#CLUB100 - The Diary Game, Monday 28 March 2022 - Conduct Survey of Broken Bridges due to Flooding and Immediately Build new Bridges for the Benefit of the Community.

in Steem SEA3 years ago

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Note : 20% of Rewards Donated to Charity Account : @steem.amal and @adollaraday

Life is like a spinning wheel, morning comes and goes, as if the activity never stops. Like this morning, I have been doing my usual activities at the office. After completing several reports regarding information on the progress of village development at the office, around 11.00 AM today I went with my office mates to visit the field. My agenda was to go to Indra Makmur District, to be precise, to the village of Gampong Alue Ie Mirah. Last week we received information that a bridge was broken or collapsed in the village due to the flood last week, so that the bridge could no longer be used. Almost a week people in this village can not go through this road. Based on this information, last week I coordinated with my friends on duty in Indra Makmur District to immediately provide assistance and coordination with the local Village Head to immediately find a way out, because this is an urgent need for the benefit of the community. This bridge is very important, due to this bridge being damaged, it has been a week since transportation traffic on this road has stopped. The alternative is that the community must turn using a further road, through a narrow rice field road.



The journey to Gampong Alue Ie Mirah Village, Indra Makmur District, the location is a bit far, it takes about 90 minutes to reach the village

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Based on this information, we immediately checked into the field to coordinate. Since the Phase 1 Village Fund for Gampong Alue Ie Mirah Village was disbursed late, so there was no Village Fund available to immediately resolve the problems that occurred, therefore this problem had to be found a solution. In the meantime, we provide alternative suggestions to immediately build a temporary bridge from logs. The journey from the office to Alue Ie Mirah Village in Indra Makmur District takes about 1.30 minutes, because this village is a bit remote. The internet is also a bit difficult in this village due to the inadequate network. Around 12.30 PM we arrived at the location where the bridge was collapsed or broken. Arriving here, we checked the condition of the bridge and heavy equipment to build a temporary bridge while working to make a temporary bridge from coconut tree trunks. This alternative can function temporarily so that it can immediately be used and used by people who pass by this road, because this is the main road in this village.



The condition of the bridge that was broken due to flooding is being temporarily repaired using logs from coconut trees


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After we inspected the bridge that was broken due to the flood currents, then we turned the car to the Office of the Village Head of Gampong Alue Ie Mirah to hold a Coordination Meeting with the village apparatus to follow up on the results of our review of the condition of the bridge. We then went to the Office of the Village Head of Gampong Alue Ie Mirah by using the Alternative road, namely through a slightly narrow rice field road. The width of the Alternative road is about 2 meters, if there is a motorbike that is opposite the road from our direction, our car must stop first. In this Coordination Meeting, we suggest to the village head to immediately use the Village Fund to rebuild the bridge permanently with a detailed cost calculation using a Civil Engineering consultant. The construction of this bridge is very important for the benefit of the community because this is the main road of transportation used by the people of this village. After holding this coordination meeting, we then had Lunch together which had been provided by the village head. Around 03.00 PM we said goodbye and went back to the office. Arriving at the office I did some office work until the afternoon.



The Alternative road that we passed to the Village Head's Office, a narrow rice field road, only 2 meters wide.


This is my Diary Game Activity, Monday 28 March 2022, Conducting survey to Alue Ie Mirah Village, Indra Makmu District, East Aceh Regency to see the condition of the Broken Bridge due to the flood flow and holding coordination meeting with the Village Head to immediately build a new bridge using the Village Fund. Thanks You for all Steemians Friends who want to visit and encourage me. Prevent Covid 19 by always taking care of Your family's health. May Allah SWT keep us all away from this Corona epidemic. Amen.

Steem Kindness for Betterlife

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 3 years ago 

Thanks You

 3 years ago 

Assalamualaikum kanda @tuksond ! Sungguh aktivitas menarik dan melelahkan...
Saya @ridwant sekeluarga mengucapkan "selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa" mohon maaf lahir batin.. 🙏

 3 years ago 

Waalaikum Salam Bang @ridwant.
Sama-sama. Saya juga mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa untuk Bang Ridwant dan keluarga....👍😊

 3 years ago 

Sama sama kanda jazakumullah khairan

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