Are you here?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steemfest 45 years ago

crimsonclad is at steemfest discovering community, in an enchanted thai garden

Depending on where you first find this post, this is a pretty open ended question— but take a closer look, just for a minute.

I have to know... are you here?

crimsonclad is at steemfest discovering community, in the shadow of a Thai temple

Or maybe, are you here? Keep looking around.

crimsonclad is at steemfest discovering community, floating down a Thai river

Where are the people?

crimsonclad is at steemfest discovering community, on a hidden thai rooftop oasis

I'm currently in Bangkok for Steemfest⁴, and trust me when I say that there's absolutely no lack of Thai locals or steemians out and about. The interactions happening everywhere around me, in the city, and definitely at the conference, are a wonderful mix of kind, industrious, intriguing, and inspiring. I am surrounded by people: everywhere I explore and engage, I am fully immersed in community. So then why the annoying question and the incongruous photos? (I mean, most importantly other than because I'm a goof and they are stunning. )

This tricky little post is something special, because no matter where you found it, it's here... In the Steemfest 4 Community. Now we just need you, wherever you are.

If you haven't seen the big news yet, then I'd love for you to check out this presentation so you can catch up. A long awaited facet of this little gem we know as Steem is Communities, and they're ready for you to start interacting. For once, I don't just mean the diverse and passionate crowd of people who have grown alongside this chain, but rather, a new toolset that makes the most powerful, meaningful, engaging, and fun parts of building a place where people gather way more simple. Communities are a way, if you want to use them, to reach out, organize, share, and grow— using everything you know about Steem already, keeping all the intrinsic benefits of Steem intact, and giving you an extra set of controls that Steem's potential has always been capable of but that hadn't yet been brought to life. The only thing missing now is passionate people to help test and give feedback so that the first finalized version of these tools work the way you want and need them to. I'm just a passionate community member myself, and a messenger, so seriously... Watch the presentation already, or dig into this post for a better understanding of why Communities matter.

So now, Communities are here. Are you?

This is a quick post with a few off the cuff snaps of some of the beauty I've seen while in Bangkok. You might be reading it because you and I have a link already and you check my posts, but it could be part of a way bigger story you see unfold as you look at Steem through the new lens of Communities.

⭐ If you're here at Steemfest right now, and you haven't yet joined this first Community as the initial wave of community builders and testers, come find me, or @roadscape, @jarvie, @gtg or @firepower— I mean, even just start jumping up and down and waving your arms and someone will find you. I know I'm terrifying/smell bad/am really loud, etc. but just come grab me anyhow!

⭐ If you're not at Steemfest, but you're here on Steem, keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks, because you're not left out. Your chance to jump into the fray and begin to use and help polish communities will be coming pretty soon.

⭐ If you stumbled on this post some other way and you're not sure what the heck I'm talking about, but you're intrigued and you want to find a place to connect with a community that you love, from knitted tea cozies to mountain climbing to windows 95 enthusiasts to chess players to dank meme dumps to whatever brings you together, I have to know...

When are you getting here?

crimsonclad is at steemfest discovering community, bathed in neon on the Thai waterfront


es agradable interactuar en esta comunidad por que puedes consguir, mucha informacion, consejos, y gente con buenas propuestas y hasta conocer gente interesante, comunicativa y expresiva, cada quien da un aporte no de lo que le sobra si no de lo que tiene extra para compatir..

Thankyou for making me feel not entirely left out on my ownsome in Australia. Damn. Wish I was there.

Posted using Partiko Android

Admittedly, it's been a slice, and it would have been lovely to have you... But, regardless of there— you're here! Looking forward to thoughts on what a naturally inspired community might look like

i'm definitely here and not there.... Tell all the peeps HIIII for me!

but luckily for us, you're definitely here, and have one of the longest running competitions on the platform! A community might be a really excellent way to help you keep better track of entries and for people to be able to discover portraiture~

I might need some help in that area...

Haha! What a way to promote it!

