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RE: Random musings...Greed and the 1%...

in Dream Steem2 months ago

Thank you!

I'm with you on the human nature thing, but I see only one aspect as being, maybe even, evil, and that's the people who seem to desire power, work hard to gain that power and then abuse it. This seems to be most observable in the political class.

I also see as not so positive the people who seem to just let it happen without much resistance. But, on the other hand tax advisors didn't just appear for no reason. I think they are here because, at least the people who can afford their service want to avoid as much tax debt as possible. That, I would say, is a form of resistance against the ones who are presently exercising power over the people.

Interesting enough, though, paying taxes is the one thing that every one...the 99%...seems to agree is worth not doing. But in the same breath, every one will advocate things like socialism, war, etc. In other words they want their government to provide certain expensive services, but would like to avoid paying their "fair share".

It seems to me that the 99%, instead of complaining, should be observing, especially, the very rich families. At some point in the rich family's history, someone had to have started acquiring wealth and must have involved his, or her, family in the process. I think that the whole family not only worked towards keeping the acquired wealth, but actively worked to expand it...even now. It's classical teamwork. It's the point that us 99% seem to be missing. If the whole family works towards that one goal, then that family could feasibly protect it's members from the effects of possible social disadvantages.

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