CAN YOU TRANSFUSE YOUR BLOOD TO ANYBODY❓🤔🧬🔬 || by @a-lass-wonders 🙋‍♂‍👇

in HeartSTEM3 years ago (edited)

Greetings from @a-lass-wonders!! 🙏

Hi my loving friends!

Hope you all are doing good. I’m a graduated Science and Chemistry teacher👩‍🏫 in a government school of Sri Lanka. It’s my pleasure to meet you all from this mind blowing community. So, from today, I intended to share beneficial science concepts with you for your knowledge and that will worthwhile to your day to day life💪.

Today my intension is to tell about what is BLOOD TRANSFUSION💉.


Sometimes we are donating blood or sometimes, we have to donate our blood for special reasons. But, the truth is, we are not eligible to donate or receive blood from somebody directly. There are certain criterias to make it happen. So, let’s learn about this timely scientific topic👇.

Transferring blood from one individual to another individual is known as “Blood Transfusion”



The person who donates blood.


The person who receive blood from the donor.

Blood transfusion cannot be done between any two individuals 🚫.

To make successful transfusion among two individuals, there are two factors need to be compatible 👇.

  1. Blood group
  2. Rhesus factor

So, let’s concern about how we need to match blood group between two individuals.

Depend on protein components in blood cells, basically there are four main blood groups among us.

They are,

  1. A (Include antigen A in red blood cells)
  2. B ( Include antigen B in red blood cells)
  3. AB ( Include antigen A and antigen B in red blood cells)
  4. O ( Neither antigen A or antigen B in red blood cells)



  • If an individual has A blood group, that person can receive blood from an individual who has A or AB blood group.

  • If an individual has B blood group, he/she can obtain blood from person who is having B or AB blood group.

  • If an individual has AB group, he/she can receive blood from A,B, AB or O blood recipient.

  • If an individual has O blood group, can receive blood from only O blood recipient.

This can be further illustrated as below.


When we looked at this chart, it is so clear that, blood group AB can receive blood from any donor. Ergo, blood group AB is called as Universal Recipient.

Blood group O can give his/her blood to any recipient. Thus, blood group O is known as Universal Donor.

Blood cannot be transfused between two considering only blood group of them. We also need to consider about their Rhesus factor before transfusing blood.


  • If Rhesus factor presents in someone’s blood he/she is Rh+ and if Rhesus factor absent in someone’s blood, he/she is Rh-

  • The recipient who have Rh+ blood, can receive both Rh+ and Rh- blood.

  • But if somebody has Rh- blood, can receive Rh- blood only.

Thereby, if an individual with Rh- blood, it is little bit harder to find a donor.

Hence, considering both blood group and Rhesus factor, people have blood from,

• A+, A-
• B+, B-
• AB+, AB-
• O+, O-

Hope you all understand about Blood Transfusion and if you have any clarifications regarding this topic, I’m here to clarify them at any time.

Hope to meet you all from another marvelous lesson and until then stay tuned.


My introduction post : here.


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Hello friend, a great delivery that you share with us because it will always be important that we can take into account all these aspects because sometimes we have the need to be blood donors but we must meet the conditions to do so.

Thank you for sharing such interesting content with all of us.

Thank you so much sir for your kind response.
Yeah ! We need to be more careful when we transfusing blood.

Welcome to heartstem blood donation it some things all of us should know about especially the are of compatibility and we sure all endeavors to know our blood group and genotype so that when the need arises we can easily know people we can donate to and people that can donate to us. Blood transfusion has save alot of lives.

Definitely true my darling.
Transfusing blood is somewhat we need to be more careful.

Blood transfusion checking is very careful so as to know whether ones blood is comparing to who you are sending it to. And that's what we must know the group we must be sending it to and whether the group are compatible

Totally agree with you

I think people In group AB are universal donor because they can donate to anybody or any group. While people in group 0 will suffer a bit because they can only receive from group 0

There is a need to knows one blood group in order to avoid sending blood to the wrong recipient from the right donor

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