My Classroom Community Pantry || Spreading Happiness for My Students' Families

in Steem SEA3 years ago

"Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give."


Hello my dear beautiful Steemit friends of this wonderful community of the Steem SEA community! How are you doing all today? I hope everything is great wherever you might be. Magandang buhay! Greetings from the Philippines 🇵🇭




Every Friday is our schedule for the module distribution and retrieval. Parents or guardians are set to go to school to submit their son/daughter's answer sheets, summative tests and performance tasks and in return, we also give them the modules and tasks for next week. Since the pandemic strikes, this school year has been one of the most challenging times. Most of our students don't have access to strong internet connection, so they opted to have the modular modality of learning. The parents are also sacrificing their time from work, spending an hour or two just to travel to school, submit and claim the modules and travel again to their respective homes or workplaces. And us teachers, make the best that we can to make the learning materials for our students and address questions from our students through our group chat in messenger. Everyone is adjusting. I just hope that next school year will be back to normal, where students could already attend to school and we could teach them face-to-face.


And I was thinking of sharing a little something for my dear parents. So last week, I set up my classroom and I prepared my lettering and decorations for my simple pantry. I used recycled folders, construction papers and paper wrappers for my decors.




After setting up the decorations, I went to a nearby wet market called Saac Market and bought 10 kilos of rice, 20 packs of noodles, 10 cans of sardines, a box of 50 pieces disposable facemasks and some plastic bags. When I went home, I packed the rice in 1 kilo per pack ready for distribution.




I went to school early and I'm just always blessed because my husband @hulyootso always sends me to school everyday. I covered the table with some cloth and arranged all the grocery items ready for distribution later.



And so, my students' parents came! I'm just so excited seeing the first parent to arrive. After signing their attendance sheet, dropping in the proper boxes their son/daughter's answer sheets and claiming the new modules, I told the parents that I have my simple gift for them. They are very excited seeing the grocery items I have prepared for them. I gave them plastic bags where they could place their rice, noodles, sardines, eggs and facemasks. They just can't contain their happiness that they keep on saying thank you to me. I am just so happy and humbled to help in my little ways. One parent even said thanks because she doesn't have to worry for the day, where to get money to buy rice and viand for her family. It just hit me inside. I know, God is a faithful God and He always provides for His people. I pray to be able to do this more often.









It was such a very fulfilling day for me, to be able to help, to be able to make others happy. I will make it a goal to always do the best that I can to be of help to other people. No matter how little or simple, what matters the most is sharing ourselves with others. The essence of giving is when you give of yourself, something of you, a part of you.

My next plan will be to help my community, I would like to start with one to three of my neighbors. I am planning to provide them a little amount that they could use to start a small business at home, like they could sell snacks like banana cues, pancakes, fishballs, etc or any home-based business of their interest and skills. I believe in the saying, that if you give a man a fish, you will feed him for a day. But, if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. I believe that with this project, I could little by little help my neighbors and my community to be self-sufficient. Through this, they will be more empowered providing for their families and they wouldn't have to worry anymore with what food to place on the table the next day.

That's for now my friends. I thank you all for dropping by. Let kindness be our religion. Take care everyone 🧡

Much love,


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