The diary game (7 Sep 2023) - Sambutan Kemerdekaan

in Steem SEA10 months ago

Assalamualaykum and hello everyone.

Happy Independence Day


It had been a hectic week. I was assign to train some kids' performance. There were 3 of us. Me, Sir Iwan & Cg Mai.

Early in the morning, at around 7.45 a.m. the kids assembled at the assembly square. They wore colourful clothing. Especially in Jalur Gemilang (Malaysia's flag) colours which are red, white, blue and yellow. There were also 'Merdeka Fashion Competition' for the kids and staff. We, the staff, also wore some Malay classic clothing to match the theme.

Picture from my friend's phone

Here are me and my colleges. One of them won the competition. Can you guess who? 🤭

We started the celebration by singing Negaraku (Malaysia anthem) and Selamat Sultan (my country anthem). Then, we sang Keranamu Malaysia. The kids were flying their Jalur Gemilang excitedly. They brought their own Jalur Gemilang from home, so there were variety of sizes. 🇲🇾

It was spectacular. I was excited too. 🤩

Later, there was some Silat (Malay self defense) performance by our kids and some of their teachers.

This guy who was walking here, he won the fashion competition for male staff. 🌟

The higher ups gave some talk about Kemerdekaan (Independence Souls) later and then, the kids were divide by boys and girls for the fashion show. They were so cute on stage. I had to take care of my kids who would be performing later thus, sadly, I couldn't get any pictures of them on stage. I was so busy today. All of us, staff were busy with our own work to make this day flows beautifully.

Here are some of them before the competition. Cute & beautiful. 😍🤩

The kids went for a break later at 10 a.m. before we start with our next activity.

I'm so proud of my kids. We had train for about 2 weeks for this performance.

The children really enjoyed the performances. The staff too. We had a thunderous claps. Thanks, everyone for the support. 🥰

Here's me performing with my team. It was embarrassing to be honest but, oh well. Sometimes, we need to let loose. 😜

Here's the performance from male staff.

I would say that, we staff outdone ourselves with our clothing. One kid actually said my name aloud for the winner of staff fashion, sadly, there's only two winners and I was not one of them. 🤣🤣

The day ended with gift ceremony.

Here's my friend who won the staff fashion. Thankfully my kids got some gift to share. By the way, they didn't even share with me! The nerve. Jk! 🤣🤣

These pictures are from my friends' phone as I was not present during the ceremony. So, I only able to see the pictures. 🥲

Later, the kids perform Zuhr in the hall.

The staff was given free lunch! Hooraay!! I ate rice with fried fish. It was delicious. Or was it because I was so freaking hungry by the end of the ceremony? 🤣🤣

After lunch & Zuhr, I started my report. By the time I finished, it was already 3. The office door has been closed. My friend told me to just submit them on Sunday. I was afraid that I might come in late. 😅

I got home around 3.30 p.m. My youngest lil bro, his wife and children came for a visit.

I bathed my baby after Asr. Then, my mum took her from me. She was crying cause the last water was a bit cold.

Anne said, she wanted to sleep with me. She was getting anxious as I've been with the baby for a while. I tried to tell her that baby need more attention.


By the time baby fall asleep, Anne fall asleep too. My husband got home around 10.30 p.m.

I'm going to bed. Thanks for stopping by. 💐

 10 months ago 

Hari yang sangat sangat sibuk untuk kamu. Selamat karena temanmu memenangkan lomba fashion! Dan selamat untuk kamu yang mendapatkan makanan lezat 😅

 10 months ago 


 10 months ago 

My pleasure

 10 months ago 

Konten bagus dan mendapatkan dukungan kurasi 100% dari saya. Teruslah membuat tulisan berkualitas untuk post di Steem :)

 10 months ago 

Thanks for the support! 💐

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