The Earth sun and the moon

in HeartSTEM3 years ago

The motions of bodies in the solar system are for the most part, regular and understandable.
From Earth, the sun rises in the Eastern sky in the morning and sets in the western sky in the evening.if the moon is full on Day 1, it will be full on Day 28, and new on Day 14. The motions of Earth relative to the sun, and the motions of the moon and sun relative to Earth, including day and night, the seasons, tide and phases of the moon.


The motions of bodies in the solar system are for the most part, regular and understandable.
From Earth, the sun rises in the Eastern sky in the morning and sets in the western sky in the evening.if the moon is full on Day 1, it will be full on Day 28, and new on Day 14. The motions of Earth relative to the sun, and the motions of the moon and sun relative to Earth, including day and night, the seasons, tide and phases of the moon.

Night cycle
Earth rotates once on its axis about every 24 hours. To an observer cooling down on the north Pole, the rotation appears counter lock Wise. From nearly all points on Earth, the sun appears to move across the sky from East to West each day. Of course, the sun is not moving from East to West at all; Earth is rotating.the moon and stars also seem to rise in the east and set in the west.
Earth's rotation means that there is a cycle of daylight and darkness approximately every 24hours, the length of day, different places experience sunset and sunrise at different times and the amount of time a location is in daylight and darkness also differs by location.
•Shadows are areas where an object obstructs a light source to that darkness takes on the form of the object.on Earth, a shadow can be cast by the sun, moon or rarely, Mercury or Venus.
✓Earth's Seasons
A common misconception is that the sun is closer to Earth in the summer and farther away from it during the winter.instead, the seasons are caused by the 23.5tilt of Earth's axis of rotation relative to its plane or orbit around the sun at summer solstice, June 21 or 22, Earth's axis points toward the sun and so the sun is directly over head at its furthest north point of the year, the tropic of cancer (23.5°N)
The Earth's tilt on its axis leads to one hemisphere facing the sun more than the other hemisphere and gives rises to seasons
During the summer areas North of the equator experience longer days and shorter nights. In the southern hemisphere, the sun is as far away as it will be and so it is their winter. Locations will have longer nights and shorter days.
The opposite occurs on winter solstice, which begins on December 21. More about season can be found in the Earth's Atmosphere
✓ What are the physical characteristics of Earth?
Our home planet is just one of the bodies that orbit the sun. It shares many characteristics with other planets and moons in the solar system.
However,it is unique in one special way there is Life on Earth. Life has not yet been discovered any where else in the universe.however, scientist have hypothesized that it is possible, given the number of Stars and planets out in space. Many of the physical on Earth have made it an ideal place for Life to develop.
•Surface: unlike the sun, the surface of Earth is solid even below the liquid oceans, there is solid Earth. Because of this, earth is called a Rocky planet. However, the planet is not completely solid. Part of Earth's core is a liquid mix of metals mostly iron and nickel.
• Atmosphere: Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere of gases. We know it better as air. The atmosphere is an important reason why life exists on Earth. It holds in much of the heat from the sun so the planet never gets too cold. The atmosphere also contains oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for many living things including humans to breathe.
• Temperature: Earth is the third planet from the sun. This is perfect distance for life our planet never gets extremely hot or extremely cold. Even the coldest and hottest place on Earth are not extreme compared to other planets.
The average temperature on Earth is 15°c (59°f). For comparison, the average temperatures of Earth's closest neighbouring planet are 461°C (861°f) on Venus and -63°C(-81°f) on Mars!
• Features: Earth has many features including mountains, volcanoes, Forests and continents. One of Earth most import features, however, is the presence of liquid water.approximately 70% of the planet is covered in oceans, but there is still More water held in lakes, rivers, icebergs and glaciers. Even the atmosphere contains water in clouds and vapour, which is the gas form of water. The presence of water on Earth makes life possible on Earth.
• Size: the rocky planets in the solar system are much smaller than the gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn. Earth is the largest of the Rocky planets. However, it is still very, very small in comparison to the sun. It would take 100 Earths lined up next to each other to equal The sun's diameter.


