The Eternal Cycle of Eating and Being Eaten:

in Dream Steem3 months ago (edited)

Why every thing circles back to eat or being eaten. What if we never wanted to eat... Why is the act of eating so central to our existence, and what would life be like if we never needed to eat?

Ah! So many questions and so many answers...

The buffet of life! The never ending circle of the struggles of existence. Food, without which this circle is incompetent...

For most of the women, the only thought that comes to mind in the morning: what to cook, what to eat???

And still I try to recover from this dilemma almost on a daily basis: "Mama, I don't like this, I don't want to eat it."


"You do know, I don't like eating this..."

Are they ungrateful?? No, not a tiniest bit. But they can't seem to have one common liking.

Every household issue! Or is it even a concern for those who struggle to make ends meet? They may not even be that poor. So, the privilege to say no to something that is perfectly edible—is this something everyone can do, or is it reserved for a certain class of entitled individuals?

Mother always said to us, whenever we said no to something, "You do know that there are millions of people who would give anything to have food like this."

One thing I learned from my parents and what they instilled in us is to never waste food. This was never an option.

I have seen them eating bread from the night before. It's not that they can't afford fresh bread—they are quite well off, at least now. But they always said, "This is 'rizk' (provision); don't ever humiliate it." And you know what Allah (God) has given them so much that there are always extra people that depend on them for the food. There are always people who are getting fed at their home.

I remember an incident vividly.

Once, I made a meetha paratha (kind of sweet peeta bread). I didn’t know how to cook then, and it turned out hard and very crunchy. I served it to my mother. She took a bite, but then had to attend to some visitors for 5-10 minutes. Feeling a little embarrassed, I took the paratha and threw it in the waste bin (for food).

Would you believe it—she went there, took it out, and ate it!

Maybe she didn't want to break my heart, or maybe she didn't want to humiliate food. Whatever the reason, I have seen Allah bless her with lots and lots of rizk.

She always says:
اس رزق کی خاطر انسان اتنے دھکے کھاتا ہے۔ اس کو ضائع نہ کرو

"People endure so many hardships for this sustenance. Do not squander it."

And my dearest readers, if you noticed, I have included pictures of food that are still being prepared. If you're curious, I can tell you more about them.

  • chicken karahi
  • chicken barbecue
  • fish
  • pizza
  • meatballs
  • nihari
  • mutton karahi
  • Chocolate cake
  • chicken biryani
  • chicken pulao
  • potato puffs
  • shami kebab (mixture)

All these food items that I listed are in the process of being made—some are just before turning off the gas, some in the initial stages, and others in the middle of the process.

I am ever so grateful to the Almighty for giving me the opportunity to try my hand at preparing all these foods. I have the privilege to make and taste these wonderful blessings, and I never want to take any of them for granted.

Because, in the end, it's all about being consumed; we become sustenance for another entity. It's simply the cycle of nature.

Nothing significant, just one observation: have you noticed that everything is being made or prepared in circular pots? Well, except for the potato puffs. But they are so perfectly circular that I couldn't exclude them from the great cinema—a term I recently learned from @weisser-rabe and had been itching to use ;)

This shape is remarkably useful among all shapes, isn't it?


Food looks and sounds delicious! I especially like the look of your main photo! Yum! :)

As a child, (depending on who I was with) I was made to finish everything on my plate even if I didn't like it. I appreciate now as an adult that avoiding waste would be preferred, but can be difficult especially if not everyone likes the same foods.

It's funny because even now as an adult I think some of those past patterns stayed with me and I try hard to finish everything that's on my plate now (I don't always manage lol).

For most of the women, the only thought that comes to mind in the morning: what to cook, what to eat???

Agreed! And then all the pots are to be washed all over again haha! It would be easier if we didn't need to eat! 😂

This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @weisser-rabe


But they are so perfectly

Why do you think🥣🤔👨‍🍳? Because there are no corners!

You won't believe if I tell you: I was thinking about you today!!!

I may have dropped a comment or something...

So is it true that there is some telepathy???

Why do you think🥣🤔👨‍🍳? Because there are no corners!

Yes, corners can hurt 🤕 😉

Thank goodness - it’s no lamb recipe… 😉

Though I think if it would be served by you… 🫣

Thank goodness - it’s no lamb recipe…


After this Eid, you might be seeing lots and lots of them... I'm sorry for this 😜

Though I think if it would be served by you

I ain't no mutton lover... You can relax

You can relax

Though I've learnt a lot about sla... 🙄

My take: One doesn't need to discuss these topics (in such detail) on a platform where it's not necessary!

I was curating, and I felt overwhelmed reading about this topic. We should be considerate. Not everyone here is keen to learn about the rituals of a specific community, whoever it may be.

So, you don't need to worry about my posts. You can open them without any problems. 😉

What a wonderful and nuanced take on the idea of circles.

Loved reading this piece.

I also learnt from my grandparents that food should not be wasted. I still do to this day! And your dishes look so appetising... ;-))

But to answer one of your questions: I don't think it's ungrateful at all to reject or refuse food. For one thing, not everyone has to like everything (I don't like yoghurt or quark, for example...) and besides, you shouldn't force yourself to eat anyway. Almost full is much better than overeating ;-))

I don't think it's ungrateful at all to reject or refuse food.

Yes, I have mentioned it in my post:

Are they ungrateful? No, not even the tiniest bit

I agree.

I also am not fond of quite a few things. But having said that, being the one preparing and managing food for the family now, I get quite irritated if they can't seem to have common liking...

So I try to blackmail them into eating whatever I have prepared. Of course I take care of their preferences. So yeah ;)

The blackmail seldom works. Most of the time they manipulate me into making something else for them. Not that I mind too much. But then it's toast and cheese or toast with chocolate spread! Not a whole new meal :)

My middle son went through a phase where the food on his plate was only allowed to be one colour. So one day only green (that was comparatively easy), then one day only white (easy) or only blue (hungry to bed...)

Perfect solution 😜

Why is the act of eating so central to our existence, and what would life be like if we never needed to eat?

You won't believe me, but if I could give up food altogether and it wouldn't affect my health, I would give it up. In this case, life will become more free.
There is an expression: "slave of the stomach." I would not like to be a slave. )))

There is an expression: "slave of the stomach." I would not like to be a slave. )))

If only this was an option. I'm really doen with some stomach bug. And I don't want to eat anything for the rest of my life!!!! 🤢🤮

Judging by your emotionality ... I can assume that your stomach and intestines reflect your emotions on a bodily level.
Any anxiety, stress has consequences in the body.
Think about it :)

It was something I ate....
Full on infection

then it is necessary to accurately determine the type of infection and take measures against it.
This is a medical matter.
After that, you will have to deal with the restoration of the body. And that will be your job. Medicine won't help you without it.

The most important thing is peace of mind. Don't worry and don't be nervous. Everything will pass, and this will pass.
I'll hold my fists for you :)

Congratulations 🥳

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