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RE: SLC Season 23 : Educators Recruitment Overview (Applicants and Result)

in Steem SEA6 days ago

Tidak perlu sedih bang, ingatlah setiap orang ada masanya dan setiap masa ada orangnya. Jadi berjalanlah terus seperti air, tapi kalo bisa air yang jernih.

Mengapa tidak ada perwakilan Indonesia yang terpilih?, saya yakin ada latar belakang penyebabnya, tetapi tidak tahu itu apa, mungkin banyak suhu yang melakukan Power Down?, entahlah, tetapi bisa saja itu mengundang pandangan yang agak negatif.

Yang jelas, melihat dari topik pembelajaran yang akan diajarkan di musim 23, tantangan ini akan berjalan menarik, banyak pilihan dan variasi pelajaran. Akhirnya, saya pun bingung mau mengikuti yang mana?

 6 days ago 

Tidak perlu sedih bang, ...

Gawat juga kalau bersedih pun sudah tak boleh ,, hahaha. Apakah termasuk dalam program efisiensi, bidang perasaan mendalam? 😂😂

Jadi berjalanlah terus seperti air, tapi kalo bisa air yang jernih.

Airku hitam dan pahit, Bang. Soalnya aku suka kopi tanpa gula. 😂😂

... saya yakin ada latar belakang penyebabnya, ...

Dalam pikiran saya, penyebabnya hanyalah tidak ada dari tim Indonesia yang menawarkan program yang sesuai dengan visi Tim Steemit terhadap SLC season ini. Mungkin akan berhasil pada season-season mendatang. Jika ingin kembali dengan ide yang sama, mungkin perbaikan perlu dilakukan pada aplikasi.

Terkait banyaknya "suhu" yang melakukan power down, saya tidak melihat korelasinya terhadap hal ini.

... tantangan ini akan berjalan menarik, ...

Iya, akan ada sedikit perbedaan pola "permainan" karena munculnya Learning Clubs. Ini sesuatu yang menarik. Perubahan terus terjadi di dalam inisiatif #learnwithsteem sepanjang sejarahnya, khususnya pada brand SLC (dulunya SEC).

... Akhirnya, saya pun bingung mau mengikuti yang mana?

Melihat topik, saya sendiri hampir pasti hanya akan menjadi penonton. Mungkin saya akan melihat peruntungan pada Crypto Academy, saya merindukan pelajaran tentang blockchain yang dulu pernah menjadi satu-satunya topik di Crypto Academy sebelum trading seperti beberapa musim terakhir.

 5 days ago 

Saya sudah membaca lagi topik-topik pembelajarannya bang, Artistic Activities with Children tampaknya memiliki potensi untuk saya ikuti, ini adalah tentang bagaimana saya mengontrol emosi anak-anak. Nature and Outdoor Life, wah saya bukan mantan mahasiswa pencinta alam. Computer Repair, saya lebih suka membuat kerusakan daripada memperbaiki. Culinary : Healthy Cooking, ya saya rasa saya lebih tertarik untuk bagian mencicipi, seperti di acara Master Chef. Fitness, saya belum pernah memasuki tempat pelatihan kebugaran sama sekali, apalagi ada isi yang berkembang tentang virus jeruk suka jeruk. Geometry, Nah ini sebenarnya ada keterkaitan dengan ilmu yang saya tekuni, tentang bagaimana menggambar sebuah dimensi bangun ruang, akan sedikit bermain dengan logika. Culinary : Global Cuisine, bila ada kelas memasak Indomie saya akan ikut.

Lalu bagaimana dengan pembelajaran klub mentoring?. Saya yang tidak punya daya upaya ini hanya bisa berserah kepada yang maha kuasa bang.

 5 days ago 

Oke mari saya buat breakdown yang sama.

