The jungle

in Shine with Steem3 days ago


Happy Sunday from me @destinedhanik from Nigeria. I feel great to be here. I'm happy to participate in this contest titled 'the jungle'. A jungle is a large forest with animals, so we can say that the world is a jungle because there are lots of animals with us. Animals serve various purposes, whether for food, security, means of transport or even for income and in some cases keeps man company. I think the world would be boring without animals, so I will be talking about the jungle and I hope you find it interesting.

If you could train any wild animal to be a pet, which animal would it be and why was it your choice?

If I could train any wild animal to be a pet,I would choose the elephant. My reasons are:

An elephant is very intelligent though it is not the most intelligent animal and they are very smart animals

They have problem solving abilities. Example if an elephant notices that something is blocking the road and humans cannot pass, it will use it trunk and move the thing. It solves some problems for man.

They have ability to provide for themselves: Have you ever seen an elephant source for food or water? It digs a hole until it reaches water thereby providing for itself.

Elephant have feelings and are emphatic: They tend to love those who love them and can defend anyone who loves them, they stick together when going through things and they reciprocate whatever feelings they receive. They mourn the death of their love ones and never forgets who hurt them. Unfortunately, they always tend to revenge. In other words, elephants don't forgive or forget hurt done to them.

They have different personalities like humans example they exhibit leadership qualities, gentleness, playfulness, they are there for their families and tend to comfort each other


If your dog/cat could talk, what would you discuss with him/her?

If my dog or cat could talk, I would discuss a whole lot with him. Mainly about what I'm going through or the issues of life, and I would seek my dog's opinion which I wouldn't take for granted.

Dog is man's best companion and understand when man is sad or happy, so I would make my dog my best friend knowing that he is loyal to me and my secret, whatever it is, is safe with him.

I would discuss on personalities with my dog. Dogs can differentiate between a good and a bad person and are at most times, good judge of characters. So I would ask my dog to help me make some decisions based on people's personalities.

My dog

There is an animal living inside everyone, which one do you think lives inside you?

I think I would say a dog. This is because a dog can be gentle when there is need for it but when it is provoked, it can bite. Also, a dog is very faithful which is characteristic of me, a dog protects what belongs to it and it never forgets it's owner. They are very playful and they know who likes them or dislikes them.


What can we learn from animals?

There are lots of things we can learn from animals.

• From the tortoise, we can learn wisdom.

• From the elephant, we can learn love and empathy

• From the chimpanzee, we can learn intelligence.

• From the dog, we can learn loyalty.

• From the ant, we can learn hardwork and diligence

• From the cat, we can learn positivity or optimism in life despite what we go through.

• From the wolf, we can learn unity and support system.
There is no animal we can not learn one lesson from, example the goat has a carefree life where it eats and sleep and does nothing else.

Name an animal curiosity that many people don't know about

There are many animal curiosity many people don't know about but I'll mention only few.

• The lyrebird can make just any sound it hears, whether it's the sound of a baby crying, the horn of a car, the sound of a person talking, etc.

•Pigs are one of the cleanest animals. They keep their toilets far from where they stay or eat.

• Scorpions can hold their breath for 6 days.

• Few animals go through menopause example humpback whales and orcas.

• A pig's orgasm last 30 minutes

• Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

I'll stop here for today. I'm grateful to participate in this contest. I hope you have learnt something today, thank you for your time.

For this interesting contest and I'm calling on @anailuj1992

@victorialives to participate

 3 days ago 

Hola, muchas gracias por participar en el concurso: La jungla sin duda Sería muy interesante tener un elefante como mascota, además que son muy inteligentes.
Sería muy loco poder hablar con los animales, sin duda podemos aprender muchos de ellos.

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Many Blessings...🙏🏻

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