The story of the sadness felt by brothers

in Dream Steem14 days ago

The heartbreaking story of two children who live in a village that is far from the village residents, a father who is bent over so he can't do anything can only lie down with a slightly weak body, accompanied by a fairly heavy cough. .


At one point his cough started to recur. "Cough, cough, cough," the sound started
heard again. In fact, today more often
than yesterday.
“Meulu, come here quickly, bring Dad
drink," the old man's low voice called to his son.
"Dad,... Dad, what's wrong?"
Meulu rushes to meet her father.
His right hand holds a glass
warm water. He almost crashed
edge of the chair if not reminded by
his beloved dog. The dog barks
made him wake up from his worries.
"Daddy is sick?" Meulu asked worriedly. He
found his father's mouth was bleeding.
“Daddy is vomiting blood again? We must
go to the healer!”
“Never mind, Meulu, don't worry. Father
still strong," answered his father with a smile
gentle. However, it has just finished
talking, his father was already coughing again and
bleeding more. Meulu was very panicked
saw his father's condition. He didn't know he should
do what. The older brother he's always been
the place where he pours his heart out is not at home.
“Father's illness is getting worse, Meulu
I don't want Dad to get sick. Dad must get better!" water
Meulu's eyes began to wet her plump cheeks.
“You've already vomited blood like this
normal, son. Dad's just tired."
"But, Dad still has to go to the doctor,"
Meulu's crying became more intense.
"Yes, dad, it's okay. Take it
just a cloth to clean the blood! Come on,
Meulu rushes to her room
Look for fabric that is no longer used. He
gave the cloth to his father. Body
My frail father felt like he couldn't do it anymore
endure suffering. However, he still tried
be strong in front of her baby.
Meulu's plump cheeks were wet with tears. He
He couldn't bear to see his father's condition
worrying. With great affection
Meulu cleans her father's body. After
So, he covered his father's body with it
grated red onion mixed with oil
“Well, there's no need to go to a healer. Father
Just having Meulu massaged it immediately healed.
"Father's son is great," said the father again
lying so his son wouldn't worry. He
trying to be strong in front of his son.
"Ah, Dad, this..." He pinched his leg
Father. After a while Peuken came
carries plant roots and leaves.
“Sister, father vomited blood again.
We have to take dad to a doctor!" Meulu sulked
to his brother.
“Never mind, Meulu! Dad is healthy like this.
"You shouldn't complain about anything wrong," he said
his father.

“Right, Dad?” Peuken asked in confirmation
his sister complained.
“That's right, but you know dad is a regular
like that."
"Don't worry, Sis. Brother already
looking for plants for father's medicine.
Hopefully this plant can relieve it
father's illness. Dad will definitely be soon
getting better.” Peuken tries to cheer up Meulu
and his father.
The atmosphere that night was not like usual.
It seems that nature knows the heart's turmoil
Peuken. He still remembered what Meulu said earlier
afternoon. My father's illness got worse.
Peuken lay down in the hall
hall. He used the palms of his hands as a base
to support his head. He looked
the ceiling of his house was starting to rot
here and there. Yes, since his father was sick,
his father could no longer earn a living.
Never mind fixing the house, for
it's very difficult to eat. Suddenly Peuken seemed to see his mother smiling
sweet to him. Slowly the tears came
“If mother were still alive, Peuken would be
"I won't be this dizzy," Peuken thought as he did so
wiped tears. It's been one year since Peuken
and Meulu was left by their mother forever
forever. The mother died of lung disease
lungs that don't heal. That disease
had also gnawed on their father's body.
Moreover, since the mother left, lung disease
Dad's lungs are getting worse. Peuken and Meulu
patiently and lovingly cared for
their father every day.
Their life is really great
tragic. Extreme poverty
making Peuken and Meulu unable to
treat their father. To meet
daily needs, Meulu and Peuken
selling fried foods and firewood at the market.
“How come, how come!” the sound of a rooster
sound repeatedly wakes up
people from his resting place.

Peuken already knew that sound very well.
It was that voice that woke him up every day
from sleep. The chicken is also a chicken
Peuken's favorite. He got the chicken
from his mother as a birthday present.
When I bought it, the chicken was still very young
small. Now the chicken grows into a chicken
adults with brown feathers
golden. His body is sturdy. Red cockscomb
adorned his head. His voice was shrill
tall. His spurs are growing perfectly, indicating that
his manhood. Now the rooster is gone
stand straight in front of him. He looked at it
the chicken and came to mind.
“Why didn't it occur to me to
sell this chicken? But, …” Peuken returned
contemplating. For Peuken, chicken is like that
his soul mate. His days were spent with
playing with his favorite chicken.
Now if the chicken has to be sold, that is
it's really a very difficult decision.
Peuken is confused.
“Father's recovery is more important!” say
Peuken's heart.

