Smiles on Faces

in Dream Steem10 months ago

Bild von Andreas Grönberg auf Pixabay


A sunny day in winter time.
Beautiful snow that covers grime.
Sleigh bells ring with a wonderful chime!
Smiles on faces, hence this rhyme.

Faces smiling. They're but a mask!
It's fear and worry in which people bask.
Foreboding future yet still they ask,
"When did life turn to such difficult task?".

Their squandered past is inciting fear.
A blurry lens through which they all peer.
Bygone focused, and not on what's near!
Happiness, it is, from which they all veer!

Now they go shopping, to forget for a while.
Their future, imagined, is unpleasantly vile!
As they are shopping, so proud of their guile,
adorning their face with a wonderful smile!

The streets are packed with people in stress.
The presents they'll find is anyone's guess.
But find them they must, for children care less
for the daily struggle, in which they all dress.

It's the season of love and their smile must stay.
It is their smile keeping their imagined at bay!
The fear in their heart makes them finally pray.
They demand forgiveness that they've gone astray!

The season starts closing, and comes to an end.
Their smile disappears and they no longer pretend
to be such good people. Their old life they attend.
They return to emotions of their own personal blend.

An art to be mastered is to live in the moment.
To dwell sometime else will cause mental torment.
There's no better time to live than the present.
This moment's alive! There's no reason to lament!

The truth is: The future can nobody see.
The truth is: There's no way to be totally free.
The truth is: The future may preclude me.
The truth is: This moment is when we must be!


Great! Yes, I've already written a lot about the "(sham) holy night" - because every year I get more and more upset about what people make of Christmas...

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