  • Artistic Activities with Children, saya bisa melakukan ini, tapi saya memang bisa dibilang menghindari membagikan kehidupan pribadi di media sosial, kalau pun ada, dalam batasan yang ketat;
  • Nature and Outdoor Life, alasan sama dengan di atas;
  • Computer Repair, untuk kerusakan sederhana, saya bisa memperbaikinya sendiri, saya secara umum tahu anatomi komputer termasuk hardware dan beberapa software yang biasa saya pakai. Tetapi terkait kelas ini, menurut saya, untuk serta, peserta terlebih dahulu harus memiliki komputer yang rusak, bukan? Jika tidak punya, apa kita merusak dulu lalu memperbaiki? Haha. Dan masalahnya saya hanya memiliki satu PC dan satu laptop, tidak ada yang bisa saya rusak. Eh, tapi, apa komputer kantor saja? HAHAHAH.
  • Culinary : Healthy Cooking, saya hampir selalu memasak sendiri makanan saya, sangat jarang kami membeli. Bagi saya memasak itu sesuatu yang relaxing, terlebih ketika mencoba resep-resep baru. Tetapi lebih sering saya memasak masakan-masakan khas Aceh sederhana seperti asam keueung dan kuah pliek, ph'ep (aneh kali namanya, tapi ya sudahlah, kehendak endatu), kuah leumak. Untung sekarang bahan-bahan khas seperti pliek dan asam sunti tersedia di penjual daring. Apakah saya akan mengikuti kelas ini? Lebih besar kemungkinan tidak, dengan alasan serupa pada poin pertama. Tapi kemungkinan besar saya akan memantau kelas ini.
  • Fitness, saya anggota gym, dan saya melakukannya demi kebugaran serta sosialisasi, berada di gym bagi saya lebih membahagiakan daripada berada di cafe (hihi), ada gym dekat dengan rumah, hanya 100 meteran. Tapi saya juga tidak akan mengikuti kelas ini dengan alasan yang sama seperti sebelumnya.
  • Geometry, ini mungkin saja bisa menarik, tetapi melihat edukatornya dan bagaimaan dia mengajar selama 2 season terakhir, saya pikir saya tidak akan memiliki kesempatan, saya sadar kemampuan saya dalam bidang seperti ini.
  • Culinary : Global Cuisine, sudah saya jawab di Healthy Cooking.

Apa boleh bikin, saya sangat menghormati anonimitas saya sendiri, walaupun itu membatasi saya dari begitu banyak kemungkinan yang bisa saya lakukan di Steem, tapi dengan memelihara anonimitas pun saya tidak menghadapi kekurangan ide di Steem, hanya waktu saja yang sering menjadi kendala.

Dari 3 learning club, saya pikir harapan hanya ada pada Technology and Development Club.

Bagaimana dengan Steemit Crypto Academy, bang @fajrularifst? Jika kali ini mereka mengajarkan tentang blockchain, bisa dibilang hampir pasti saya akan menyempatkan diri, tapi jika masih tentang trading, maka saya akan menjadi penonton saja seperti dua season terakhir.

 5 days ago 

Crypto Academy, saya pernah satu kali coba mengikuti. Karena saya masih awam di dunia crypto dan blockchain, saya harus banyak membaca dan menggali informasi dari berbagai sumber, kendalanya adalah dengan hanya membaca saya belum bisa memahami dengan pasti istilah-istilah dan pengertiannya seperti contohnya Stop Loss. Saya butuh penjelasan yang bisa memberi pemahaman yang benar-benar kuat.

Saya ingin tahu juga mengapa Abang tidak berkenan dengan pelajaran Trading? Apa karena ilmunya tidak pasti dan fluktuasi tidak bisa diprediksi? Setiap materi hanya sekedar teori?

Here I am with you. it's not meant for the average Steemian or the beginner. It shuts your many people, also because of the language used. it's easier/faster to find someone willing to show you the small steps without being called an idiot.

