Urdu Community Engagament Contest / S2W3 – Steemit Was a Miracle in Covid-19 @svm038

in Urdu Community2 years ago (edited)

Covid-19 was a difficult process for the whole world. But my own view was that it was a brilliantly clever game of Global powers wanting to rule the World. It was to release a virus that would bring the human race to a level that could reach a figure in their own right. they were successful. too many people died. The economies of the targeted countries collapsed. industry, trade, import and export stopped. Since the states could not cope with this burden, health problems increased and they asked for help from the public.
Both the people became restless and the governments came under a great burden. even increased foreign borrowing. In this way, they became indebted to the structure that caused this virus. I think it was a plan to collapse the economy in the world more than the Covid health epidemic. Wow what a plan!!

During this period, his job continued as my husband was a civil servant. but since the economic situation in our country has weakened, everything has been increased in 2 years in a row. Our salaries did not meet our essential needs. extra pleasant expenses turned into luxury. Our hospitals treated for free during the covid period in our country. It was the most amazing event that helped us during this pandemic period. We even got free vaccines. We got tested whenever we wanted. but I wish we hadn't been vaccinated. I regret for now.
We had periods of sickness when there were health problems, and that was the worst thing for people. Besides, the worst thing is that we lived in constant fear of getting sick. We lost a few relatives. but thankfully there were no deaths in the family.

Steemit has been a miracle for us during this period. because when we didn't leave the house, I used to go to steemit all the time. I was very active as I am now. And I got the most support during this period. I used to write every day. It also helped a lot financially during the steemit pandemic. and still continues to support.

My husband has been covid 2 times. I was once too. But I didn't get seriously ill. children started to get sick all the time after covid. We drank constantly. As someone who doesn't like drugs, I had to do this. But none of us got seriously ill. We had a mild illness.

We were very bored when we were locked in full houses. During this period, actively writing on steemit gave me peace. Besides, it was nice to get votes. we survived the bad times without getting bored. We have also made a great investment. I plan to stay here forever unless otherwise. I think everyone thinks the same. because steemit has a great importance as a blockchain in the technology of the future. both portable and profitable. so it also helped during the pandemic period.

Did you sell steemit earing during covid-19 to reduce or eliminate the problems you face in your daily life?

I can answer this question clearly yes. we even had long-term financial difficulties and still do. During this period, I sold steem and helped the family economy. Just in time of covid, my husband had an accident. I helped with the cost of this accident. because, as I said, our salaries barely meet even our essential needs. In an extra situation, I have to do this.

During the Covid period, I told many friends about steemit and a few of them signed up. They were active and shared. they even spent their expenses in accordance with the rules. because the dollar is very valuable in my country.

My friend whom I registered had surgery during the covid period and had no financial situation. We shot by following the club5050 tag. and thus regained his health. In fact, steemit is the greatest support to human beings not only during the covid period, but at all times.

I am happy with my duties here. Because I spend a lot of time on steemit. Instead of playing games with my 2 children, I sometimes write on steemit. but when I get support, I am happy because I think that I will offer my children a good future.

I love you steemit for helping me

Covid-19 Tüm dünya için zorlu bir süreçti. Fakat benim kendi görüşlerim Dünyayı yönetmek isteyen Küresel güçlerin muhteşem akıllıca bir oyunuydu. insan neslinin kendilerince bir rakama ulaştırabilecek düzeye getirecek bir virüs salmaktı. başarılıda oldular. çok fazla insan öldü. hedeflerinde olan ülkelerin ekonomileri çöktü. sanayi , ticaret , ithalat ve ihracat durdu. Devletler bu yükün altından kalkamadığı için sağlık problemleri çoğaldı ve halktan yardım istedi.
hem halk huzursuz oldu hemde hükümütler büyük bir yükün altına girdi. hatta dış borçlanmaları arttı. bu sayede de bu virüse sebep olan yapıya da borçlanmış oldular. bence Covid sağlık salgınından daha çok dünyadaki ekonomiyide çökertme planıydı. Vay be ne plan ama !!

•Bu süreçte kocam devlet memuru olduğu için işi devam etti. ama ülkemizinde ekonomik durumu zayıfladığı için herşeye 2 senede üst üste zam geldi. maaşlarımız zaruri ihtiyaçlarımızı karşılamadı. ekstra keyif verici harcamalar lükse dönüştü. Ükemizde covid döneminde hastanelerimiz ücretsiz tedavi etti. bu pandemi döneminde bize kolaylık sağlayn en muhteşem olaydı. hatta ücretsiz aşılar olduk. her istediğimizde test yaptırdık. ama keşke aşı olmasaydık. şuan için pişmanım.
sağlık sorunları olunca hastalık dönemleri geçirdik ve insan için en kötüsüde buydu. bunun yanı sıra en kötüsü sürekli hasta olma korkusuyla yaşadık. bir kaç yakınlarımızı kaybettik. ama aile içinde vefat edenler olmadı şükür ki.

Steemit bu dönemde bize mucize oldu. çünkü evden çıkmadığımız dönemlerde sürekli steemite girerdim. şuan olduğu gibi çok aktiftim. ve en çok desteği bu dönemde aldım. hergün mutlaka yazı yazıyordum. ayrıca maddi olarak steemit pandemi döneminde çok yardımcı oldu. ve halada da destek olmaya devam ediyor.

