Acting The Regent of Bireuen Attended the Inauguration of the Installation of Solar Powered Public Street Lighting.

in Steem SEA3 days ago

Acting The Regent of Bireuen Attended the Inauguration of the Installation of Solar Powered Public Street Lighting.

Acting Regent of Bireuen, Aulia Sofyan, Ph.D attended the Inauguration of the Installation of Solar Powered Public Street Lighting (PJU-TS) for Fiscal Year 2023 in Bireuen Regency, Wednesday, July 3 2024.

The inauguration was attended by Drs. H. Anwar Idris, member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of the Republic of Indonesia, Head of Sub-Directorate for Supervision of EBTKE Infrastructure Development, Mr. Agung Feinuddin; Secretary of the Bireuen Transportation Service, Mr. Safriadi, S.T., M.ST; Head of the Aceh Province ESDM Service, Mr. Safwan, ST. M.Sc; Chairman of the National Bireuen National Foundation and Member of the Aceh DPR, Mr. Dr. H. Amiruddin Idris, SE. M.Sc.

In his speech, the Chairman of the Bireuen National Foundation, Mr. Dr. H. Amiruddin Idris, SE. M.Si, expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the trust given to carry out the inauguration of PJU-TS on the Bireuen National Islamic University campus.


“PJU-TS is very useful for us as academics and students studying at this university. "We feel helped by better lighting," he said.

Acting Regent of Bireuen, Mr Aulia Sofyan, Ph.D, also expressed his gratitude to Drs. H. Anwar Idris for his guidance in installing solar lights in Bireuen Regency.

"We as the regional government of Bireuen Regency are very grateful and invite the community to work together to maintain this PJU-TS facility so that it can be used in the long term," he said.

Head of Sub-Directorate for Supervision of EBTKE Infrastructure Development, Mr. Agung Feinuddin, emphasized that the PJU-TS project is part of the government's efforts to improve renewable energy infrastructure throughout Indonesia.


"We are building PJU-TS from Aceh to Papua, with installation points in 31 provinces. "This program is the result of the aspirations of members of Commission VII DPR-RI, especially Mr. Anwar Idris who has fought for the interests of the people of Aceh," he said.

H. Anwar Idris, in his speech said that Commission VII DPR-RI is in the final stages of finalizing the New Renewable Energy Law.

"Commission VII DPR-RI is committed to enacting this law during this period. We emphasize the importance of supporting renewable energy for a better future. "In the future, God willing, the DPR will no longer need to think about the law that is currently being drafted," he stressed.


It is hoped that the inauguration of PJU-TS will improve the quality of street lighting in Bireuen Regency and provide great benefits for the local community, especially in supporting nighttime activities and increasing security in the surrounding environment.








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