Urdu community Contest / S2W1 – Learning about language: by @mohammedsalifu

A warmly greetings to everyone here I want to use this opportunity to to welcome this interesting contest and it's a pleasure to take part in this weeks engagement based on languages. The following are my thought about this;

What is meant by language? Define language in your own words.


Language is can be defined as a communication of thought or words or expressions that is been used by a group of people in a society.
Language is very important. It can be in form of speech, directing or signs through some part of the body. Examples of languages are; English, French,Dagbani,Mamprusuli, French etc.

How language connects an individual to his family,glob or specific socieity.


Language connect individuals to their families, globally or society in many ways. Language is not just learning the words but also understanding those words. Sometimes a group of people who share the same ancestors do speak languages that looks the same but with some small differences among them. Example, Dagombas share the same ancestor with Mamprusi, Nanumba,Gurusi, so if you listen to both languages,it looks the same but it looks a bit slang, so if you become any of this group you can understand the other groups language.
If you look at English language to, British and America do speak it,but the spellings of the words looks different with the pronunciation of some of their words looks different, but it does not stop the communication between the two countries.

Which is yours mother tongue? and which languages ​​are spoken and understood in your home other than your mother tongue?

Mother tongue is the communication or language in which one grew up into from birth. A person can have more than one mother tongue regarding to if grow up speaking more than one language. My mother tongue is Dagbani language and the other language spoken and understood in my home other than my mother tongue is English language. The country that colonized my country is British, so British English is our official language and we speak it.

How many languages ​​do you know and how did you learn more than one language?


Well, I personally know two languages, that is Dagbani which happens to be my mother tongue and English our official language,but like I explain in points 2,we share the same ancestor with other group of people in our place,it happens to be that,I can understand the other ones and I can even speak some of them.
I only learn English in school since it is our official language,it can be used any where in my country and I learnt Dagbani from my parents since they gave birth to me in the soil of Dagbon kingdom

In which language did you study in school to university and which language do you prefer in the education system in your country and why?

The language I studied in school to university is English language since it is our official language.
But there are other courses that teaches other languages in our schools. I prefer the English language in the educational system because it is understood all over the country. If it happens that I want to study a particular program in the university which the universities in my place is not offering it,I will have to go the other universities in other region. So if they are to speak their mother tongue to me it will be very difficult to further my education,but with the official language,I can move to different schools or universities of my choice.

How one language or more than one languages plays an important role in the development of society.?

One or more languages plays an important role in the development of our society. If it happens that I only understand my mother tongue without any language or the official language,it will be very difficult for me to work. If I have been offered a job that I am special in a particular job and don't understand any language apart from my mother tongue it will be difficult for me to accomplish that tasks.

How does culture relate to language?

Every culture have the language they speak,so a person can not understand some bodies culture without the language. People from the same culture do interact or communicate each other through their cultural language.

Would you like to prefer writing in your own language at the time of writing posting on steemit, if yes why and if not why not?

Yes of course, I will love to write my post with my own language on steemit, because steemit is a world wide blockchain means it is globally. My reason is that, I want to promote my language and culture globally because I can not use my language without showing some of my culture.

If you want to promote your language in the world, how will you do it? and if you already done, then how much success have you achieved?

To promote something, you need to explore it to a huge number of people. But since we are in the modern world,there are social media platforms that one can promote it language because the platforms contains almost every native around the world. Social media platforms like steemit is one way I can use to promote my language. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, tweeter, YouTube are all platforms that one can use to promote his or her language,but I prefer steemit because it is a decentralized platform and it is beneficial to my life.

In conclusion

I want to use this opportunity to thank the organizers of this great contest. With this contest,I think I will learn about other languages across different countries and I hope you enjoy reading my post.



Hello @mohammedsalifu

Your method for the propagation is very apt and excellent. Truly one can promote one's native language on social media. Although I would suggest that you add translation cause the google translate does falter most times.

Language is indeed a way one expresses oneself.

Well done on your contest post.

Your mother tongue is Dagbani, you also learned English when you were in school and at university. English is your official language. And I also prefer that if the educational language is English, then it will be much easier for everyone.

 2 years ago 

Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #2.

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in every country , people speak mutli lanuage , some are local and some are international
thank you very much for sharing your views on this topic

good effort

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