in HeartSTEM3 years ago

Punctuality is very important to anybody who believes in order and discipline.a punctual person will be at the right place at the right time.

A person that is not punctual will not arrive at a place when he is expected to. punctuality is not peculiar to anyone ,therefore the expression: African time is quite untenabl and amounts to an insult on Africa.

In many places ,school children as well as their teachers teachers should be in school at 7:30 in the morning teachers ensure that the students clean up the school compound and provide water for drinking before conducting morning assembly at 8:00, classes should begin immediately.

Imagine the confusion that would arise if, owing to lateness, teachers and students alike,are not in school on time. all the morning functions would suffer and lessons would not start at the appropriate time.

In the post primary institutions and universities the teachers and the students must arrive punctually to school in the interests of orders and discipline. Every Sunday morning, the bell goes to remind worshipers that they should attend services punctually .

The bell also reminds the priest or pastor that he, too, should arrive in the church punctually to conduct services for worshippers . if service should start by 7:30 in the morning and the priest as well as the worshippers arrive in time for services: everybody will feel happy and a successful service will be conducted.

if, on the other hand, either the pastor or worshipers arrive late.a late service will be conducted and a poor impression will be created. In the Muslim sects, all worshippers I should arrive on time for their jumat prayers .all Muslim should pray five times a day.

once it is time for them to pray ,they should suspend every other activity or assignment .Radio and television houses have definite times for the start of this transmission. listeners and viewers get used to the radio or TV schedule. it is the duty of all announcers and technicians to arrive at their offices in time. if they fail to arrive at their studios punctually , they would have disappointed all listeners and viewers who tuned in at the right time .

At the railway stations,there are schedules for movement of trains, it is absolutely necessary that drivers of trains should follow the schedule which has been prepared for them. if drivers drivers,guards and other workers connected with the movement of trains failed to arrive punctually to work , trains will not move according to schedule. there will be clashes and collision and confusion will arrise.

workers at airport also know the need for punctuality and they follow their time-rigidly. Travellers who board planes for local or international flights know very well that if they are not punctual at the airport, aircrafts will not wait for them: such as there will not be able to travel .

In Nigeria,we have the national Assembly and a legislative house in each state of the federation. whenever each legislative assembly is meeting,it is necessary that parliamentarians should arrive punctually for the days business.if they cultivate the habit of arriving late, they will not debate bills effectively and therefore will pass few laws. The people they represent will feel disappointed and scandalized.

A priest in the habit of being punctual once schedule a wedding for 7o'oclock in the morning.he was there on time but the couple wasn't. 7 a.m prompt, the priest started service. The couple arrive later on to find the service in progress.although the priest wedded them despite their lateness,they could not hide their embarrassment and regret.

From time to time, people are invited to dinners at stipulated.the host normally expectes his guest to arrive punctually.the guests who arrive late are source of annoyance to the host as well as the other guests. This is because it often becomes necessary for those who arrive on time to wait for the late- comers.punctuality is also very important at meetings of various descriptions.

Time has been described as life itself. It has been said that time is more important than money or anything else.according to well- known proverb,(time flies never be recalled) . another proberb maintains that, punctually is the soul of business,. These proverbh huh jhjhhhs highlight the importance of punctuality in the public and private sectors of a nation's economy.

 3 years ago 

Nice article from you. Keep it up

Wow nice

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