The morning call to prayer has been heard. Peuken
carry out his two rak'ah obligations.
After praying, he sneaked away to take it
his beloved chicken so that it doesn't cause harm
commotion. It looks like a rooster
already knew that his master was pregnant
need it. Therefore, he didn't
causing a lot of commotion.
After that, he approached his father
fell asleep. His old body was visible
like bones covered in skin. His face was visible
pale. He didn't have the heart to see his father
endured the suffering all this time. Peuken
looked at his father with a loving gaze. He
also deliberately didn't wake his sister.
With a steady determination Peuken
stepped into the city. Glimmer
hope flashed across his face. Peuken no
encountered significant obstacles. The chicken sells
sold at a high price. He can breathe
relieved. The proceeds from the sale can be used for his father's medical treatment and part of it will be bought for him
food and fruit. He couldn't wait
want to get home quickly, hopefully
his father and sister will be happy.
Now Peuken's footsteps feel light
as light as cotton. He walks like he doesn't
tread on the ground. Distance between house and
The city is actually quite far, but he can
get through it in a short time. Peuken
imagine the cheerful faces will be
welcome him.
From a distance Peuken looked on
the house was full of people gathered. He
also saw a white flag flying
right in front of his house. Peuken is getting more and more angry
his heart. Instantly his body trembled. All
the object he was holding fell to the ground.
Her tears started to bloom. So did he
quicken his pace.
"What is this, sir?" Peuken asked
village head.

“Be patient, yes, son. Come on in
deep," answered the village head.
Peuken's blood flowed with
fast. Peuken became increasingly uneasy.
Peuken found his house crowded with people
people passing by. They looked panicked.
The sadness bias is clearly visible in the expression
Peuken's face.
“Dad,... wake up Dad, don't
leave Meulu!” a hysterical voice sounded
from behind the crowd. Peuken is very memorized
owner of that voice. His eyeballs dilated and...
his face flushed. The tears are increasing
it wet his cheeks. As strong as he is
stepped towards the source of the sound. He
saw his younger brother crying over the body
was in front of him.
He also approached the lying body
stiff in front of him. His body was covered
long songket cloth typical of Aceh. Beside
his body some neighbors chanted
holy verses of the Koran. His legs felt harder to move. His eyes were dim-
firefly. He continued to try to approach the figure.
Peuken doesn't talk much. Of course he knows
It's true who the man lying in front of him is.
Peuken slowly opened the cloth
which covered the corpse. “A...a...ay
...," Peuken fell next to his father's body.
He was unconscious for quite a long time. After
some neighbors gave him oil
wind, he started to wake up.
“Sister, father is no longer there. We stay
who with?"
"Don't worry, Sis, you're still here. Big brother
"I will protect Little Brother," answered Peuken trying
tough in front of his younger brother. He didn't want to continue-
constantly seeing his sister sad.
Now the younger brother and sister are orphans
stray. They have no more possessions except
a dog and the remaining money from the sale
Peuken and Meulu's life is very
worrying. They are like children
not maintained. Both of their bodies became thinner. Every day without night they are always awakened by feelings of sadness, that's where they make their eyelids black and their bodies feel thin


Contenido robado.

 14 days ago 

Hi! Could you give me a hint? I didn't find another source...

 13 days ago 

Please: could you tell me something about the accousation...?

This is a story I got from a book in the last few months

 11 days ago 

As I wrote elsewhere: you can retell stories. Then you point out the origin, e.g. name the original author or mention that it is folklore. In this case, additional comments are beneficial: what was so remarkable about the story that you present it here. What connection you may have to the author.

Or you can simply write something of your own ;-)) If you find this difficult, perhaps you shouldn't post every day...

Sorry, I forgot all this, lately I've been very busy with daily work, to be honest, now I'm having problems at work, that's why. Once again, sorry

 11 days ago 

A little more care should be possible. Please pay attention! The problems at work can hopefully be solved...

 10 days ago (edited)

@hive-107855, If I take a friend's writing, can I make it into a post here?

 10 days ago 

You protect your friend's copyright if you mention his name as the author and he has given his consent to publication.

I would still find it nicer / more interesting / more valuable if you didn't write down other people's ideas, but your own...

This is a valuable lesson for me, as you said your own writing or thoughts are better, sometimes there are friends who are just learning to write for publication but still have Feelings of doubt, in other words, lack of confidence, that's why I took it to post.

Thank you very much friends, I don't know what to say, all I can write is thank you very much friends

I am very grateful and still paying attention and I am very happy that you have read and visited,

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