Motivation story of Leon Festinger

in Motivation Story3 years ago

Social Comparison Theory, proposed in 1954 by psychologist Leon Festinger, suggests that people often have an innate drive to evaluate themselves in comparison to others. While contrast can inspire change, provide clarity and promote motivation, comparing your life to another is almost always discouraging because someone will end up at the bottom. If it’s not you at the bottom, feeling demotivated, you’re at the top relishing in your superiority to the person below you.⁣

Inspiration can quickly turn to envy when you observe something that you perceive is greater than you, especially when insecurity or a feeling of lack is present. Social media is a great example. We can now effortlessly access visual stories of people’s lives, observing some of their greatest captures and moments, including achievements and picture-perfect scenarios. Therefore, it’s easier than ever to fall victim to the trap of comparison.⁣

Sometimes, we take a snippet of how someone’s life looks on social media as a wholesome view – or an accurate reflection. The truth is, we’ll never know the entire truth and insight into someone’s life, especially by what they share – because they get to decide how they want to be viewed online. Therefore, comparing yourself or your life to something that doesn’t represent the entire truth makes your attempt void.⁣

The Internet has also got people reaching for goals that aren’t easily attainable through organic means. People will show you an outcome and then sell you the process to achieve it, even if they used a different way of attaining it – or haven’t actually got the result. Manipulation has become so normalized that we now aspire to reach fake goals or idolize those who don’t live in line with their values. There’s a lot of falseness guiding you to achieve something real in your life.⁣

Gratitude and self-focus are great antidotes when comparison claws you in. They bolster self-worth, self-esteem and overall happiness, while of course, encouraging you to nurture your own goals and growth.⁣

I’m not sure who initially said this, but I also enjoyed the depiction:⁣

‘If the grass is greener on the other side, you can bet the water bill is higher.’⁣
I hope you like my story .
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@filda143 anda punya cerita yang bagus,tapi postingan anda kurang lengkap tanpa hadinya sebuah foto. Comonitas motivasi story mewajibkan 1 foto untuk sebuah postinga. Ok Sukses bersama untuk kita

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