Positive thoughts on a Positive Result

in Motivation Story3 years ago (edited)

It was a Sunday night when someone called to my sister and told that our Aunt is Positive from Covid-19 virus. My Aunt works with us to cook, and she stayed here in the house. She is also a street sweeper in the Barangay so she was obliged to have a mandatory swabbing. I went to another room and told my sister who is in panic and shock that it was all okay and no need to worry. However, we received another call that all in the house including all the kids should need to undergo swab testing.


I couldn’t control myself and I cried a lot. It was the very saddest part that I am imagining my child on a swab testing. I’m afraid because he’s only 2 years old and didn’t know why all these things is happening. At his early age he will experience this kind of traumatic scenarios that I myself is really afraid at this age. We were advised to be at the swabbing center as early as 10:30 tomorrow morning. And good thing that 2 years old below is okay not to swab.

All night I can’t sleep, My mind can’t stop on thinking what might be the results if we do a swab test today. I also prayed all night for a good result and if ever it turns positive hoping that it is not severe or even delicate condition.

So, as we go along, we thought a worst scenario since it’s a swabbing center. Surprisingly Navotas Complex Swabbing Center is good. The staffs and tracer are all kind and the area is in a systematic way. We don’t feel to down, we don’t feel too much humiliation. I salute to all those hard working staffs there, I tried to ask one of the staff and she told me that they were working from 7 am to 11 pm. It does not matter how hot in there, or how delicate. It just a work responsibility that they need to comply and embraced.



There’s a step by step procedures in the swabbing center. Step 1 is the Registration where your ID’s and form are being validated, Step 2 is Identification if its really you and if your contact details are all correct. Step 3 is the encoding, here you need to confirm that you receive an email confirmation from Philippine Red Cross and lastly Step 4, the swab test.

For the swab test, 2 buds for the nose and 1 bud for the throat. I feel really nervous indeed. But I need to do it since it’s a mandatory obligation. Together with my family, all of us 7 including kids passed the swab testing. We’re done and just need to go back to our home and quarantined ourselves for 2 weeks.

Why am I sharing this? I think perhaps for all of you guys to know the steps and process of the swabbing and that to share the experience we had being a Person’s closed contact to a positive person.

I received an email when I woke up September 1 at 5 in the morning, i saw there names, my two sisters, nieces and brother in law in a negative results. I am very much happy and I wake them up to announced it. However, I was surprised that me and my husband don't get the results, upon browsing the PRC websites and email, I found out that I was verified positive! I cried again, so much that I could not contained myself. I am also worried for the the swab result of my husband which is not yet out, its says specimen re-tested.

I asked God why me of all ??? Why do I need to tested positive were in fact I don't feel anything. My sisters and my brother in law has comorbidities. Vertigo, hypertension, allergies. All of them has maintenance medication. I felt so down and just cried all day. I prayed and ask God what’s the lesson he wants to teach me from this situation…

And then, I just realized something valuable and important. I think God wants me to become Strong since I am indeed a strong person. That because I am strong I can conquer this. I can passed this trials and to think that all of them are negative so I should become happy. After all if one of them are not feeling well, I think I could feel 3x more down. So, i just turned my down situation into a positive and decided not to cry at all but rather accept it. It was God who made this. So I should obey and accept his plan for me.

The tracer gave us a quarantine band. Since the doctor approved are home quarantine, They all decided to be quarantine for 2 weeks, they say that until I can get out, that’s also the day when they need to get out. Since I am being isolated in my room, they also isolate themselves so I will not feel all alone.

It was indeed that family is the best thing that we can have. That no matter what, you will feel that you’re always at each other’s side. And that there’s always love and caring for each and everyone. These are all the lessons that this pandemic gives me.

For all of you guys, who are suffering and feeling down because of this pandemic, just feel the love from your heart and realize that you have your family there who is there to support, love and care for you. That all you need to do is to accept the fact of being a positive one and make your situations into a positive thoughts so that the weigh of accepting the situation will become easy, light and good. After all God is in control, and he is so good all the time. So, there’s nothing to worry about. I am also asymptomatic, I don't feel anything except a little headache which is manageable. I just need to fight! And make myself strong or stronger so I can survive on this."

Let's all keep on praying! God hear us and prayers can really move mountains! God is so good, my family is healthy, I don't feel anything and I am alive sharing these all to you.

Since I got positive, Can I have a positive upvote here? Thank you and God bless everyone!

Spread the good vibes!

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