The Illusion of Peace and Unity towards Freedom!

in Motivation Story2 years ago (edited)

I find it difficult to understand why the world is full of wickedness and atrocities. The world has suddenly become unfair that we can no longer decipher exactly what is happening and where we're headed. One moment we've got peace, and the next and the next there's an explosion in the neighbouring state. Innocents dead and the families left in pain. This makes me wonder - isn't the idea of peace an illusion?

I sometimes wonder if we're actually meant to live in peace or the idea of war and hatred is as planned by whoever decided our existence- a god-figure perhaps.

I see the lots of people in pain. Going through a lot, losing loved ones to sickness and disease, living in poverty, world hunger and so on. Yet the rich keep on getting richer while the poor... you know the rest.


Even the rich gets sick, diseases that money has no power over befalls them and kaboom we just have to say goodbye to our loved ones once more. In the end, I realise that life in itself is pointless, and the purpose of life is meaningless.

Perhaps the statement that 'the proper function of man is to live and not to exist' isn't so wrong after all. Regardless of the ability to see the greater picture which allows us to provide ourselves with a sense of purpose, that picture is nothing but an illusion and a distraction from the endgame which is to cease to exist at some point, while allowing the next generation to repeat the process.

It's a literally live-die-repeat!

All good and all powerful?

I sometimes feel like we're all nothing but lab rats in this giant laboratory called Earth. I constantly feel like whoever or whatever decided our existence is simply messing with and experimenting with us.

Perhaps we're all nothing but test subjects in this anomaly and everything happening to us- war, peace, famine, world hunger, pain, death, birth and so on is nothing but a means to an end. We'd never truly know.

The above mentioned begs the question- "is the creator all good and all powerful?". I mean, one can be either all good or all powerful but not both except in special cases.

"If the creator was all good then he isn't all powerful. And if he is all powerful then he isn't all good" ~ Lex Luthor! (Batman V superman; Dawn of Justice)

If he was all powerful and all good then he could simply snap his fingers and all the pain in the world will end. Death will end, war will not happen anymore and peace will begin to reign. We will have nothing but real peace and unity.


Choosing to not do anything simply means that everything we're going through is all part of his plan and our experience is nothing but an inevitable process.

I choose to believe that a god-figure exists somewhere but I insist that this god isn't both all powerful and all good. After all, you can't be both and still allow the world to be as messed up as it is. Just snap your fingers and let things get good... if you have the power, just do it already.

Perhaps we do not need to wait on the creator to end the war and poverty, but come together *united with the sole purpose of liberating ourselves from the illusion of peace, while creating real peace and attaining the freedom we deserve for the brief period we live on this plane of existence.

War, poverty, hunger, suffering, hatred, crime, and the lots of evil can come to an end if only we'd be wiling to reason like humans do while throwing the animal side of us into the gutters.


That's my definition of Unity towards freedom!

First published on my blurt blog but remodified.

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