

Starting an engine, taking the first step, getting the ball rolling. These are the hardest things to overcome when you start because it requires huge amounts of effort from you and the results are nearly unseen.

Getting to the top is akin to a one way ticket because when you get there you will never be the same again. Getting to the top is half the battle, the other half is staying at the top. You're more vulnerable when you're on the top because almost everyone knows and sees who's at the top. You can argue that been on the top, you have a better view looking downward but the vastness you see can't be easily comprehended and will be a major concern for you.

Hitting at a single target is way easier than hitting at a group of different targets. When you're at the top, You're in the 1%. To know and target the 1% is easy. To know the 99% targeting the 1% is a dilemma.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 57616.20
ETH 3030.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.25