Banda Aceh Transportation Department Ranked First for Best Website Management.

in Steem SEA5 days ago


The Banda Aceh City Transportation Service was ranked 1st in Best Website Management among Regency/City Transportation Services throughout Aceh. Meanwhile, the Central Aceh Transportation Service won second place, then the Aceh Singkil Transportation Service was in third place.

This determination was announced on the opening night of the Aceh Transportation Sector Publication Coordination Meeting (Transmeet) which was held at the Oasis Hotel Banda Aceh, Monday (01/07/2024).

Head of the Aceh Transportation Service, Teuku Faisal, in his speech said that social media has become one of the most effective and efficient communication tools in the current digital era.

“I am very aware of the importance of good social media management in supporting our main tasks and functions. "Through social media, we can convey information quickly, reach the wider community, and interact directly with the public," said Teuku Faisal.


Information that is very easy to access, according to Teuku Faisal, makes the performance of public and government bodies more transparent and accountable in carrying out their duties. Apart from that, this has various domino effects for society and the government.

The Head of the Aceh Transportation Agency also continues to encourage all District/City Transportation Services in Aceh to consistently produce new innovations related to information disclosure, especially in the transportation service sector in Aceh.

"We at the Aceh Transportation Agency have even formed the GenZ and Gen-IT communities as an effort to generate new ideas in the digital-based transportation service sector, so that our services can be experienced easily by the public," he said.

On the same occasion, Dhea Atifa as chairman of the committee reported that the assessment of the best website management was carried out for more than two months by the Aceh Transportation Service PPID Team. Website managers are also required to fill out the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) which is distributed before the assessment period takes place.

The opening of Transmeet was also attended by the Chair of the Aceh Information Commission (KIA), officials from the Aceh Communication, Information and Cryptography Service, as well as structural officials within the Aceh Transportation Service.






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