#role of liver in human

in onionrings3 years ago (edited)


Hi!! I m Ahmad Nawaz and i am a medical student.Today i want to talk role of liver in human۔the life without liver is not possible۔
liver is the largest gland in the body ۔ it is multi۔lobed and dark redish in appearance ۔it lies beneath the diaphram on the right side of abdomen ۔in an adult its weight is about 1.5 kg and is the size of football ,a pear shaped greenish yellow sack
i.e.Gallblader lies along the right lobe of liver on right side of abdomen


Liver secretes bile,which is stored in gallbladder .When gallbladder contracts bile is released to deudenum through common bile duct .Bile has no enzymes but contains bile salts for the emulsification of lipids.Besides digestion liver carries out a number of other function some which are summarized here

Remove amino groups from aimno acids
Convert amonia to a less toxic form .UREA.
Destroys the old red blood cells.
Manufacture blood clotting protein called .Fibrinogen.
Converts glucose in to glycogen ,and when required breaks glycogen into glucose.
Converts carbohydrates and proteins into lipids and produce colestrol.
Produces heat to maintain body temperature.
Stores fat soluble vitamin (A,D,E and K) and mineral ions such as ions.


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