Oh my, sweetheart I believe you hit the nail. This is exactly how many feel if they are forced to look into the mirror and you are right we all can look good with a bit of powder and colour and the right clothes but best of all is the big smile that reflects the soul and makes us all look amazing and attracts the world (no make up needed).
It is good to see poetry and I like you added the "hahaha" and how it the "I am ugly" turns into a happy end.
Well done!
@jiva34, @tezzmax, what do you think about this poem? Will you post your version of "mirror" in this community?
Gaya bercandamu begitu manis
Cermin yang terlihat
Jati diri kita sesungguhnya
Tidak usah malu
Akan fisik
Yang tidak sempurna
Karena sempurna
Tercipta dari kekurangan kita.
Terimakasih sahabatku selalu hadir memberikan motivasi.