The story of a rich man and four women

in onionrings3 years ago

A rich businessman has four wives. He loved his fourth wife very much. She wears nice clothes and eats good food for her. He took good care of her and always gave her the best.

He also loved his third wife very much. She is quite proud of him and always shows it off in front of his friends. However, the businessman was also always worried, afraid that he would run away with another man.

He also loved his second wife. He is very caring, always patient, and in fact is the businessman's confidant. Whenever a businessman faces a problem, he is always looking for a second wife, and he always helps him out of trouble and overcome difficulties.

The merchant's first wife was a very loyal partner and made great contributions to taking care of all the housework. However, even though the first wife loved the businessman very much, she did not love him and almost neglected him.

One day, the businessman fell ill. It didn't take long before he found out that he was going to die soon. Thinking of his luxurious life, he couldn't help muttering to himself: "Now I have four wives by my side, but when I die, I will be alone. How lonely I will be!"

So he asked the fourth wife: “I love you very much, give you the best care, and give you the best care. Now that I am dying, will you follow me and be my friend? " "Impossible!" The fourth wife left this sentence and left.

The answer is like a knife stabbed into the businessman's heart. The sad businessman asked his third wife: “I really love you in my life. Right now, I'm dying, can you be with me? " "Not!" The third wife replied, "Life is very beautiful. There are many people who are chasing me. I will remarry when you die! "The entrepreneur's heart sank and grew cold.

He asked his second wife again: "I always ask for your help, and you always help me out of trouble. Now I need your help again. After I die, can you accompany me?" Honey, I can't help you this time! The second wife replied, "The best I can send to the cemetery. "The answer was like lightning and thunder, and crushed the merchant.

This time there was a voice: “I will go with you. Wherever you go, heaven or hell, I will follow you! " The businessman looked up and saw that it was his first wife. He was thin and looked like he was chronically malnourished. The businessman was very sad and said, "I should have taken good care of you. But ..."

In fact, we all have four wives in life:

1. The fourth wife is our body. No matter how generous we spend our time and energy keeping it in a good condition, beautiful image, and fulfilling all its needs. It will leave us when the time is up.

2. The third wife is our reputation, rights and wealth, no matter how much glory we have been given, after we die, it will belong to someone else.

3. The second wife is our relative and friend. When we are alive, no matter how close they are to us, they can only accompany us to the funeral.

4. The first wife is actually our soul, which we often forget when pursuing material, wealth and physical enjoyment. Don't lose yourself!

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