The sun is the star at the center of the solar system. It is nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reaction in it's core, radiating the energy mainly as visible light and infrared is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth.its diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864,000miles), or 109times that of Earth.its Mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth; it açcount s for about 99.86% of the total Mass of the solar system roughly three quarters of the sun's mass consist of hydrogen (~73%); the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon,neon, and iron.
• Reflect
The sun and moon are Earth's constant companions. We bask in the sun's heat and provides Earth's energy,and life could not exist without it. We rely on the moon to light dark nights. Earth's closest neighbour, the moon is the only other object in space that humans have ever set foot on. Together, the sun, Earth and moon are responsible of oceans tides, eclipses, and the phases of the moon.but they couldn't be more different when it comes to size and structure. how do the characteristics of Earth, the sun, and the moon compare to one another?
• What are the physical characteristics of the Sun?
The sun is a Star at the center of our solar system.this means that the sun is more similar to other Stars than to Earth or the moon. The sun seems larger and brighter than other Stars because it is so close to Earth. Here are some other physical characteristics of the sun.
• Surface: the sun, like all Stars, is a glowing Ball of gas. Even if a space ship could withstand the heat, it could not land on the sun because the sun's surfaces is not solid.
• Atmosphere: because the sun is made up of gas, it has a very thick atmosphere. An atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding an object is space.the majority of the gas that makes up the sun is hydrogen. The gases in the sun are packed tightly together, making it incredibly dense. This contributes to the sun's very strong gravity.
• Temperature: different parts of the sun have different temperatures.the surface is one of the coolest areas of the sun at 5,500°C (10,000°F). But that's nothing compared to the core, or center. The average temperature at the center of the sun is 15,000,000°C (27,000, 000°F)!
• Features: sunspots and solar flares are features on the sun's surface.
Sunspots are dark areas that are cooler than the rest of surface.the number of sunspots changes about every 11 years.
Solar flares are quick increases in brightness.they occur when energy builds up in the sun and is suddenly released solar flares extend beyond the surface of the sun and look like explosions.
• Size: the sun has much more mass than any of the other objects in the solar fact, about one million Earths could fit inside the sun! It's great mass gives the sun very strong gravity.
Earth and the other objects in the solar system fellow continuous orbits around the sun because its gravity is so great.

The sun is so hot that it glows. However, the sun is not on fire. Fire is a reaction that occurs on Earth when a fuel, like wood or oil, mixes with oxygen and spark.the sun contains no such fuel for fires. Instead, in the core of the sun hydrogen particles comes together to form helium particles. This reaction produces huge amount of energy.this is what makes the sun hot and causes it to this way, sunlight is more similar to a light bulb than to a flame. A tiny piece of metal inside a light bulb is heated using electricity. It becomes so hot that it begins to glow with a bright light. The sun's glow works in a similar way. However, instead of electricity it uses energy from the reactions in its core.

✓ THE MOON: like everything in the solar system except the sun the moon does not produce any light of its own it only reflects sunlight.
As the moon moves around earth, different portions of the satellite are illuminated.
This causes the phases of the moon, so little that our view of the Moon goes from fully to completely dark and again.

• the moon is full when Earth is between the moon and the sun and the moon's nearside is entirely little.

•the moon is at first quarter phase about one week later, when the moon appears as a half circle.only half of the Moon's little surface is visible from Earth.

•the moon is in a new moon phase when the moon moves between Earth and the sun and the side of the Moon facing Earth is completely dark.
Earth observers May be able to just barely see the outline of the new moon because some sunlight reflects off the Earth and hits the moon.

• before and after the quarter-moon phases are the gibbous and crescent phases. During the gibbous Moon phase, the moon is more than half title but no full during the crescent moon phase, The moon is less than half title and is seen as only a silver or crescent shape.

