Regional Secretary Presents Public Information Transparency Awards to Three SKPK.

in Steem SEA4 days ago


Acting (Pj) Regent of Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, Jalaluddin, SH MM represented by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) Ir Ibrahim Ahmad, MSi, presented public information transparency awards to three Regency Work Units (SKPK) within the Bireuen Regency Government (Pemkab), Monday (30/9/2024) morning, during a joint roll call at the Kapuspemkab.

Head of the Bireuen Communication, Informatics and Cryptography Service (Diskominsa), M Zubair, SH MH said that the three SKPKs that received awards were the Transportation Service with a qualification towards informative with a score of 80, the Dayah Education Service was quite informative with a score of 79, the inspectorate was quite informative with a score of 61, he explained.

The Bireuen Regional Secretary, Ir Ibrahim Ahmad, MSi in his remarks said, among other things, that in addition to being an obligation for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and contract workers in accordance with laws and regulations. Morning assembly is not only to improve discipline but also as a means of fostering friendship between ASN.


This morning assembly will present awards to SKPK and sub-districts that have succeeded in managing public information disclosure in their respective work units. This award is the result of an assessment and monitoring and evaluation carried out by the Aceh Information Commission (KIA) in collaboration with the Bireuen Communication, Informatics and Cryptography Service (Diskominsa).

Regarding the compliance of public bodies within the Bireuen Regency Government in carrying out the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning public information disclosure. The monitoring and evaluation is carried out based on the Regulation of the Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2024 concerning monitoring and evaluation of public information disclosure.

KIA together with Diskominsa on April 23, 2024 held a socialization of monitoring and evaluation activities for the ranking of public information disclosure in each SKPK and sub-district public body, in the Bireuen Diskominsa Hall. At the same time, the Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) was distributed to be filled in by all SKPK and sub-districts as mandatory information to be displayed on their respective websites.


The time for filling in and returning the questionnaire along with the respondent data form is also quite long, starting from June 10 to July 10, 2024. However, until the time the monitoring and evaluation team was formed by the Bireuen Regent's Decree Number 500.12.11.3/412 of 2024 to start carrying out its duties, out of 35 SKPK minus Diskominsa as the Main Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) which was assessed specifically for the Bireuen Regency Government public agency level, only 17 SKPKs filled out the questionnaire.

Meanwhile, out of 17 sub-districts in Bireuen Regency, only four sub-districts filled out the questionnaire. This shows that the implementation of public information disclosure in SKPK and Sub-districts in Bireuen Regency is still very weak, said the Regional Secretary.


"In fact, the implementation of the law on openness of public information can improve the performance of Public Agencies within the Bireuen Regency government in ensuring and realizing good governance," said Ibrahim Ahmad.

The assessment results are stipulated in the Regent's Decree Number 500.12.11.3/442 of 2024, and no public agencies, SKPK and sub-districts have received a predicate with an informative category. The assessment rating determined based on article 7 paragraph (5) of PERKI number 1 of 2024 for the informative category is 90 to 100, towards informative 80 to 89.9, quite informative 60 to 79.9, less informative 40 to 59.9 and not informative less than 39.9.

"To all heads of SKPK, sub-district heads, I ask you to actively participate in implementing the provisions of the Law on Openness of Public Information. I emphasize the importance of our joint commitment in implementing the principles of openness of public information, transparency and accountability are the main pillars of building public trust and supporting sustainable development," the Regional Secretary hoped.

The Regional Secretary also appreciated Diskomisa for last year's success in bringing a good name to Bireuen Regency by obtaining an informative category of public information disclosure assessment and the highest score for regencies/cities throughout Aceh, namely 97.43. The award ceremony for 2024 will be held in the near future in Banda Aceh, explained Regional Secretary Ir Ibrahim Ahmad, MSi.







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