Dream Steem Contest: Story3 "The Golden Apple"

in Dream Steemlast year

A long time ago, a man and his wife lived in a town. He had enough money, and he was enjoying his life with his wife. He was not much worried, but his wife felt they should have a child as they had no children.

One night, the wife had a dream. She saw a tree in a dense forest. Its branch was bent as it was loaded with fruits. She saw a huge golden apple hanging from its branch.

Incidentally, she had this dream for three consecutive nights in a row. One day she asked her husband, "Will you please go to the forest and bring me that golden apple?"

That man did not believe this, but he decided to go just for the sake of his wife. He walked in the direction described by his wife and finally reached the middle of that dense forest.

Surprisingly, he saw a tree whose branch was bent, and there was a golden apple hanging on it. He could not stop himself, so he stretched out his hand and plucked the apple from the branch.

As soon as he plucked the apple, he heard an angry voice say, "How dare you pluck this apple?"

He looked around and saw a beautiful woman asking him this question. She was not an ordinary woman, as her hair was golden and she had a golden necklace around her neck.

The man said, "Don't be angry with me." He said politely, "I didn't know it was forbidden to pluck the fruits here. I wanted to give it to my sick wife."

The woman said, "As you have told me the truth, so I gift you this golden apple."

The woman further said, "Tell your wife to eat it. There will be twins, both boys, in your house, when they turn eighteen, send them here in this forest. I will decide the fate of both of them."

The man was amazed by the woman's words and thanked her for the golden apple and the promise of twins. He hurried home and excitedly shared the news with his wife, Sarah. They eagerly awaited the arrival of their long-awaited children, filled with wonder and anticipation. True to the woman's prediction, John and Sarah were blessed with twin boys. They named the firstborn Benjamin, representing strength and wisdom, and the second twin Samuel, symbolizing divine favor. As the boys grew, their kind hearts, intelligence, and adventurous spirits became evident, bringing joy to their parents.

The twins became curious about their destinies and the mysterious forest their father had once mentioned. On their eighteenth birthday, Benjamin and Samuel expressed their desire to explore the forest. Though hesitant, their parents reluctantly agreed, knowing that fate awaited them within those woods.

With their parents' blessings, Benjamin and Samuel embarked on an adventure into the heart of the dense forest. Filled with trepidation and excitement, they ventured deeper, surrounded by nature's secrets. Guided by a gentle voice carried by the wind, they followed its ethereal sound, leading them to a tranquil clearing.


image source

In the clearing stood the same beautiful woman their father had encountered years ago. She revealed herself as a powerful enchantress, guarding their family lineage through generations. She unveiled their destinies: Benjamin, gifted with healing powers, and Samuel, with the ability to shape-shift and foster understanding among different beings.
Embracing their gifts, Benjamin and Samuel bid farewell to the enchantress and embarked on separate journeys. Benjamin traveled to heal the sick and injured in remote villages, bringing solace and hope. Samuel journeyed to diverse communities, bridging divides and promoting harmony through his transformative abilities.

Years passed as Benjamin and Samuel fulfilled their destinies. Benjamin offered comfort and healing to the afflicted, while Samuel fostered unity and empathy among different communities. Their paths converged once more when an ancient evil threatened the realm.

United by their purpose and unwavering bond, Benjamin and Samuel stood side by side. Benjamin's healing abilities restored broken bodies and spirits, while Samuel transformed into mighty creatures, defending their cause. Together, they triumphed over darkness and restored peace and harmony.

The townspeople celebrated the heroes who emerged from their midst. Benjamin and Samuel's legendary tales spread far and wide, becoming symbols of hope, unity, and the power of dreams. John and Sarah, aged and wise, watched their sons with pride, grateful for the extraordinary legacy they had created. As their lives neared their end, John and Sarah knew their choice to trust in the dream had left an indelible mark on the world. Benjamin and Samuel continued to protect and heal, leaving a legacy that inspired generations.

Their story became a reminder of the power of love, compassion, and unity to overcome even the darkest shadows. And so, the tale lives on, passed down through the ages, a testament to the extraordinary journey of Benjamin and Samuel, the healers and saviors of a world in need.

 last year (edited)

This is my first contest on Steemit. Thank you for reading till the end.

 last year 

Very well done!

Thank you, I'm glad.

 last year (edited)

A nice purposeful story! I wish you the best in this contest!

@rohit3211, I suggest you complete your intro post asap, otherwise, most communities will not allow you to participate in their contests. Here is the link

Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read my story @dove11. I will promptly complete my intro post to ensure I can fully participate in the contest.

 last year 

I like the positiveness in your continuation ;-))

Thank you for your positive feedback! @hive-107855. I'm glad you enjoyed the continuation, and I appreciate your kind words and support.

 last year (edited)

That's the target of our Community: support and encourage authors.

Of course @dove11's advice is correct; you remember - we had a discussion about it before I invited you here. These Achievements and Introductions are a prerequisite for participation in many communities. So if you like the idea of such competitions, you can reconsider the verification thing. For us, this will still not be necessary; I value personal interaction more highly and various unpleasant incidents - despite verification and fulfilment of all possible requirements - prove me right, I think ;-))

Thank you for your valuable input! I will personally consider your suggestion regarding the verification requirement .Could you please provide me with more information about the verification process? I would greatly appreciate your guidance and assistance in understanding how the verification is conducted.

 last year 

What shall I say... Here you find all steps for proper verification procedure:


I didn't pass them myself - you know about my way here. But I had the luck to be supported from the beginning. May be it will be easier for you when you take part in the achievements. I can't advice you something: think about and deside what you want to do. Dream Steem is a very small Community with potential, but without large stake. We can't support you in the same way like the great communities. You should look what feels good for you. You're always welcome here!

Is it about sharing a post as Achievement-1, introducing ourselves with a picture? Please excuse me for asking so many questions. I'm still confused about all of this.

 last year 

That's the first step. There are several assignments, e.g. a unit on understanding the security features of cryptocurrency, PowerUp strategies and MarkDownStyle. You would be accompanied by a kind of coach who would answer questions and correct mistakes.

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