5 reasons why children need to meditate

in onionrings3 years ago

A simple but very effective technique called meditation, one of the most valuable skills we can teach our children.


Did you know that the regular practice of meditation has many beneficial effects on the emotional, mental and intellectual development of our children? Yes, meditation helps them to be more in tune with themselves, to sleep better and to develop better social interactions.
Let's look at the top five reasons why your children should meditate and how you can help them introduce this simple practice into their daily life as soon as possible.
1.To control the "monkey mind"
The nature of the mind, when stressed, is to jump from one thought to another like a monkey. If there is tension, the mind cannot be calm.

Have you ever noticed that your kids are drawn to gadgets and technology like we never were in our youth? They are challenged to think and respond faster than ever. They have the ability to get information in megabytes, play games of speed and imagination, surf, tweet, and constantly respond to online communication!

In addition to these skills, you probably want your children to have the ability to focus their attention entirely on one thing and to be able to focus on their studies. You would like them to be able to solve complex problems and see the big picture of situations.

What can we teach them so that they can have that focus?

The answer is meditation. Your children's creativity will flow best when their minds are free from the demands of tension and stress. Meditation provides them with healthy "monkey mind" relaxation, so they can function more effectively and clearly.

2.To prepare for the challenges of puberty
If any of your children are already in their teens, it is likely that you have realized that they are experiencing very strong emotions and that the society around them can easily influence them.

Meditation gives teens access to a great sense of inner stability and security. This allows them to discern using their own inner wisdom, which helps them to be more focused and stronger in the face of hormonal changes in their bodies.

3 .De-stress for academic success
Have you noticed that when you are fully focused on doing something, like playing with a baby or witnessing a beautiful sunset, the mind is not worried, irritated, or anxious? When the mind is calm, the body is relaxed as it follows the mind. If the mind is free of tension, it works at its peak of performance and the body becomes healthy. Isn't that what you want for your children?

How many children do you see frown and stressed when it comes to talking about their studies? His shoulders arch and hunch, his eyes get tense, and he begins to develop digestive problems and other health problems. In the ideal scenario, we all hope that our children will have the ability to progress in life, solving complex problems and thinking creatively.

Meditation provides our children with freedom from the negative effects of stress and allows their minds to be renewed and inspired. It offers them an expansive and relaxed way of thinking that can help them to be more creative and clear.
4 To support healthy emotional development
Are any of your children experiencing strong emotions, such as frustration and fear? It is common in the early stages of development for children to throw tantrums and cry a lot. We want them to go through these phases easily without much distress.

Children are often frustrated or irritated when they do not get what they want, as they have not yet learned the virtue of patience. A baby would scream and cry over a toy, while a school-age child would resist if asked to do something he didn't like. Technology has raised the expectation for instant solutions, which can further increase impatience in children.
Overcoming fear is another challenge for children as they grow up in this increasingly fast-paced world. Fears, such as not being accepted and having no friends, as well as primary fears of death and loss of loved ones, can lead to problems for children. Emotional stability is essential for healthy growth. These great leaders of the future will need courage and emotional strength.

Meditation allows children to return to their natural rhythm and helps them deal with the emotions of fear and frustration. It helps to balance the entire system, favoring emotional development and giving rest to the mind, so that it is not overwhelmed by its strong feelings.

5.To reach your full potential
Through meditation, your children can discover that there is much more potential in their lives, that stresses are short-lived setbacks, and that they can succeed beyond their dreams.

The children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow and must be focused, strong and able to think outside the box. The best we can do is help and encourage them to practice meditation and access their untapped potential.

Text inspired by the wise lectures of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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