Burnsteem25|| Diary Game|| August 19, 2023|| "Fishing Day"

in Steem SEA11 months ago


Its been a long time since I cannot do any post here in the community because of a busy situations comes to my Life, but its good to be back here and share my Daily activities I did here in our Place. Yesterday, we decided to do fishing here in Manticao river and together with my Family, we hurriedly went to the river to find any fish, crabs, shrimps or Shells. The river was continuing goes down because of the summer heat happens in our place. This is also a perfect time to go fishing because the water is very clear , peaceful and calm.

Exactly 7 AM yesterday when we decided to went to the river and begin fishing. We are very excited to do the activities together with my family.


There are lots of aquatic creatures can be found here and one of this is the shells. Here in our place, we called it Burnay. A kind of shells that can be found under the sands. The sizes of this shells is just like a nail in our fingers and has a color of golden yellow. We are very enjoyed searching this kind of shells and for us here, this is already belong in exotic foods. As I observed it, some of this shells lives in the muddy places and we only seen this if we used lawn rake.


We gathered more of this kind and the dish we want to cook out of this shell is Ginataan. We are very lucky to have this kind of shells because this be very helpful to us in terms of food or local dish. It is not really easy to find this kind of shells because it needs to see in focus because some of it are very small. We are very lucky during our fishing day because we also caught shrimps and fish.


This are the shells, shrimps and fish we caught during our fishing activities and we are very happy about it. My Father was decided to cook it into soup instead of ginataan and we also agreed. As for me, if the river is very clean, we really gor many kinds of animals that can be eaten and aside of that, we can experience and feel how relaxing and beautiful the place we lived in.


Allow me to share this peaceful place here in our Province. Our place is filled with many trees, wild plants and grasses. The color green place can make us relaxing and we really proud to lived this place. The sky was filled with white clouds and blue sky. We can see the majestic mountains covered with more trees.

Living in a simple life here in the Province is very fun and enjoyable. We can experience a peaceful and quite place to live.

Before I end up my post, the 25% of this payout will be shared to @null.

This is a manual curation from the @tipu Curation Project.
Also your post was promoted on Twitter by the account josluds

@tipu curate

 11 months ago 

Thank you very much..

 11 months ago (edited)

Ayo lakukan power up secara berkala minimal sebulan sekali agar include club5050.
Terakhir Anda melakukan power tanggal 4 Juni 2023

 11 months ago 

Maaf tentang itu, saya hanya memiliki 2 token steem dan inilah saatnya untuk kembali ke sini dan melakukan posting. Lain kali saya akan Powered up, segera setelah saya memiliki cukup token steem Teman saya.

 11 months ago 

Power up yang perlu Anda lakukan hanya sejumlah yang ada di akun wallet Steemit Anda

 11 months ago 

oke teman saya, terima kasih telah menasihati dan menyarankan saya.

 11 months ago 

Sama-sama teman


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