It takes about 29.5 days for the Moon to make one cycle relative to the sun and go through all the phases the time between two New moon phases or two full moon phases is 29.5 days.
Remember that moon's orbital period is 27.3 days. The difference of 29.5 and 27.3 is that while the moon is orbiting the Earth, the Earth is moving along in its orbit so it takes longer for The moon to reach The same position relative to the sun.

Night cycle
Earth rotates once on its axis about every 24 hours. To an observer cooling down on the north Pole, the rotation appears counter lock Wise. From nearly all points on Earth, the sun appears to move across the sky from East to West each day. Of course, the sun is not moving from East to West at all; Earth is rotating.the moon and stars also seem to rise in the east and set in the west.
Earth's rotation means that there is a cycle of daylight and darkness approximately every 24hours, the length of day, different places experience sunset and sunrise at different times and the amount of time a location is in daylight and darkness also differs by location.
•Shadows are areas where an object obstructs a light source to that darkness takes on the form of the object.on Earth, a shadow can be cast by the sun, moon or rarely, Mercury or Venus.
✓Earth's Seasons
A common misconception is that the sun is closer to Earth in the summer and farther away from it during the winter.instead, the seasons are caused by the 23.5tilt of Earth's axis of rotation relative to its plane or orbit around the sun at summer solstice, June 21 or 22, Earth's axis points toward the sun and so the sun is directly over head at its furthest north point of the year, the tropic of cancer (23.5°N)
The Earth's tilt on its axis leads to one hemisphere facing the sun more than the other hemisphere and gives rises to seasons
During the summer areas North of the equator experience longer days and shorter nights. In the southern hemisphere, the sun is as far away as it will be and so it is their winter. Locations will have longer nights and shorter days.
The opposite occurs on winter solstice, which begins on December 21. More about season can be found in the Earth's Atmosphere
✓ What are the physical characteristics of Earth?
Our home planet is just one of the bodies that orbit the sun. It shares many characteristics with other planets and moons in the solar system.
However,it is unique in one special way there is Life on Earth. Life has not yet been discovered any where else in the universe.however, scientist have hypothesized that it is possible, given the number of Stars and planets out in space. Many of the physical on Earth have made it an ideal place for Life to develop.
•Surface: unlike the sun, the surface of Earth is solid even below the liquid oceans, there is solid Earth. Because of this, earth is called a Rocky planet. However, the planet is not completely solid. Part of Earth's core is a liquid mix of metals mostly iron and nickel.
• Atmosphere: Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere of gases. We know it better as air. The atmosphere is an important reason why life exists on Earth. It holds in much of the heat from the sun so the planet never gets too cold. The atmosphere also contains oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for many living things including humans to breathe.
• Temperature: Earth is the third planet from the sun. This is perfect distance for life our planet never gets extremely hot or extremely cold. Even the coldest and hottest place on Earth are not extreme compared to other planets.
The average temperature on Earth is 15°c (59°f). For comparison, the average temperatures of Earth's closest neighbouring planet are 461°C (861°f) on Venus and -63°C(-81°f) on Mars!
• Features: Earth has many features including mountains, volcanoes, Forests and continents. One of Earth most import features, however, is the presence of liquid water.approximately 70% of the planet is covered in oceans, but there is still More water held in lakes, rivers, icebergs and glaciers. Even the atmosphere contains water in clouds and vapour, which is the gas form of water. The presence of water on Earth makes life possible on Earth.
• Size: the rocky planets in the solar system are much smaller than the gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn. Earth is the largest of the Rocky planets. However, it is still very, very small in comparison to the sun. It would take 100 Earths lined up next to each other to equal The sun's diameter.

