Better Life || We Heal As One - Get Vaccinated Against Covid-19 Now

in Steem SEA3 years ago


Maayong adlaw fellow Steemians! Hope you are all in good health. Speaking of good health, does everyone got their vaccine shots against Covid-19?

I am not in the position to tell you to be brave and get vaccinated against Covid-19 because I myself is very hesitant at first to go to the vaccination center and get vaccinated.

Our company is working with the Local Government Unit to get a slot for its employees for free vaccine against Covid-19. I am one of the first bath scheduled for vaccination. I review our vaccination papers and find out that we will be vaccinated with AstraZeneca, so I made a few research. It was reported that this vaccine is linked to a fatal blood clotting that can occur on different parts of the body including the brain and abdomen. Because of this, it is reported that the roll out of this vaccine is postponed.

I am very scared after reading the articles and watching the reports regarding this vaccine. Immediately I go to our Human Resource Department and enumerate what I have discovered. She then explains that she is aware of these reports and our company doctor will be on the vaccination site to explain further regarding my concerns.

I am a believer of vaccines. I believe it is our only hope to live our life normally again - not scared anymore of the virus. In our High School years I think we are already oriented on how vaccine works. The vaccine works by introducing a controlled and safe amount of the virus genetic code to our body. Our body then learn to recognize and fight against the virus if a real virus will enter into our system. Vaccines has saved thousands of lives. This is a miracle in Science.

But I know why the public are become very careful with vaccines. We are still traumatize with how Dengvaxia has taken the headlines after reports of deaths associated with this vaccine spread across the Philippines. And in my opinion it is poorly managed by our national leaders. So I must say, know your vaccine very well and ask your doctors if you have doubts.


Still being hesitant, I bravely march to vaccination area. Our company doctor is in the site and I tell her my hesitations. In her short and simple explanation, she assured that the vaccine is generally safe and I should have to get it specially that I have an existing health issue. Comforted by our doctor's word, I fall in line for my first shot of the vaccine. We are oriented with the side effects which could include pain, swelling, tenderness, redness or itching at the injection site, tiredness, headache, fever and chills to name a few. If we will ever experience fever we just have to take paracetamol.


I feel nothing unusual after the first few hours getting vaccinated. I even report for work that day. However, the dawn of the following day, at around 2 AM, I feel very cold. My temperature rise to 38.4 degree Celsius and my head is killing me in pain. My wife give me several paracetamols and cold patch on the forehead to help ease the fever. On the morning I really feel very tired, I do not want to get off the bed. I just want to sleep the entire day. I did not go to work and reported about my fever. Adequate rest and paracetamol helps a lot to ease the fever and headache. I feel already well on the second day after getting my vaccine but the injection site is still a little swollen. We are advised to immediately get medical attention if we still feel unusual side effects after the third day.

As of this writing, 2 weeks already pass and there is nothing unusual I feel. My second dose will be on July and I am looking forward on it.

If given a chance, let us all get vaccinated. This is the way we can stop the spread of the virus and end this pandemic. For a free vaccine, you can coordinate with your local government unit for the vaccination schedule.

Get Vaccinated Against Covid-19 Now!



 3 years ago 

Congratulations on conquering your fears. Good job yeobo nae salang!

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