How to Use a Push Lawn Mower with Back Pain/Sciatica
How to Use a Push Lawn Mower with Back Pain/Sciatica
Absolutely avoid cutting lawn with a push mower if the activity increases your back pain. You should be attempting to eliminate all the pain-makers from your life in order to get your pain levels down. Who will cut your lawn? The same person who would do it if you had to go in for back surgery- because that may be where you are headed if you continue to injure your back.
A. Avoid sweeps of the mower where you first push the mower down a side hill followed up by immediately pulling it up the hill. Your back will be in a bent position and under high loads.
B. Keep your back in the locked-in position.
C. It is generally helpful to keep your hands near your pelvis and perform movement with your legs and not with your back.
D. Every 20 minutes stop and perform some standing back extensions (unless not recommended for you).
This video is a part of a series of videos on how to treat Sciatica/Back Pain on your own. Check out the full series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here: