Evolution of life: Precisely

in HeartSTEM3 years ago

Hi everyone, I hope all of you doing well. I would like to write about the theories that related to evolution.


Theories related to origin of universe.

  • Theory of Special Creation:

Some super natural power (god) created entire universe.1 According to science this is not acceptable (controversial).

  • Theory of spontaneous creation from non-living material:

living organisms come from non-living things like soil. For example, worms, insects frogs etc are directly come soil. But this not acceptable, because worms, insects..etc, may also come from larvae,eggs..etc. Directly from soil is not possible to form new species.

  • Biogenesis Theory:

Proposed by Henry Charlton Bastian. Life comes from pre-existing life. But we don't know how the first life was formed.

  • Cosmic/Panspermitaic/Interplanetary Theory:

Life comes from other planet in the form of seed (or) spore called panspermia.2 Its not acceptable, because till today , scientists didn't identify the life on planet other than earth.

  • Modern/Naturalistic/Chemosynthetic Theory:

Its also known as oparin- Haldane theory. Oparin proposed and Haldane supported. All chemicals fused together finally formed a life. For fusing of chemicals, energy is taken from earth, cosmic rays, lighting, thundering,.etc. Finally simple material converted to complex material. All molecules together form complex materials like carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty acids,fats, DNA..etc. Slowly micro molecules combinely form macromolecules and molecules combinely form a life.


Free atoms fused together form inorganic molecules, inorganic molecules fused together form organic molecules, organic molecules fused together form simple molecules, then simple molecules fused together form complex molecules.

The complex molecules converted to coacervates. Coacervates is cell like aggregates. These coacervates converted to ebionts. Ebionts are precells. Pre cell is a cell like organism with divisional power. Ebionts converted to primitive cells. The first primitive cell is blue green algae. First life on earth is blue green algae or cyno bacteria. Chemosynthetic theory experimentally supported by miller and urey.

After origin of earth and origin of life, how the simple organisms transformed to complex organisms ?

The above question was explained with some theories. They are,


I hope you all like it .

Thank you for your time to read the post.


The theory of evolution is a theory everybody always wishes to listen or read about whether they believe in it or not because everyone is curious to know how they come into existence.

When we talk about the theory of evolution, I think it is much more than what we can comprehend because we where created by God

Yeah u are correct

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