 5 days ago 

SEC (sekarang SLC) menurut saya memang dimulai dengan SCA (Steemit Crypto Academy). Pada saat itu setiap minggu SCA memiliki 3 kelas dengan 3 tingkat kesulitan (beginner, medium, advanced). Sama seperti praktik di SLC saat ini, pada setiap pergantian musim orang-orang bisa melamar untuk menjadi Professor (sendirian atau berdua). SCA pernah menjadi kegiatan favorit saya di Steemit, karena pada waktu itu mereka mengajarkan tentang blockchain dan saya sangat tertarik dengan teknologi ini. SCA pernah memiliki Professor dari Indonesia, seingat saya 2 orang: @levicore dan @wahyunahrul. Saya juga sama seperti Bang FajrulArifST ketika pertama kali mencoba mengikuti kelas tersebut, saya menghabiskan cukup banyak waktu untuk mempelajari banyak hal baru, dan itu berjalan selaras dengan saya mengikuti setiap kelas.

Saya ingin tahu juga mengapa Abang tidak berkenan dengan pelajaran Trading? Apa karena ilmunya tidak pasti dan fluktuasi tidak bisa diprediksi? Setiap materi hanya sekedar teori?

Saya tetap memantau pelajaran trading. Dan walaupun ini juga pernah menjadi hal yang saya suka di Steem, tapi sekarang saya merasa pelajarannya sudah terlalu kompleks, terkadang membutuhkan sampai 3 hari untuk mempersiapkannya, dan karenanya menyita begitu banyak perhatian. Saya tidak memiliki pendapat apapun tentang efektifitas teori-teori trading dalam praktek, karena saya memang tidak pernah mempraktekkannya, saya menyukai ilmunya, tetapi karena saya bukan frequent trader, ya saya bisa dibilang tidak pernah mempraktekkannya. Dalam setiap tulisan saya terkait trading, saya selalu menulis catatan serupa sebagaimana terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini, intinya, "murni teori".


Menurut saya, Bang FajrulArifST bisa memulai sejenis seri tulisan bertema konstruksi. Kalau memiliki Telegram silahkan hubungi saya, saya mungkin memiliki beberapa ide terkait ini. Telegram Saya.

The crypto academy doesn't feels open to everyone which is the main problem. I don't find it attractive and with me for sure many don't if they heard of it at all.

 4 days ago (edited)

If you like things related to trading and blockchain, then SCA is for you. Yes it is not for everyone, just like cooking and knitting and children caring. I miss it when SCA taught about blockchain, where I can learn about Consensus Mechanism and its types, Merkle Tree, the blockchain history in general and particular, and so many other things. It won't help in daily life (like @ashkhan's Physical Therapy Intervention classes in the last 2 seasons can), but it helps me in fulfilling my thirst of knowledge in this area.

To some extend, I also love it when they taught about trading. I gained some profits in these classes in the past.

Perhaps the most important thing that makes me like these classes is the challenge in each assignment, which is to write scientifically: collecting data (library research), building preliminary conclusions, drawing further conclusions, drafting, adding supporting materials (pictures), finalizing. And more importantly: gaining knowledge that although not all practical, but SCA has had practical classes including when they introduced a trading competition in one of the seasons.

To a certain extent, I feel that these kinds of classes give me a place on Steem, while others find it in cooking and knitting or fitness classes and so on. At last, a little piece of cake for every MOuSE inside everyone of us. I think it started with the Steemit Team's desire to increase engagement (hence the name Steemit Engagement Challenge), and with it opening up a variety of topics.



Your comment made us smile
Thanks for spreading light & engagement.
We wish you a colourful and lovely day

This is instead of SEC where people used AI to generate comments and no one gave a damn about the other Steemians.
The same we see now with SLC which to my opinion started successfully since the #learnwithsteem was basically DEAD (also because most Steemians were involved in always the same type of contests even though the same topics were used by more than one community (very NOT creative). It was good enough for me to give up joining contests which I did. The only one I join (if I don't forget) it the Art & Writing contest.

The result of SLC? The same as with SEC - AI-generated text. The reason in this case is that AI is needed to explain because the topics are - perhaps - promising but the lessons are not understood. It would also be good to have a poll (anonymous) about why people join (the reward - will they admit that? Fact is many are in high money need).