The sun is the star at the center of the solar system. It is nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reaction in it's core, radiating the energy mainly as visible light and infrared is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth.its diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864,000miles), or 109times that of Earth.its Mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth; it açcount s for about 99.86% of the total Mass of the solar system roughly three quarters of the sun's mass consist of hydrogen (~73%); the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon,neon, and iron.
• Reflect
The sun and moon are Earth's constant companions. We bask in the sun's heat and provides Earth's energy,and life could not exist without it. We rely on the moon to light dark nights. Earth's closest neighbour, the moon is the only other object in space that humans have ever set foot on. Together, the sun, Earth and moon are responsible of oceans tides, eclipses, and the phases of the moon.but they couldn't be more different when it comes to size and structure. how do the characteristics of Earth, the sun, and the moon compare to one another?
• What are the physical characteristics of the Sun?
The sun is a Star at the center of our solar system.this means that the sun is more similar to other Stars than to Earth or the moon. The sun seems larger and brighter than other Stars because it is so close to Earth. Here are some other physical characteristics of the sun.
• Surface: the sun, like all Stars, is a glowing Ball of gas. Even if a space ship could withstand the heat, it could not land on the sun because the sun's surfaces is not solid.
• Atmosphere: because the sun is made up of gas, it has a very thick atmosphere. An atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding an object is space.the majority of the gas that makes up the sun is hydrogen. The gases in the sun are packed tightly together, making it incredibly dense. This contributes to the sun's very strong gravity.
• Temperature: different parts of the sun have different temperatures.the surface is one of the coolest areas of the sun at 5,500°C (10,000°F). But that's nothing compared to the core, or center. The average temperature at the center of the sun is 15,000,000°C (27,000, 000°F)!
• Features: sunspots and solar flares are features on the sun's surface.
Sunspots are dark areas that are cooler than the rest of surface.the number of sunspots changes about every 11 years.
Solar flares are quick increases in brightness.they occur when energy builds up in the sun and is suddenly released solar flares extend beyond the surface of the sun and look like explosions.
• Size: the sun has much more mass than any of the other objects in the solar fact, about one million Earths could fit inside the sun! It's great mass gives the sun very strong gravity.
Earth and the other objects in the solar system fellow continuous orbits around the sun because its gravity is so great.

The sun is so hot that it glows. However, the sun is not on fire. Fire is a reaction that occurs on Earth when a fuel, like wood or oil, mixes with oxygen and spark.the sun contains no such fuel for fires. Instead, in the core of the sun hydrogen particles comes together to form helium particles. This reaction produces huge amount of energy.this is what makes the sun hot and causes it to this way, sunlight is more similar to a light bulb than to a flame. A tiny piece of metal inside a light bulb is heated using electricity. It becomes so hot that it begins to glow with a bright light. The sun's glow works in a similar way. However, instead of electricity it uses energy from the reactions in its core.

✓ THE MOON: like everything in the solar system except the sun the moon does not produce any light of its own it only reflects sunlight.
As the moon moves around earth, different portions of the satellite are illuminated.
This causes the phases of the moon, so little that our view of the Moon goes from fully to completely dark and again.

• the moon is full when Earth is between the moon and the sun and the moon's nearside is entirely little.

•the moon is at first quarter phase about one week later, when the moon appears as a half circle.only half of the Moon's little surface is visible from Earth.

•the moon is in a new moon phase when the moon moves between Earth and the sun and the side of the Moon facing Earth is completely dark.
Earth observers May be able to just barely see the outline of the new moon because some sunlight reflects off the Earth and hits the moon.

• before and after the quarter-moon phases are the gibbous and crescent phases. During the gibbous Moon phase, the moon is more than half title but no full during the crescent moon phase, The moon is less than half title and is seen as only a silver or crescent shape.

It takes about 29.5 days for the Moon to make one cycle relative to the sun and go through all the phases the time between two New moon phases or two full moon phases is 29.5 days.
Remember that moon's orbital period is 27.3 days. The difference of 29.5 and 27.3 is that while the moon is orbiting the Earth, the Earth is moving along in its orbit so it takes longer for The moon to reach The same position relative to the sun.



Nice one

Thanks for your comment I appreciate

Wow very detailed

Great one dear... thanks for sharing

You are welcome my dear

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