Driving force to motivate us and achieve our goals

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago (edited)

Greetings friends and members of the steemit platform.

I want to tell you that I feel very motivated to be sharing and socializing with all of you on motivational topics, which especially are inspired by a philosophy and thinking very characteristic of my personality, so I think I found the right space within the platform to share free writing of my thoughts on this important topic such as personal motivation.

I consider important that we socialize on personal motivation above any other type of motivation, since I consider personal motivation as the primary basis for achieving our personal goals, and that once these are achieved surely we draw group or business goals that will need a set engine to generate group motivation, but for now I find it more exciting to explain how you can raise your spirit and self-esteem to meet the great personal challenges that you are so passionate about.


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Maybe you have heard a lot of advice very similar to a set of hard to follow rules that tell you what to do to be successful and achieve objectives and goals while at the same time this process makes us feel motivated, however I believe that we can approach an individual thinking adapted to our needs to succeed, that is why this time I come to tell you my personal way of approaching the challenges that lead me to feel motivated while achieving a goal or a set of goals:


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[1] I never get discouraged if I don't achieve the great things that others can achieve.

Many see in other people great achievements, such as being governor of a state or president of a country, it is also fashionable to pursue dreams that are very common as being a great elite athlete or an actor in Hollywood movies, being a famous singer, but I tell you that it is not necessary to pursue any of those dreams that often lead us to copy the model of others, thus losing our own style and originality in personality, under this context of own personality we must simply find our own style, that one that will take us little by little to find our vision to personalized success and that best fits our personality, in particular it has worked for me, perhaps on the way to discover that own vision I have had to leave many achievements abandoned, just for the simple fact that they do not make me happy, perhaps for what some people may seem a failure for me has been great victories, so I say pursue your own goals for your own vision with its own original characteristic and attached to your personality.

[2] Don't look miserable for what you do, always look to see yourself happy.

En ocasiones buscamos un camino hacia algo que creemos nos gusta y nos apasiona, cuando ejecutamos ese conjunto de tareas que tienen un propósito para nosotros y que cada vez que la hacemos nos hace sonreír y hacernos feliz, ciertamente también logramos observar en nuestro entorno a personas sentirse triste e infelices haciendo lo mismo que nosotros hacemos, es cuando me pregunto: ¿realmente estas personas supieron marcar su visión de triunfo?

Realmente si hacemos algo que no nos hace feliz debemos abandonarlo, no debemos seguir en eso tan solo porque vemos en otras personas que ellas si terminan abrazando la felicidad con lo mismo con lo que nosotros somos infelices.

Sin embargo si en ese camino al exito sentimos aspectos amargos que nos hace sentir infelices, es necesario que sepamos hacer una lectura precisa del objetivo final que deseamos alcanzar, por ejemplo supongamos que queremos competir en fisicoculturismo en el campeonato de mister universo, lógicamente vamos a tener que entrenar con pesas en el gym , vamos a pasar por dolores musculares, procesos de estancamiento, pero esto es algo que podemos superar cada vez que busquemos motivarnos pensando en el día que seremos mister universo, si pensamos en eso constantemente seguramente venceremos todas esas adversidades y tendremos un gran sonrisa cada vez que entrenemos en el gym y nada será difícil de alcanzar.


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And finally I say that what brings together a large set of possible arguments to achieve success is not to be afraid of failure, when we fail we have to keep in mind that it is a normal part of life, however losing the fear of failure will make us think about big goals, since those great things that we will achieve at some point will motivate us to never give up trying.

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