It was really a pleasure and an honour to meet you in person! ❤️

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I had a wonderful time speaking to you and I'm so glad you guys were willing to hang out with me at the afterparty.🖤

Please don't be a stranger, and come find me if you would like to post your fun stuff into the Steemfest community to help test it all out and so people can find it easily later on~

I can't wait for communities. It was so great hearing from you today. Thank you for doing the PPT thing and making it happen. Safe travels home! I promise it will be cooler there! ✈️🏡

Cheers! It is always amazing that people want to gather together to communicate more about this stuff, so thank you for being a part of it. It was lonnnng travels home, but here we are and back at it in a slightly more sane time frame next week 😅

Glad you are home to more reasonable temperatures! Looking forward to more info from you about communities.

Hey Crimmy,
Nice to know you are having a good time at SteemFest.
Unfortunately, somebody forgot to send me my flight ticket. Hence, I am home and not there enjoying all the goodies on offer in Bangkok.
Anyways, have fun and share lotta pics and videos.

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Well, damn the post anyway~ and thank you for the wishes 🖤 while having you there would have been delightful, on the plus side many of the goodies are available via the recordings of the live stream, so while it's not quiiiiite being on location, you're just as here as everyone else! I'd love to know what you think.

Hey Crimmy,
Can you give me the link to the recordings so I can see what you guys been up to?

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely! I've linked the recording and an interview post up above, but I'll pull them in down here for you too (note I have exactly zero to do with this, this is all the Steemit Inc team's doing) :

I'm here (Mexico) not there (Steemfest), but I'm trying keep making good content and making community with all the beautiful people that steem let me do.

Which is just fine, means that you are here and it's an exciting time and place to be... What is the community you love, the community you are looking for, the community you dream about? If you had a dream feature to make it better, what would it be?

I like Cervantes and of course PAL, but without giving more names, I like the community that supports and motivates each other, where all the content is welcome, but also works to be the best content, a month ago I wrote Literature (in Spanish), now I'm in photography (as an amateur), and my content is well received by the community, and it's the best, I can't ask for more!

My dream community would be: one in which we are all responsible for our content, where the debate is present without excuses, without trolls, who say they hate steem but do not end up leaving, without needy people who have to publish many times in the day to fill their needs a bit, I understand them, for people with 50 sp is harder to be discovered by a whale, but if I have to say it in a few words would be: I dream in a community without fear, that's all.

I think this is very in tune with what Communities will be able to do; it simply allows for groups of people to curate the viewing and interaction experience in a similar way to the curation of content.... the reward is a cultivating whatever 'feel' it is that inspires the people that post into and consume posts within your community. Your dream belongs here, definitely! Looking forwards to Communities rolling out to a wider group so you can give more in depth feedback~

I'm here! On Steem!
Being on every #SteemFest4 conference watching live stream videos... And I hope seeing you next year in live at #SteemFest5!

I'll count down and prepare for Proof of Hug! I'm so glad you've been able to be here with all of us and are looking through the live streams for things that interest you. What do you think about Communities (if you've watched/read about them)?

See you in Proof of Hug :)
And regarding communities, I like the idea very much... After yesterdays reading of comments to the post I've got sad about the way that some people think... Downvotes sucks because of the revenge voting and I hope that communities and SMTs will solve the problem... And that STEEM will evolve in something totally different...
But, we will see what will future bring...
Have a great day!

Communities won't really stop downvoting, and shouldn't— but, with that being said, downvotes are a way to shape a feed right now. We don't have a good way to find the things we want, and when we do, there is the perception of what fits together as good content and what should be seen.

Communities will provide a few thing that will help with this- the ability to create places to gather content according to rules decided by groups of people based on... whatever they want! Easier to find, and easier to curate the experience. This means that the feeds can be shaped and cleaned up without ever using downvotes (depending on what the goal is) and without worrying about impacting a post outside of the community view. It allows for a lot of flexibility and really encourages a place where people can gather. The features it will bring also are also encouraging when it comes to being more engaged.

We can't completely change human behaviour, but a lot of it has come up because we were missing the flexibility these tools will give us, so the balance should swing back towards a more reasonable middle ground. I'm glad they sound like something that will interest you!

Just watched this....

Very excited about Communities, and all the other amazing work being done.

I can't wait to start playing with this!!! When do we get our grubby little mitts on it?!?

I know we've spoken elsewhere since but I know you guys will have some excellent feedback and I'm looking forward to having you mucking it all up :D

Pokes head around corner



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Here is a construct... It might even be tub shaped. Cats in tubs itt or gtfo~

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