•kocam 2 kere covid oldu. ben de bir kere oldum. ama ben çok ağır hastalanmadım. çocuklar covidden sonra sürekli hastalanmaya başladılar. sürekli ilaç içtik. ilaçları sevmeyen biri olarak bunu yapmak zorundaydım. ama hiçbirimiz çok ağır hastalanmadık. hafif hastalıkla geçirdik.

•tam evlerde kilitliyken çok sıkılıyorduk. bu dönemde steemitte aktif olarak yazı yazmak bana huzur verdi. bunun yanı sıra oy almakta ayrı güzeldi. hem sıkılmadan kötü dönemleri atlattık. hemde büyük bir yatırım yapmış olduk. aksi bir durum olmadığı sürece sonsuza kadar burada kalmayı planlıyorum. herkesinde aynı düşündüğünü düşünüyorum. çünkü steemit geleceğin teknolojisinde blokchain olarak büyük bir öneme sahip. hem portatif hemde kazançlı. bu yüzden pandemi döneminde de yardımcı oldu.

Did you sell steemit earing during covid-19 to reduce or eliminate the problems you face in your daily life?

Bu soruya net cevap verebilirim evet. hatta uzun süreli maddi zorluklar yaşadık ve hala yaşıyoruz. bu dönemde steem sattım ve aile ekonimisine yardım ettim. tam covid zamanında kocam bir kaza yaptı. bu kaza masrafınada yardım ettim. çünkü dediğim gibi maaşlarımız sadece zarururi ihtiyaçlarımızı bile zor karşılıyor. ekstra bir durumda mecbur bunu yapmak zorunda kalıyorum.

•Covid döneminde bir çok arkadaşa steemiti anlattım ve bir kaç tanesi kayıt oldular. aktif oldular ve paylaşım yaptılar. hatta kurallara uygun şekilde masraflarına harcadılar. çünkü ülkemde dolar çok değerli.

•kayıt ettiğim arkadaşım covid döneminde ameliyat oldu ve maddi durumu yoktu. club5050 etiketine uyarak çekim yaptık. ve bu sayede sağlığına kavuştu. aslında steemit sadece covid döneminde değil tüm zamanlarda insana en büyük destektir.

Buradaki görevlerim sayesinde mutluyum. Çünkü steemite çok fazla zaman ayırıyorum. 2 çoçuğumla oyun oynamak yerine bazen steemitte yazı yazıyorum. ama destek aldığımda çocuklarıma iyi bir gelecek sunacağımı düşündüğüm için mutlu oluyorum.

Bana yardım ettiğiniz için steemit seni seviyorum


Everyone of us had financial difficulties during covid and steemit is just like a miracle for all of us. Good luck for the contest.


I have seen people complain of headaches after being vaccinated and some people were not affected after the vaccination, you had to go through a lot during the pandemic and I kind of want to agree with you that the existence of the virus as a result of global power, but such act claimed the lives of many people even your relatives were a victim of this predicament, we are happy for you that your family was saved from this virus.

COVID 19 was a really difficult time for us all. We had to stay home and not work

Steemit has been a miracle for us during this period. because when we didn't leave the house, I used to go to steemit all the time.

It is nice to know Steemit provided you with something to do during the day when you were home. Steemit was really a magic to us all.

Good luck in the contest.

• Steemit has been a miracle for us during this period. because when we didn't leave the house, I used to go to steemit all the time. I was very active as I am now. And I got the most support during this period. I used to write every day. It also helped a lot financially during the steemit pandemic. and still continues to support.

It is so quiet lucky that during the pandemic ,you all were at home and that was your biggest opportunity to work most and get paid during the covid-19 and you gain slot of rewards which helps you ,your husband and your children and up to now you are still benefiting from it and it was also a little advantage to you because it makes to you during that period to become more famous and families with the platform .

My husband has been covid 2 times. I was once too. But I didn't get seriously ill. children started to get sick all the time after covid. We drank constantly. As someone who doesn't like drugs, I had to do this. But none of us got seriously ill. We had a mild illness

It also a pity that your family was highly affected by the covid-19 even though it was a mile infection but we give glory to the God almighty to protecting you people through out and hope more grace will conto fall upon you guy.

but I wish we hadn't been vaccinated. I regret for now.

Why do you think so ? Vaccines were blessing in disguise .

We drank constantly. As someone who doesn't like drugs,

Water or alcohol?

Great piece of writing .

 2 years ago 

I did not understand what I said. yes the vaccine was good. But I think the problems I'm having now are caused by the vaccine.

But I think the problems I'm having now are caused by the vaccine.

You may be wrongly associating problems, still you should consult doctor to seek medical advice .

Both the people became restless and the governments came under a great burden.

It was very tough time for all the governments of this world. All Governments did a great job in the Corona Virus for the protection of their countries.

If Governments Did not control this virus then the situations and results had be more dangrous for all of us.

I pay tribute to the whole governments of this world for supporting us in this difficult time. Mam thanks for taking part in this contest and sharing your thoughts with us.

Mam Please read my post about this contest. I hope you will visit my article soon.

Greetings 🇵🇰

 2 years ago 

Absolutely I agree. If the state did not help, we could not get better. Also steemit helped us a lot.

It is a time when many are in financial trouble. I too was in financial trouble, my job was gone. But since I started working on this steemit platform, I have become self-reliant. You have presented your words in a very beautiful way.

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