SEC-S18W5/Share your brilliance- How to succeed in your career

in Shine with Steem3 months ago
I love being part of different contests week after week at Shine with Steem. In this fifth week of the challenge, I would love to share a topic that is close to my heart and provides me with an opportunity to share my humble achievement.


Men are like the stars; they generate their own light while others reflect the brilliance they receive- Jose Marti

I would love to invite my learned friends to share their brilliance @rossnenye @sahmie @waqarahmadshah


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🌟 Make a step-by-step tutorial teaching some skill you have, try to make it something useful


Everyone has some talent but the question is how to identify it or is it worth thinking about. Although this question is simple and its answer is simple but practically it is not that simple. The answer is a person should sit, think deeply, and observe all his plans in his mind with an open mind, yet it is difficult to make accurate decisions.

But if you feel you can do it you should not hesitate at all, maybe people's especially your parent's opinions have a say but you should listen to your mind and heart. What matters the most is your self-confidence, which is the first measure of recognizing your talent. If you feel you can do it, no one can stop you!



Have you seen the railway track? It seems endless, but with a direction. Your career path is like that endless track; keep moving in a certain direction. To achieve your brilliance you have to increase your self-confidence. The field you like most needs your top priority, and you should try to improve it by working as hard as you can. Keep a distance from the negative people around you and keep focusing on your goal because negative people will try to discourage you by talking negatively.

The moment you know your field of brilliance, all your senses work to achieve it. If you have been lazy or tried to avoid your chosen path, then you might miss the train as your interest fades down to a great extent. Keep practicing continuously to increase your talent, and passion, and do not leave a chance to buck yourselves up when you get the opportunity.

If you want to enhance your talent, it means that you have recognised your passion and brilliance. Now you should practice it continuously by practicing it constantly to become an expert in it.

How can a person identify their inner talent?
What should be done to show his talent?
What is required to discover, develop, and present his talent to the world?
How can we identify the talent within us?
How can you become a talented person?
What should we do to become talented?

To become talented, you do not have to do much; just discover your own talent. And that talent can be related to any field. When you learn about your talent, set a goal for it and make it the aim of your life. And spend your time and energy in that direction only. After this, no power in the world can stop you from showing the world, "Yes you have done it."

🌟 You can make a tutorial about something related to Steemit, basic knowledge or something you want to highlight

Now I tell you about my own experience and how I recognised what I wanted to do:

I was good at sports right from my childhood, but my luck was not with me. I wanted to write and become a professional nature photographer when I was in my teens, but again, that was a professional job that needed professional training. That was also not possible because my father did not want me to join any of these as a career but he wanted to see me as a government employee because that was the guarantee of secured future. Even the corporate workers were looked down on since they had no pension or facilities that were available to government employees.



But I was dead against government jobs as they were not for honest people, and I knew that as my father was an honest man and suffered in his career as a high government officer.

Therefore, I saw my future in marketing as one that provided me with a lot of traveling opportunities along with a decent career option. I had to go for additional courses to join the marketing force. I was already planning to take a PG diploma in advanced welding technology to do better as a shift engineer while working for a multinational that was in the field of welding electrodes, welding transformers and flux, a company that has a limited completion in special alloy electrodes and equipment. I added a PG diploma in management to qualify for the marketing department, and that did it.



The rest is history, as I changed my field of work every 5–6 years and joined different industries, for instance, cement plants, heavy steel girder bridges, and finally electronic equipment, to reach the top of the ladder in management and marketing.

If your mind is creative, then you should set your goal in this direction and work hard. You will see that one day you will be considered the most talented person in this field. Similarly, if someone is interested in business or any other work and he can do that work very easily, then he can become a talented person by putting all his strength and hard work into that field.


Thank you Freinds, that was my story
 3 months ago 

I really enjoy reading your post you just said everything about talents. It is good to fucose especially when you realize that talent in you.

And works towards the direction even when people try to discourage you. And you. Thanks for your words I have really do learn two or more things from here.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for your sweet words about my humble effort and if you found even a single word that encouraged you, my effort's successful. Thank you once again.

 3 months ago 

You are welcome sir.

 3 months ago 

Awesome tutorial. Everyone success lays in his or her hand, there's no road to success that is easy. The only thing to do is to discover what you are good at and work towards it. Thank you very much sir, this post is very rich and helpful.

 3 months ago 

Thanks, there is no alternative to hard work so the one who works untired and selflessly reaches the top even if it takes time. I know many people work hard but the the time has changed, they should work smart.

 3 months ago 

Hola amigo, tu publicación es un ejemplo de como podemos llegar lejos cuando tenemos clara la meta fijada, tu te fuiste preparando aunque las vías del tren fueran casi eternas pero tenías la meta clara y eso era lo importante.

Me ha gustado tu publicación porque fue una manera distinta de abordar el tema propuesto en el concurso.
Suerte amigo.

 3 months ago 

Right, it was different because I do not like to write on dotted lines but I prefer a free-flowing way of writing my posts. Maybe I have said all that I wanted to say now it depends on organizers how they take it. Thanks!


We invite you to continue publishing quality content. In this way you could have the option of being selected in the weekly Top of our curation team.

 3 months ago 

Thanks team and @mystique, much appreciated.

 3 months ago 

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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 3 months ago 

Dear dove11

Dear, I really enjoyed reading your post. Is it true that every human being has some talent? benefits it depends on him but for that he needs to know himself a lot he has to give himself time and even then his talent will come out I read your whole post very good I think each and every point you have is worth considering and a great lesson for success in life. Thank you so much for such a good post and for such good information. Best of luck for this contest👍


 3 months ago 

Thanks a lot!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

Saludos estimado amigo.

Siempre es muy enriquecedor leerle porque sus escritos tienen mucha verdad y habla desde su experiencia, tienes razón cuando dices que debemos buscar de hacer lo que nos apasioné y sobre todo lo que nos haga felices.

También pase muchos años de mi vida dedicado a trabajos por necesidad, dónde no me sentí feliz y mucho menos motivado, la era digital nos ha dado una oportunidad increíble de redescubrir nuestros talentos y lo descubrí al conocer Steemit.

Gran entrada, mucha suerte.

 3 months ago 

Thanks, that's right I did not want to join the corporate sector or a government job but once I joined I made sure that I did my job with full determination and honesty. There is not other way to succeed even if I wanted to be a sportsman and free lancer.

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