Spiritual growth is the only path to enlightenment

in Motivation Story3 years ago
Hello my dear starry-eyed friends, today I would like to share with you some reflections that throughout my life have allowed me to move forward in spite of having found myself in situations that make us collapse for a few moments. Rereading some material about the creation of a century of life by one of my favorite Buddhist authors today, Daisaku Ikeda, President of the Soka Gakkai International (Buddhist organization), I came across an aspect that I learned years ago and that has helped me to focus my life on my inner enlightenment, which we all have and which very few know how to reflect.

Source: pixabay.com


The center of Buddhism is found in a basic principle, we are all enlightened, we all possess an inner light that is in the depths of our being, in our essence as human beings and that very few of us discover because we are preoccupied with material things and everything that our exterior offers us as entertainment. Humanity today lives in the midst of a great noise that together with technologies has become a way in which people isolate themselves from their environment forgetting that we are all connected.


Source: pixabay.com

Today more than ever we need that something that gives us a center, a connection with the environment from within and that can only be achieved if each of us focus on our spiritual growth, perhaps some people think that growing spiritually is nonsense, that spending at least 15 minutes trying to listen to your inner voice is a waste of time that daily self-evaluation does not take us anywhere, but those who think so can not be more wrong.


It is we ourselves who daily turn ourselves off when we allow external things to steal our peace, it is we who abuse our full consciousness and our peace when we allow others to abuse our existence. In us and with us is born and dies the light of our whole spirit. Now, how can we grow spiritually when perhaps we have so many worries and things to solve from day to day that seem to give us no time for anything else.


The fundamental thing is to understand that your life is the beginning and center of everything, if you are not well with yourself you can not be with everything else around you. To do this we will take a few minutes of our day, ideally in the morning to focus on what we must do what is important, urgent, what can be solved and what is not, what we must let go and especially what we must fight for. In the evening meditation is useful for self-evaluation and throughout the day you can take a few minutes just to breathe and start again.


Source: pixabay.com


Growing spiritually implies committing ourselves to our life, loving our existence and valuing every aspect of our life. Breathing correctly, meditating and even eating well (which does not imply spending a lot of money but knowing how to combine and choose foods that are good for us), doing some exercise. Our inner light goes hand in hand with spiritual growth the more responsible we are for our spirituality, which also grows by practicing the philosophy of love where I love everything around me and therefore I respect it, value it and do not harm it. When love is the guide of our life we grow spiritually and our inner light becomes bright and we are people capable of achieving all our goals and dreams in the construction of a century of life.



Peace and life. Thank you for reading I hope I have contributed today to your spiritual growth, so let's shine.


Very necessary dear, "focus on our spiritual growth"

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