been talking to the manager Bill Cooper about approaching her without hesitation if the shelter should need any more funds.

That's when Bruce Wayne showed up. Her initial reaction was of annoyance, assuming he was following her. But she saw the way the shelter staff interacted with him. The feeling of familiarity and warmth was obvious. She listened to the conversation he had with Bill and it made her doubt her initial perception of the billionaire. Maybe there was more to him that she initially assumed. Maybe Holly was right and she really had been too harsh.

"Of where are my manners?" exclaimed Bill, "Bruce, meet Miss Kyle. She's an animal lover just like you."

He turned to Selina "Miss Kyle, let me tell you if it wasn't for Mr Wayne, this shelter would have closed down years ago. He's one of our...."

Just then the phone in his office rang and he excuse himself.

After a moment of awkward silence, Bruce finally spoke.

"Selina, about the other night. I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

Selina smiled warmly. A smile that tugged at his heartstrings and seemed to heighten her beauty. If that was even possible.

"Apology is quite unnecessary, Bruce. It's..... forget about it."

"So, may I honour our deal. You did win a date."

Selina found his impish smile endearing in a way she hadn't expected.

"Well I was going to get a cup of coffee. Would you like to join me?"

The two got their coffees to go. They strolled together on the streets of Gotham, in the pale glow of the dusk.

They discussed how much the city had changed since Selina last visited. The conversation soon turned to Selina's latest business venture.

"I assume you'd draw quite a crowd with all those famous artists' work adorning your gallery. It'll be good for you store. Smart strategy. " Bruce complemented.

"Bruce, I want the quality of the jewellery at my store and the service at the lounge to be what draws a crown. As for the gallery, it will only feature the works of talented, upcoming artists. I'm sure you know how corrupt the art world is becoming and I want to give those with real talent some well deserved exposure."

This time it was Selina's heart, the gravitas of her thoughts that had Bruce Wayne in awe.

"Selina, that's very admirable"

"I'm just sick of seeing mediocre pieces being sold for millions as a way of laundering money. If we gave those shelter cats a few brushes and some paint, they'd produce something better than what passes for art these days."

Bruce laughed. Selina was hitting all the right spots. Her candour, her straightforwardness were all qualities that Bruce found very, very impressive. Not to mention sexy.

"You really are something else Miss Kyle!" He said as they reached the building where she lived.

"Took you how long to figure that out, Mr Wayne?" Selina retorted playfully. She really had enjoyed talking to Bruce.

"Well I would love to continue to figure you out. Perhaps over dinner?"

"Friday night, eight PM" Selina said, accepting the offer.

She tried to suppress the flutter in her heart when Bruce kissed her hand when bidding her goodnight. She looked forward to figuring out Bruce Wayne too.

Unbeknownst to them Bruce and Selina, the Bat and the Cat, had taken the first steps of a dance that would last for the rest of their lives.

[The image is a piece of art by the artist Stephen Sejic]


Hello everyone. I posted this fanfic on the site Archive Of Our Own a while ago. My username is StolenHeartChronicles. It was originally a two chapter fic, but here, I've posted it as a one shot.

In order to prove that i am indeed the author, I have edited the story about added the sentence "I'M POSTING THIS ON STEEMIT AS WELL" to the beginning of the story.

I'm attaching screenshots of both the unedited and edited versions of my work.


 last year 

That's perfect! Thank you very much! I wish you a really fine Steem-Experience!

Thank you! You've been very helpful.

That's not a good style: write good articels and we will follow you. Not for begging.

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