STEEM AMAL OFFICIAL REPORT: Emergency Response on Two Fires In Lhokseumawe and Bener Meriah
Steem.amal had two recent emergency responses for the house fires on August 12th, 2021, one in Bener Meriah and the other one is in Lhokseumawe. The emergency aid has been handed over on the same day both in Lhokseumawe and Bener Meriah as can be seen on the link below:
For Lhokseumawe follow this link:
For Bener Meriah, follow this link:
Detail information about the response is as below:
In Lhokseumawe, @radjasalman as the field coordinator led the team to support the fire in Cunda, Lhokseumawe for three families that have nothing left. The survivors are live in the emergency tent donated by the government agency, and still need our support to increase life security. The total of IDR 8,834,000 or equal to 87.35 SBD to support 3 families
Name: Anwar Ali (55 YO)
Occupation: Uncertain
Dependents: N/A
Name: Malikuddhahir (28-30 YO)
Occupation: Uncertain
Dependents: Maybil Zawahir (12 YO)
Name: Hasyimi (25 YO)
Occupation: Uncertain
Dependents: N/A
Name: Ali khatami (22 YO)
Occupation: Uncertain
Dependents: N/A
Name: Feri Indra kosik (43 YO)
Occupation: Driver
Dependents: Wife (Keumala sari (39 YO)
2 daughters and 1 son (Lidia Novriyanti (18 YO), Naila Riskia (15 YO), Farhan Ardiansyah (10 YO)
Name: Jailani (28 YO)
Occupation: Welder
Dependents: Wife (Mila (26 YO)
Items that were donated:
No | Item | IDR | SBD |
1 | Kitchen set and utilities | 1,260,000 | 12.6 SBD |
2 | Stove set | 705,000 | 7.05 SBD |
3 | Hygiene Kits | 1,900,000 | 19.00 SBD |
4 | Clothes | 1,560,000 | 15.6 SBD |
5 | School Kits | 589,000 | 5.89 SBD |
6 | Cash Assistence | 500,000 | 5 SBD |
7 | Food/groceries | 2,320,000 | 23.31 SBD |
--- | Total | 8,834,000 | 88.34 SBD |
In Bener Meriah steem.amal team leader also responded to another fire emergency response. @anroja led the team and was guided by @fajar.perangin79 as the Bener Meriah Field Coordinator. The team acts effectively and efficiently to support the survivors who have nothing left from the fire. There were 7 families who had lost their home on the fires incident and steem amal supported some of the construction material.
8 Mejor families data are as below
Steem.amal responded with the blow item to support the needs with the total expenses is IDR 10,000,000 :
No | Item | IDR | SBD |
1 | Clothes | 348,000 | 3.48 SBD |
2 | School kits | 785,000 | 7.85 SBD |
3 | Kitchen Utilities | 995,000 | 9.95 SBD |
4 | Baby Kit/Children Kit | 598,000 | 6 SBD |
5 | Sleeping set | 3,524,000 | 35.24 SBD |
6 | Construction Material | 3,750,000 | 37.50 SBD |
----- | Total | 10,000,000 | 100 SBD |
Images property of steem.amal
And all steem.amal board members
Best Regards
This #report is part of transparency and public audit purpose
Alhamdulillah, beramal itu baik
InsyaAllah berkah bang @gourdon, semoga kita bisa lebih baik lagi kedepan
Terus berbuat baik
InsyaAllah kita akan selalu berupaya untuk melakukan yang terbaik
Sehat selalu untuk orang-orang baik, salam hangat dari saya @muhd.abrar
InsyaAllah semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan Allah dek @muhd.abrar. Tetap semangat dan bisa membantu lebih banyak orang lagi kedapannya
Menulis sambil beramal lewat STEEM SEA
Semoga kita semua mendapatkan kebaikan dan keberkahan dalam mendukung steem amal
Aamiin Ya Rabb
@steem.amal semoga diberikan kalian semua diberikan kemudahan, salam @digitals-life
Terimakasih @digitals-life semoga kita semua diberi kemudahaan dan keberkahan dalam melakukan kebaikan
Semoga bantuan @steem.amal membawa berkah untuk semua
InsyaAllah selama kita semua bahu membahu membantu pergerakan steem amal dalam menjalankan program-program yang akan di luncurkan kedapan
Tidak pernah lelah menebarkan kebaikan dengan penuh keihklasan...
InsyaAllah om @ayijufridar, terimakasih juga untuk kontribusi tanpa pamrih om ayi selama ini
Masya Allah tabarakallah 🙏
Semoga semakin berkah kedapannya
Amiin ya Allah, 🙏👍
This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...
Thank you very much @pennsif, wish you all the best
Masyaallah, salut semoga berkah terus rezekinya
Semoga kita semua mendapatkan keberkahan bang @emirzafirdaus
Aamiin Aamiin Aamiin
Sucses terus bang @el-nqilul
Salam kenal bg, oiya bg kalau mau ngopi ajak² sesekali bg, pengen juga silaturahmi dan retorika nnti untuk sharring ilmunya bg, saya baru juga pindah ke Ule Glee Pidie jaya