Why only teachers from mainly the same continent?
They need the money more, they are more trustworthy? If I just look at what is offered I don't see topics I would say about these are really bad or can't add anything to someone's life. It feels more that the same people will stay teacher which makes it pointless to try again. Time to learn Spanish. LOL there are lessons in Spanish given and posted on Steemit.

 4 days ago 

The increasing awareness of AI is what may have prompted the Steemit Team to make modifications to SLC Season 23 as we see it today, namely the emergence of Learning Club which in theory prioritises practice over theory. And maybe that's also the reason why classes like Sewing, Crocheting and Knitting survive in the SLC. Of all the classes and clubs that make up Season 23, I think we can agree that all of them are classes that prioritise practice.


I think, although we might find weaknesses if we look hard enough, what Steemit Team is doing regarding the fight against AI in SLC in season 23 is pretty good. For now, let's see how Season 23 of the SLC will play out.

Might is good. I wish there would be a clear answer once in a while. Sorry to say this but it's a polite thing to do if people ask which makes me wonder why I spend that many hours per day answering my notifications. What is the point if the example isn't given by those saying they care?

And none of these participants will write a word? They are all forced to film and upload on YouTube so the entire world can snoop on them? Who says what is shown is done by them?

Repairment is great (computer or home) but I wonder who will come and help me fix my ceiling and the walls or should I tell the world how I do it and the only thing the mentors do is telling me in the end how I could have done it if I had the same ceilings, wall contstructure and finances and cheap products for sale as they have (not to mention the energy and the body strength and weather circumstances).

Nature and outdoor life? Are we going to hike in the jungle and search for food Mom Nature offers? I wish that was true and available and also allowed where I live. How about those living in the desert?
Am I kidding? No way. I guess I am just too old for what is offered. I rather followed language lessons, Chines or something where we practise drawing.

If it comes to cheating it's possible with every one of these lessons but I hope those who want to learn something and will join although I have strong doubts this is accessible for everyone.
Cooking lessons might be interesting if you have money to spend and live in a warzone or a country where is nothing to buy.
Long story short: it's great to see there is still plenty of money going around since most of what I see (two cooking courses?) is all about what we consider luxury, money we wouldn't spend.. An exception could be the repairments (building one's own computer would be way more interesting since a new motherboard isn't cheap and you need a place where you can buy it.

I guess @kafio doesn't teach how to fix the toaster, the waterboiler and the ricecooker with a messed up thermostat? BTW I also have one lamp good for switching off the power in the wild area.
No one has tip and tricks for poor bastards how to live a more efficient life or is this only what Dutch people do who pay bills first and only buy food if there are a few pennies left?

i siad in the intoduction post

The club is open to everyone. Even if you're not interested in development, you can still share ideas for projects, and maybe someone will take the initiative to work on them and collaborate with you. Don’t worry if you don’t have much IT knowledge , just share your great ideas with us and provide feedback on the development projects. For example, if I create an extension, you can give your feedback as a user, test the specific project, and that will make you an important part of our club

Why sould @aneukpineung78 be sad? He has me and I keep him busy besides we have plenty of things to do and planned.
A lot of choice? It must be the age since I see nothing that I would like to follow, not even repairing a computer would help me. I did that for many years, no computer and I have plenty of magazines next to that my kid builds a computer out of the parts the school threw away (and yes I hear about it daily and we work on it. So what is left for me? The drawing lessons plus I rather write and paying).

Good question why no one from Indonesia since there was more than one. Why no photography or something that benefits this platform as well?

I wish you fun with the SLC.

Let me know if you lack time to comment.

 5 days ago 

How am I going to have fun? You should know very well what follow-up lessons I'm looking forward to, #wewrite will have plenty of ideas to teach about what creative writing is from a literary perspective.

I know very well that ap78 is always smiling, it's just important for him to have a cup of coffee with him, and we are also scheduling a coffee time together, sorry if we didn't invite you along.

