I still have Doubts....

in Dream Steem4 months ago (edited)
Hello Dear Dreamers

I still remember that June. It's etched in my memory. Four years ago, I embarked on a journey that cost me 0.66 BTC (Or maybe the cost of my blind faith on that person), without knowing where I was headed. I just kept moving forward, unaware of the path or the destination. It was like being a traveler lost in time, with no direction or support. But I refused to give up, despite the weight of responsibilities on my shoulders. I kept going, fueled by hope and determination.

After a year of traveling, I finally saw a glimmer of hope, like an oasis in the desert. It felt like I was close to reaching my dream destination, and I eagerly moved towards it. Then, I met a group of caravan heading in the same direction, and I was overjoyed. I joined them, and we continued the journey together. After many days and nights of traveling, it seemed like we were nearing our destination. We stopped for the night to rest. I fell into a deep sleep. But when I woke up , I was shocked to find myself alone, abandoned by the caravan. Had they left me behind?

I wondered if it was all just a dream, a mere illusion. I started walking again, but my feet felt heavy, my enthusiasm gone. I might have lost my way in the desert. I spent two years searching for a way out, but nothing seemed to work. My energy was drained, and for a moment, I felt like giving up. The destination I thought I saw was just a product of my doubts. But the weight of my responsibilities pushed me to try again. This might be my last attempt. I'm filled with doubts because I've already spent most of my life chasing nothing. I no longer have the courage to face more heartbreak or the same sparkle in my eyes that once saw a bright future ahead.

Before that, I was living my life normally, like everyone else. I had no idea about the sweet dreams . I was just working hard to meet my family's expenses, eating three meals a day, and thanking God, the Creator of the universe. And sleeping peacefully - that was my total occupation. Yes, but there was one desire - to do something good for my children's future. But in this effort, I got stuck in a quagmire from which I couldn't escape( I see a bright future for my kids in this), nor did I want to sink deeper into it. Even now, I doubt whether what I'm doing is right or what I was doing four years ago was right.

I still have doubts.....


Image by creativeart on Freepik


Good plot! A mirage..., a dream. A hallucination. And then there are these ideas of responsibility. I really like it!

I'm relieved you liked it... 😊
I was worried I might have messed up somewhere.

I really liked the reality based post, I can feel your feelings I passed through the same, a misunderstanding was happened with our caravan leader and also some of troops. 😉.
But if, opens doors for shaitan so let's see ahead and just think this:
(I am not late) I can do it In'shAallah.

Thanks for taking the time to reed it. I know what you mean, friend. those who've experienced it, can relate. my faith and trust are in the One who is the Creator of this entire universe. Hard work and sincere efforts never go to waste.

Fantastic, you manage to sow that feeling of not knowing that I am reading something true, or a true story, or a dream.

I'm glad I could create a sense of wonder and uncertainty in your reading experience.

It's like you're suspended between reality and fantasy, and that's exactly what I was aiming for!.

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Hola rashid001 lo que relatas en forma de cuento o fabula es la realidad de la incertidumbre de cuando hacemos algo y no sabemos si va a funcionar o no, solo la Fe nos guía y nos mantiene en el camino.

Las dudas, la inseguridad a veces pueden hacernos tomar decisiones erróneas, desacertadas o continuar por un camino que no nos llevará a nada, que nos hace dudar si tomar otra decisión o cambiar de rumbo. Pero siempre hay oportunidades para tomar una sabia decisión y cambiar el rumbo de los acontecimientos y que las cosas dejen de ser un sueño y se conviertan en realidad para nuestro mayor bien y el de los nuestros. Feliz día y mucho éxito

I want to appreciate your power of observation . The character mentioned in this story is a victim of circumstance. Again, the fear of being deceived, the passion to move forward, and the sweet dreams they have for their children's future. But the uncertainty of fate has made things difficult. Can they achieve everything now? Or will they get lost in the labyrinth of doubts once again?

 3 months ago 

😱 parece más un relato real que ficción. Por otro lado mencionas varias cosas muy importantes. Siempre existe la duda de saber si estamos haciendo bien las cosas o no, sobre todo por los nuestros.

Hasta la próxima 🤗✨

Thank you so much for taking time to read the story.

You're quite right. Honestly, due to the bitter experiences of the past, I always have doubts about whether what i am doing is right or not. I mean, was i right back then or am i right now.

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