The dove and the crowd
The life long love
Between a dove and a dove
The shining of the sun from high above
The rhythm of tides and the waves on the sand
All has begun and so all has to end
Since the forces of nature do not reach beyond time
All living creatures and not except mine
All junctions of matter, all that combines
Shall loose their existence in being resolved
To ongoing answers though no questions involved
The power of binding from freedom to truth
Shall then be eternal in colourful youth
In song without noise as in light without shade
In balance of forces by harmonies made
One day I saw a dove trippling on the ground
Within a station and people all around
The bird ignored the many but focussed some
While on the floor its partner lied seemingly gone
The living bird - it showed no fear, looked very calm
Its only doubt despite the crowd: who gives me balm
photo: ty-ty