So you guys have and will continue to plan things? For fun? Well, there's always something new when a cat and a mouse get together, isn't there?

We can sing, dance, DIY and you have plenty of things to do. We can also host we-write in the freewriters if you like. Even if many join it's not said that they receive an upvote or?

No need to invite me since I usually wake up with him or go to bed after he wakes up.

Yes, we have plans, you too? Let me know what kind of fun you are looking for.
Aren't we a great duo? Cat or MOuSE it's jus the outside.

 5 days ago 

I hope you will not hesitate to organize it, even though I will be busier and more serious.

Although you guys continue to be together, I'm sure ap78 hasn't told you that he has whispered a good plan for me to do. Are you curious?

The fun is in discovering something out of the ordinary, just as I now know that a cat and mouse having a feud was just a charade.

What will be more busier? I doubt many will join on long term but we'll see and why would it be more serious? More serious than what?

I am sure that if you spoke to @aneukpineung78 he told you something about me which is that I am not curious LOL sorry to disappoint you my friend. I am not the curious type and not fond of clicking links.

Do you want more -out-of-the-box contests? Did you join each one of them? I am more in for something else, the opposite of what AP is doing.
You have a cat and mouse in the house?
Whose having a feud?

 4 days ago 


I love you too!

 4 days ago 

It would be serious, serious to find a good time to check the community traffic. You know what? Lately my wife seems to be very jealous when I scroll through my smartphone, I wonder why?

Are you addicted to the phone or Steemit? I have two solutions: 1 throw out the phone, 2: let her join.

 4 days ago 


 2 days ago 

I have read some of your comments on SLC, and your views are interesting to read.

You mentioned your old age, may I know how old you are?

Don't let the cat and the mouse meet, the mouse will definitely be the victim of violence.

 4 days ago 

Photography would certainly be an interesting class, but I think the proposals that came in yesterday did not satisfy the Steemit Team. Whether the material was not good enough or the way the proposal was presented, is an interesting question. If a professional photographer like @lightcaptured had applied, maybe things would have been different. I believe that nowadays, armed with a mobile phone camera, anyone can take pictures, but photography is not only about taking pictures. I used to have a friend who inherited his father's photography business, I used to go there and read the photography magazines that were there, and at that time I could only imagine taking beautiful pictures, because at that time, a camera for me was a luxury item.

We can expect an interesting class when someone comes and applies to the SLC with a proposal such as “Mobile Photography Is Not For Everyone”, and offers tricks and tips in the curriculum, as well as other important aspects and technique in photography. I'm sure we can expect to see a variety of interesting photos on various themes. But, still, the one million question: does the Team want to see this kind of class?

Thanks for bringing my attention to this, I have to admit that's totally new to me :)
I have some experience with writing tips & tricks articles, placing lectures and having private pupils and could share my experience with regards to Photography indeed.
I would like to share the "teaching" workload with someone else too as there is a small chance I get involved more into Steem Atlas project.

I know you're busy with curation but we could try to work together on this if you think this could benefit the platform. I also have experience with real-life photo curation and exhibitions, I took a part in many and had a couple of solo-exhibitions myself too :)

Have a great weekend, @aneukpineung78! :)

You are too late to apply but my advice is to find two other photographers, one using a mobile phone would be helpful since the options are different from a camera.
You find photographers in Art & Steemit. More chance you will make if everyone can join, if a result can be noticed and the club mentors can get along which is a hard task. All noises should point into the same direction.
You could start a class, start teaching without SLC and test out what is possible. The Steemit Team did mention that 2 months ago. What stops you?

 3 days ago 

I guess what @wakeupkitty suggests is the best solution, @lightcaptured. And we will surely support you with what we can when you are doing this. Be waiting to hear more about this. Best wishes.

I understand, thank you.
Have a great new week!

you mean: Mobile Phone Photography (theres a hashtag #smartphonephotography) can be fun for everyone, dummies included.

 3 days ago 

Yes, that's what I mean. And just for an example.

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